
Chapter 4: The Missing Jordan

Jordan was sent to the nearest hospital by Juno and Angelo. He was bloody and unconscious when they spotted him inside the car. They were supposed to send their carried load to the ongoing construction next town but suddenly the accident took place. They spotted his phone and identification cards on his wallet when they were looking for someone to call but they found nothing aside from his name Jordan Striver. His phone was totally broken.

Jordan was laying in the emergency. He was bumped hard on the head which made him under observation. He also obtained wounds and bruises in his arms and back due to the logs and broken piece of the car.

"What are we going to do now? How can we contact his family member?" Angelo questioned.

"Let's hope for the best but for now we can't leave him like this. He is in a vulnerable state." Juno declared while looking at him through the small portion of glass outside the emergency room.

After half an hour, the doctor who checked on him went out.

"Who's the family member?" The doctor asked Juno and Angelo were looking at each other.

"He met an accident. He was on a wrong way having a U-turn when suddenly our track hit his car. We are not related to him by any chance but we are the one who sent him here " Angelo explained.

"Oohh well how can we contact the family member then? He required urgent operation." Dr. Steven sincerely announced.

"Operation? Was he hit that bad? Is he going to die?" Angelo inquired worriedly.

"He won't that's why he needs an urgent operation. He might suffered amnesia for a while if this operation will took place urgently.

"Can we find any ways to contact the family member?" Dr. Steven asked.

"We'll do our best Doc. Thank you." Juno declared. He sat inside the emergency room after the doctor permitted them to go in.

Juno noticed his stunning aura. He was blessed with pointed nose, kissable lips, and a good figure. He wondered if he already has a family.

"Hey, why are you looking at him like that?" Angelo caught his attention when he noticed how Juno looked at Jordan.

"Oh, I just wondered how to contact his family. He required an urgent operation."

"Don't think about it too much. Let's find a way." Angelo said.

On the other side, Icy waited for her brother. It felt weird. She was nervous. She tried to contact him but his phone is out of reach It was almost midnight. Jordan don't go out late at night.

Upon contemplating on a little while, she remembered Jordan's best friend, Daniel. She don't have any phone number of him but she knew where Daniel lives. They went their twice already. If he wasn't there it will be a disturbance to him waking him up to their hour.

She hesitated but later on decided to go there since her heart was telling her to go.

She drove in a moderate speed. The closer she got to the Daniel's house, the closer she got nervous. Despite that she didn't notice her brother's car she still proceed. She rang the bell but no answer. She tried again.

"Who rang the bell this hour. Damn!" Daniel murmured.

He fall asleep but decided to go down when he felt the urge to drink water.

"What the hell..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence when Icy burst out crying.

"I know that I disturbed you this hour but..... I'm worried about Jordan."

"My brother went out before lunch time until now he's not home." She stated.

"Oh my..." Daniel muttered.

"He's here earlier. We toasted a drink. He seemed to have a problem but he left around almost nine." He responded.

"Please come in." Daniel offered and pitied her. He can tell that she was dead worried.

"Have you tried to contact him?" He questioned.

"Yes but he is out of reach since he left." She responded.

Daniel kept silent and was thinking where could possibly be at the time being. He is worried too. He was certain that Jordan was really drunk."

"Did he encounter any accident?" He thought but didn't voice out to avoid to feed up Icy's worriness.

"Wait for me here. I'll change clothes and let's look for him " Daniel rushed going to his room. Icy was crying loudly when he went out of his room.

"Shhh.. that's enough. We'll gonna find him to tonight." Daniel consoled her. He knew how much Jordan loved his sister so he will help her.

They rode the car checking every bars and stores but they were not able to find him. After two hours Daniel wanted to slammed the car if only he didn't allow him to drive home. He can't afford to see her distressed face. They continued to search for him when they decided to drop by a small store.

"What are you going to do here?" Icy asked him.

"I will buy some food for you because we might be searching for how many hours we don't know." He responded.

"I'm not hungry." Icy declared but Daniel didn't listen to her. Daniel felt the urge to go inside the stove. He looked for food that they might eat while on the car . He knew that Icy was a big fan of burgers. He bought two burgers and a can of drink. he was outside the stove when he suddenly bumped an old man on his 50's and the drink was splashed on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing? What are you going to do with the drinks now?" Daniel yelled.

"I'm sorry Sir. I was on a hurry." The man explained.

"I don't care. I was on a hurry too." Daniel argued.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." The man apologized.

"What your sorry can do?" Daniel was really mad He was worried about his friend Jordan then the man Infront of him was adding to his headache. Daniel was about to get back inside the store when he spotted something that softened his heart.

"Wait, why are you bleeding?" He inquired.

"Oh don't worry about me.I'm fine. I just met an accident earlier but this blood was from the guy I carried to the hospital not mine. If you'll excuse me I need to buy food for him. I'm sorry again." The old man bid goodbye.

"Wait, what does the guy look like?" Daniel was curious although there was a slim chance that it might be Jordan but he still hold on to hope.

"What if it was him?" Daniel questioned in his thought.

"He is a good-looking guy with a good figure. I pitied him until now I can't contact his family. He required an immediate operation.

"Which hospital? Can you send us there?" Daniel desired to see who the guy was. Juno nodded.

After he bought the food, they departed the store and guided Daniel and Icy towards the hospital. Juno was walking heading to the emergency room where Jordan was situated.

"Why are we here?" Icy wondered andc felt nervous. Daniel patted her back. As soon as Juno stopped infront of the emergency room. Daniel and Icy steelpped their feet heavily opening the door as to check if it was Jordan.

"Oh my..." Icy cried sadly. She rushed going to her brother.

"What happened to you Jordan? You are such an asshole. You left home and then you ended up here in the hospital." She was angry to her brother.

Daniel was trying to control his tears. He felt hurt seeing his best friend's situation. Jordan's clothes were soaked in blood and how oxygen helping him to breath and was unconscious. He consoled Icy knowing she wasn't feeling fine at the moment.

"He will get better. Be strong." Daniel uttered with assurance. Noticing the scenario, Juno and Angelo felt relieved that they were able to find the family member of Jordan. He explained what happened and the two understood. Daniel apologized on how he treated him earlier.

"No worries. I understand someone who was worried about the love one's. I was once in your position losing a child so I understand." Juno uttered with sadness.

"I'm really sorry." Daniel sincerely apologized and felt sorry for his lost.

"How can we return the favor then?" Daniel asked.

"No need to do that. I'm happy that if you happen to encounter the same situation like this, you will do the same too. Oh.. before I forget, he needs an urgent operation according to the doctor." Juno pronounced.

"Thank you." Icy said.

"No worries, Ms. Beautiful. Your family member will not be happy seeing you sad." Juno said and decided to leave Jordan under their care.

"Can we leave now?" Juno asked

permission from Icy and Daniel?"

"Yes, thank you. We'll meet again Mr.? How can I address you?" Icy questioned.

"I'm Juno Mercede. Nice meeting you both." He responded.

Icy and Daniel went to the information center of the hospital and scheduled the immediate operation needed by Jordan.

"I assumed you are the family members?" Dr. Steven said.

"I'm the sister." Icy declared

"The operation will be tomorrow at 8:00a.m. Please be ready." Dr. Steven pronounced.

Schedule of Operation

Icy and Daniel was very nervous.

"What if he will not gonna survive? I can't lose him Daniel." Icy said.

"Be strong Icy, just believe that your brother will survive. Everything will gonna be okay. He won't leave you " Daniel said.

They waited for three hours breathlessly when Dr. Steven went out of the operation with tired expression.

"Doc, how's my brother?" Icy demanded.

Dr. Steven sighed.

"He is in stable condition now. Hoping for him to be better in the next few hours but still under observation."

"Thank you Doc." Daniel muttered.