
Not The Time!

"Sophia now is not the time." sighed Rebekah as her and Yang looked at the now naked Sophia and Ginny on the bed behind them.

"It's always time for sex." replied Sophia in her unique yet childish playful way from the bed with her head tilted to one side.

"I've heard of the hornyness of bunnies but this chick really takes it to a whole other new level." teased Yang, "I mean before I met Marcus I was really horny and wanted to fuck whoever and whatever just happened to cross my path."

"Mmm, then come join us and let us help you with some of that pent up sex drive." playfully offered Sophia as she bat her eyes.

"As tempting as that may be my horny little bunny friend we have to meet up with the rest of Marcus' companions if we are to save him from his own stubbornness." confessed Yang with a grin as well as making sure Sophia caught the seductive wink Yang gave her that mad her heart almost skip a beat.