After being killed in his past life. Victor is reborn into the world of DC with an overpowered system and a wish to be unbothered.
"Answer who are you?" Batman asked again grabbing me by the collar
Seeing this frig eyes began to glow bright blue before large spikes of Ice shot out from the ground towards Batman.
But right before they could reach Superman punched away the ice.
"Master are you okay," Frig said standing in front of me
"Don't worry Frig I am fine thank you," I said with a smile smile
"I think we should all calm down," Clark said with a nervous laugh
"Well you say that after kidnapping someone," I laugh fixing my collar
"We apologize for that but it seemed like you would run away," J'onn added
"Fine, tell me what you want from us; we have not hurt anyone nor have we committed a crime,"
"Well you released a dense pulse of energy that we have never seen from a meta-human or magic," Barry said
"Was anyone hurt?" I asked
"No," Superman replied
"Okay was anything damaged?"
"No, but that..."
"Then you have no reason to bring us here if you wanted to speak you could've asked instead of doing this,"
"Yes, I realize that this way has been over the top but..."
"But the last time someone with unknown power showed up it caused millions to die," Batman said cutting off Wonder Woman
"Oh I see so you are worried about someone who hasn't harmed anyone but the joker who has killed thousands of people is allowed to live. Good to see you have your priorities straight," I replied
Hearing my taunt I could see Batman tense up and clench his fist.
"Son I would like to apologize for what we did but could you please talk to us? We would like to understand what that power was and how you are," Superman said placing a hand on my shoulder
"I'm not stupid the only reason you want to talk to me is for Batman to build a profile on me, and to see if you can get me to join your team if I'm useful," I replied walking towards the door
"Where are you going?" Barry asked
"Home," I replied grabbing Frig's hand and walking away
"Wait please talk to us before you leave," Wonder Woman said holding on to Frig's other hand
"Take your hand off her before things turn ugly," I said as a long sword made from ki appeared in my hand.
"Let's not resort to violence. If you ever change your mind please don't hesitate to contact us," Superman said standing between us
"Whatever you say," I replied
"Wait I will show you the way out," Barry said appearing next to me
With a sigh, I followed behind the speedster with Frig next to me.
As we walked down the large hallway I saw different displays about each Justice League member and many other members walking around.
"Sorry about the kid; they are very cautious when it comes to new superpowered people," Barry said with a small laugh
"Yeah, I could tell by the teleporting,"
"Yeah, sorry about that again. But in any regard, I would like to say that it was a pleasure to meet you even in these circumstances," Barry said holding his hand out
"Nice to meet you flash. If we are speaking freely you are the one hero of the league who truly interests me," I said shaking his hand
"That's just my super charm at work," he laughed
"No, I mean your power. From what I could tell out of all the heroes you would be the only one who could stop a powered Superman,"
"Please I couldn't beat sups plus I heard Batman fought him and won," Barry said in a low whisper
"Everyone knows the story but he used kryptonite and dam near everyone who fights Superman has kryptonite," I replied
"Well now that you say it out loud that may be true but there is still Wonder Woman and Shazam and others who could give Superman a fight," Barry replied
"That's true but can any of them stop time and phase through Superman's chest and stop him? Or travel back in time and stop him before he gains unimaginable strength,"
"...I mean I guess that's true but we are talking about Superman I wouldn't have to do any of that," Barry said laughing at my comment
"I know but in a world filled with millions of possibilities having ways to protect the people you love from anything isn't bad to have," I said as we reached outside
"Looks like we are out. Well...I just realized I never got your name," Barry laughed holding his hand out
"That's right you can just call me Victor," I said shaking his hand
"And you are?" he asked looking over at frig
"You can call me Frig," she replied shaking his hand
"Well then Victor, Frig I hope we meet again but next time on better terms," Barry laughed before leaving
With that Frig and I left the Hall of Justice and began making our way through the city.
"Victor earlier when you spoke with 'the flash' why did you say such things?" Frig asked
"Call it to make a precaution. There are an infinite number of possibilities and I want them to work in my favor," I replied
"I see so it is a contingency plan?"
"Yes I guess you can call it that,"
(If this ends up being the injustice timeline I can't have superman going on a murder spree especially if braniac ends up becoming involved)
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