
Chapter 2: The Birthday Party

Next day, Icy was on her room searching for an outfit.

"What are you doing?" Jordan suddenly blew in.

"Ah well, I was invited to Alexa's birthday party tonight. Just looking for an outfit but I might not attend if I can't find one." She sighed when she can't find any dress which fit for the occasion.

Icy sat down on her bed. Jordan patted her back.

"Every clothes suited well with you. You look good in everything. I am not against you going out with friends but please be careful wherever you go." He reminded her.

Jordan was very happy that he was blessed with a very beautiful younger sister. Amber eyes, small nose, kissable lips, long hair and slim figure. She looks like a model. How he wished she wasn't her sister.

"Can you go with me in the mall today?" She pleaded. Jordan nodded. Anything for his sister as long as it makes her happy.

He can't explain why he had this weird feeling towards Icy. It seemed that there's a magnetic pull between them that he can't explain. Growing up together he never admired anybody aside from his sister. Although he had seen so many beautiful faces in his school but no one was equal to the beauty that Icy possess.

Jordan tried to divert his attentions to many woman whom Icy arranged as blind dates with but they always end up in arguments. Most of her dates were aggressive which he don't like.

When they reached the mall Icy quickly went to dress section of one of the famous brands and fitted one by one.

"Hey, what do you think of this?", she asked him.

"Wow, that looks perfect on you but that one was very sexy, choose another one." Jordan commented.

"Oh, okay how about you choose one what you think is good for me and I'll wear whatever suits your taste", she said smiling.

After half an hour, he chose the sage green dress with a ribbon at its waist. It has short sleeve. The dress looks elegant and classy that suited for birthday parties.

"You have a good taste Jordan. I appreciate the help." Icy declared.

On their way home, she noticed that her brother was silent so she patted her back saying,

"Hey can you say something? You appeared to be in deep thought. What's on your mind. Care to share?

"Well, nothing. Just thinking of few things and you know about taking over the company but nothing serious about it", he answered.

"Jordan, I grew up with you. If you have any problem just let me know. I'm always here for you." Icy uttered.

"Oh I was moved. So sweet of you my lil' sis. Don't worry, I'm really fine." Jordan assured her and she nodded.

Few hours had passed.

Icy was busy on her room preparing for the birthday party that she will be attending. Alexa texted her asking if she was ready. Then she sent a quick response. Alexa Andrews is one of her close friends since she took the junior high. She was bubbly and funny which drew them closer and soon they became best of friends.

Not long after she was done. She glance on her reflection in the mirror and she can't believe that she transformed into a real beauty.

"You're a goddess tonight Icy", she uttered before leaving her room.

"I'm ready, let's go." Her voice caught Jordan's attention which left him in awe.

"Why? Is it ugly?", she asked worriedly. It took him a while to find the right words to say.

"No, you're very beautiful Icy." Jordan declared.

"Lol, you're kidding me. I'm always beautiful in your eyes." She said and painted her pretty face with sweet smile.

Jordan sent her sister to the party. As soon as they arrived, Icy quickly got out of the car.

"You want me to pick you up later?", he inquired.

"No, I can manage." Icy bid goodbye but before they totally separated her brother reminded her.

"Don't get too drunk or else someone will take advantage of you. If that happens I won't spare that person."

She nodded and waved her hand.

Jordan sighed as soon as her sister was out of his sight. He wondered 'what if she wasn't her sister, do they have chance at love?'

Later on he realized what she was thinking so he slightly slapped his face.

"Stupid self." He muttered then shoved off.

On the other side Icy was looking for Alexa to greet her and hand her over her birthday present. She already notified Alexa that she just arrived.

"Oh hey you look drop dead gorgeous." Icy commented as she pulled the celebrant to a warm hug.

"Look at you, such a head turner. I am worried that you will ruin my party tonight." Alexa jokingly commented.

"No, no. I came her to celebrate your birthday." She responded happily.

A moment had passed, they were chatting with each other merrily when Alexa bid goodbye for a while to entertain the new arrived guests.

"I'm sorry, will you be fine here? " Alexa inquired.

"Oh don't worry about me. Just attend your guest." Icy pushed her away.

"I'll be back, Icy." Alexa said and she nodded.

Few seconds after, Icy picked up a glass of a cocktail drink offered by the waiter.

While drinking, someone caught her attention.

"Hey, beautiful girl." The handsome man sitting in the nearby chair stand up going to her direction. Icy turned left and right looking to whom the guy calling for.

"I'm talking to you the woman in green." he replied.

When Icy realized that he was actually talking to her. She responded with a sweet "hi."

"I'm Zander and you are?" he asked.

"Icy. Nice meeting you here." she uttered.

"It's too noisy here. Can we talk somewhere away from here?" Zander pleaded.

Icy noticed the loud music too that invaded the wide hall so she agreed to him and decided to head to the back part of the hall.

"You came here alone I guess?" Zander initiated the conversation.

"You were not mistaken." Icy was pleased to talk to a stunning man beside her.

"How did you know the celebrant?" Zander curiously asked.

"You mean Alexa? Well, she is one of my best friends. We go to same school." she replied calmly.

"I see."

"How about you? How do you know her?" Icy inquired back.

"She's my cousin. Our parents are siblings." Zander answered her.

Soon after the conversation went on talking about random things. They babbled about the food that they preferred to eat. Icy was jovial meeting Zander. Although it was unexpected but he seemed to be very kind and fun to get along with.

Soon after they heard a sweet music started to play in the hall.

"Shall we dance?" Zander pleaded and motioned her hand forward asking for Icy to take it.

They danced sweetly to the rhythm of the music.

"You looked so pretty tonight." Zander whispered in her ears that brought shivers to her body. She wasn't able to react on time. It was the first time that she got closer to a guy.

He held her waist firmly that made her stiffened for a while. She took the chance to glance at him. Their eyes met and Zander was obviously looking at her lips so she assumed that he will kiss her. Icy closed her eyes waiting for their lips to meet.

She waited patiently but all of a sudden her phone vibrated. It was her brother Jordan!

"Hey. What made you call?" She asked as soon as the call connected and later on hang up

"Oh I'm sorry I need to go home. My brother is outside waiting for me." She showed Zander the caller.

"Oooh, it's okay. I'll send you outside." Zander offered. He noticed Icy was looking for Alexa.

"Don't worry Alexa might be busy now. I'll tell her that your brother pick you up. She might be busy with guests."

Icy smiled.

"He's here." Icy informed Zander as soon as she spotted Jordan waiting for her outside. Although she was curious why he picked her up despite that she said that she will go home on her own but she was happy that she will worry no more going home late at night.

Jordan's expression became gloomy when he spotted a handsome guy holding Icy's waist.

"Icy hop in." Jordan directed firmly.

"Goodbye. See you again Icy. Take care." Zander bid goodbye and Icy granted a sweet smile then the car departed the area.