
Chapter 1: Jordan's Promise to Icy

"What are you thinking, Icy?" Jordan asked while they were sitting in the seashore watching the waves that freely moved accordingly and feeling the cold breeze that were sensing their warm skin.

"Nothing, just thinking about my future." she answered plainly.

Icy is Jordan's younger sister. She is three years younger than him. They have a very close relationship since their parents always travel abroad for business reasons.

Icy is eighteen years old and just finished her secondary education while his brother were studying business course aiming to help their parents run their business in the future.

"What about the future?" Jordan asked curiously. He desired to know what her sister was thinking.

"Jordan, how do you see yourself few years from now?" Icy looked at him sincerely.

"I don't know, a businessman maybe running out business, how about you?" he questioned back.

"Well, I want to be an architect. I want to build my own house in the future and that's my dream. Regardless the reason and the situation I felt the urge to fulfill it." She responded gazing in the sky that seemed so far away.

They were laying their backs in the white sand and their thoughts wandered.

"Let's fulfill your dream together then. I want to be an architect too" he spat out.

Icy hit her brother in the arm.

"Ouch!" Jordan exclaimed.

"You are crazy, you are taking business course and that's impossible." She bolted and ran to the sea wanting to feel the water to her body.

Jordan witnessing his sister's retreating figure suddenly sat down.

"Hey Icy, don't go so far. " He warned her.

"No need to worry my dear brother I am good at swimming." she yelled back.

Icy was enjoying the cold water of the sea. She felt relaxed after a year of pressure and stress in school. Together with her brother, they celebrated her fulfillment of her second level in studies as per the request of their parents. As usual Anthony and Marga , their parents were out of the country for another business meeting.

She felt sad that their family barely spent time together. She missed having dinner with them and laughing at their corny jokes but what can she do, that's how their life ran.

Icy was emerged in deep thought when she noticed a cramp on her right leg. She thought that it will just left in few seconds but later on she can't move it anymore. The waves kept swaying as the sunset was about to appear. She felt nervous when she realized that she went so far. If ever she will shout he can't hear her anymore. Jordan's warning flashed to her mind instantly.

In few seconds she was drowning. Icy called for help but no one saw her. She sobbed thinking no one might rescued her.

Jordan was listening to the rhythm of the music as he viewed his sister enjoying the sea.

A moment later she was no longer visible and he was alarmed. He removed his headset and tried to catch her with his eyes. Not long after he saw his sister drowning.

"Stupid girl." He mumbled as she swum quickly to her direction.

As soon as he reached to her he quickly grabbed her by the neck as how other rescuers held their rescues.

Jordan instantly laid Icy on the sand and tried to save her. She was unconscious. He thought that maybe she drank a lot of water. He had no choice but to do the mouth to mouth recocitation.

Few seconds later Icy spilled out the salty water she drank.

As soon as she realized that she was laying in the sand, she quickly sat down. The memory of earlier flashed back to her mind.

"You saved me, Jordan?" she uttered.

"You hard headed girl. Not listening to me. It's few hours before dark and not being careful." Jordan scolded her.

"I'm sorry." Icy replied.

Jordan guided her to the cottage and pack up their things preparing to shove off.

"Still mad at me?" Icy asked while they were riding in the car.

Jordan just looked at her.

"Look Jordan. I'm sorry. I was enjoying I didn't know I got cramps." she responded trying to explain what happened.

Jordan almost by instant changed his mood. He felt pity to his sister. He has no idea what actually happened. He was just mad that she almost died. Icy was the only person who understands him. He loved his sister so much.

He sighed.

"Okay then. Don't do it again. Please listen when I tell you to be careful. Go to your room and have a good rest."

Icy was happy that Jordan forgave her.

Jordan was on his room talking to their dad.

"We're fine dad, how about you and mom?" He asked.

"All good just busy. Where's your sister?"

Anthony inquired.

"She's in her room. Sleeping I guess." Jordan answered.

After the call Jordan checked his sister and she was sleeping soundly.

He was so damn afraid earlier he thought he will gonna lose her. Their parents left her under his care. He believed that they might not forgive him if something might happen to her because of his negligence.

He locked the door and strolled going to his room. He thought about his sister what if one day he will gonna lose her or what if by unfortunate situation they were going to be apart? There's a heavy feeling that were residing in his heart. Since young he grew up having a very close relationship to Icy. They shared same interest in music, travels and movies. She was a perfect definition of the word "sweetheart".

Despite their heated arguments sometimes they built a strong bond for each other which appeared that they were inseparable. He was happy that everytime Icy made such rational decisions she was always asking for his consent. Jordan smiled by the thought that Icy was his stupid little sister. He recalled one day that because of her stupidity he went to class without bringing anything. She forgot her bag at home.

"You are like a walking ghost. Your mind flew in the air." Jordan stated before which annoyed her. He shaked of his head remembering the scenario.