
Chapter 3: The Jealous Brother

"You seemed to enjoy a lot, huh?" Jordan declared.

Icy was surprised to see the gloomy face of his brother.

"Yeah, I met Zander and you know he is such a drop-dead gorgeous gal. I like him. Such a chatter." She pronounced.

The moment she uttered those words Jordan stepped on the accelerator and the car sped up which was out of Icy's expectation.

"Jordan, what's wrong with you?" She was frightened that seeing his brother's serious expression which was new to her.

"Jordan, stop it. If you wanna die, die on your own." Icy yelled on the top of her lungs.

She was furious on how Jordan acted. She can't figure out why all of a sudden his expression changed.

"Stop, please stop. I want to live longer." Icy was crying while saying those words which made him stop. He pulled a deep breath and sighed.

"I'm sorry I lost control."

"Don't touch me." She said while stopping him from getting near her.

"Just send me home," she added.

Jordan started the engine again and drove in a slow pace.

Icy quickly got out of the car without saying anything. Jordan just watched her leave. He regretted how he treated her a while ago. He was certain that he was really jealous hearing her mentioning other guys name. But why? She was his younger sister. He was not supposed to feel this.


On Icy's room, after she blew inside she quickly slammed the door. Her brother made her very upset. Jordan totally ruined her mood.

She fall asleep with a heavy heart. That was the first time that they argued over senseless things. Normally if things went unwell over the conversations his brother would gave in. But this time was different, he just kept silent.

The day after, she woke up by a beautiful sunrise that passed through her glass window. She was in the mood to initiate conversation with Jordan. She strolled going downstairs but the silence was defeaning.

"Jordan?", She knocked on his room door when she noticed that he was not in the living room , not in the kitchen too.

She tried to knock again but only silence was the response. She felt sad. Normally when Jordan went somewhere he will notify her so she won't get worried. Icy felt so alone.

"He might still mad at me", she uttered bitterly.

Icy tried to call him but it was no avail. She tried again but still out of reach. She sighed.

"Nevermind, I'll make it up to him later." Icy knew that Jordan is a food buddy who she went to the supermarket to buy some groceries needed for the cooking.

When she arrived home after buying goods it was almost lunch. She rushed preparing for the food. Anytime soon Jordan might be home. She prepared (three dishes). Icy was really excited. It's the first time that she will be cooking for her brother.

For normal days she won't really cook. Jordan did it for her. He spoiled her. They grew up learning everything. Her brother Jordan taught her many things and they were so close to each other.

After half an hour she was almost done and she heard heavy footsteps near the entrance door. She was expecting her brother to arrive but this time she focused first on cooking.

Out of her expectation instead of Jordan greeting her, he walked past the living room and headed towards hit room. He was sweating which he assumed that he went out to work out like he usually do.

Icy sighed. She cleared the kitchen after she finished cooking.

She set up everything in the table before calling him so they can eat together. She went to his room . As she was about to knock the door, it burst open.

"You are going out?, she inquired sadly. He walked past her without saying anything.

"Hey Jordan I know you are upset but.."

Icy was not able to say what she desired to say when Jordan cut her off.

"Look, I'm in rush. I have to go. Don't wait for me. I might be home late", he informed.

After Jordan's departure Icy fall on her knees. That was the first time that Jordan ignored her. She wasn't ready for it. Icy was exhausted going to the supermarket and prepared everything so she will restore their relationship but Jordan didn't appreciate the effort she put on. Her tears freely roamed in her face. She let her emotion displayed in her face.

Despite the sadness that she felt she decided to eat lunch. She was crying while swallowing the dishes that she prepared.

She texted Jordan.

"Ignore me all you want but wether you like it or not you will see my face everyday." She sent it. She was mad at him.


Jordan was sitting inside Daniel's house when she received Icy's text message.

"I know you wouldn't come her if you don't have any problem, so tell me what is it?, " Daniel asked Jordan.

"Nothing, just chilling." Jordan answered

"Lol. Fool me Jord's but you can't fool yourself. I guess it is about your lil sis? Am I right?" Daniel guessed.

"You know, I noticed this long ago men so it's not new to me." Daniel declared.

"Notice what?" Jordan questioned raising his brows.

"Notice that it wasn't a brotherly love. Bro, damn I can tell you love your little sis more than what is intended. I'm a guy bro. I have sisters too. You know that we are close but yours was different." Daniel said.

"Stop overthinking. It's not about her." Jordan replied with serious expression.

"Liar,." Daniel said as he turned her back to his friend.

"Nevermind. Let's just drink."

Jordan and Daniel Rogers were best of friends but they have opposite personalities. Jordan is caring, loving, and took like very seriously while Daniel is carefree and playboy. He don't care about consequences. He is three years older than Jordan. He took the first level of junior high three times. He is rich like Jordan but Daniel was a spoiled brat.

Around almost nine in the evening Jordan bid goodbye to Daniel.

"I'll drive you home." He offered to Jordan seeing his drunk state.

"I can manage bro, thanks to you." Jordan insisted.

"You sure?" Daniel reassured.


Jordan was drunk like hell but he don't want to bother his friend. He was thankful that he spent time with him. Going home safely was his problem after all.

Jordan started the engine but his sight became blurry. He closed his eyes for a while.

After half an hour Jordan felt fine a bit so he shoved off.

While riding his car, Jordan's thought flew on what might Icy doing at the time being. He fancied to be with her earlier cooking and preparing the meal for him but his emotion was pulling him away from her. Jordan can't explain why he lost out of control everytime the guy in the party sank in his mind. He believed that his sister is pretty and stunning and he was completely aware that many people admired her because of that. He can't imagine that he got jealous for real. He was furious recalling the incident outside the party hall. He wanted to punch the guy who held Icy's waist.

He slammed the car handle. Jordan sped up beyond the accepted speed limit. He don't want to go home. All he need at that time was to wander around letting his emotions cool down. He don't want to burst out hurtful words to his sister that might fire up the gap between them. Icy was tender hearted and sensitive.

He drove not knowing where it was heading. He just went along with the flow. Out of his awareness that the car was heading to the dense forest. He passed by very few houses. All Jordan wished was to let her heart calm down. At the moment, Jordan thought of killing himself.

A moment later Jordan began to cry.

"What on Earth you have done to me Icy? I'm your brother, you are my sister but I'm feeling this way? He asked himself in a confused tone.

Upon contemplating for a while, Jordan was certain with one thing.

"I love you, Icy! Damn..." He said slamming the car handle again and again.

He drove faster and almost hitting the posts in the road.

He was in the cliff when he realized that he was in danger. He quickly took the U-turn and wanted to leave the place as fast as he could.

He strolled about fifty meters away from the cliff when he was accidentally hit by a big truck carrying logs. It was so sudden that Jordan was not able to prepare himself. He lost consciousness.

"OMG! Let's check the driver of the car if his alive. My goodness." Juno, the truck driver declared.

Jordan was hit hard. Anyone who will witness the incident will conclude that he will surely die.

"It was this guy's mistake. He didn't look on his way. Let's just leave him here anyway no one was here. For sure no one would go to the police. Such a problem, it's late already." Angelo said, Juno's assistant driver. The truck were carrying logs.

"No! No matter if it was his mistake or ours but the fact that he was in danger we can't leave him here. What about his family if he died? Can't you imagine what if something happened to us like this and no one would save us? Always remember that wherever you go, choose to do what is just." Juno stated.

Angelo nodded.

"Okay, let's help him."