
Chapter 3 New Mission

When they start walking back inside. Find the group asleep. Ryan says "looks like that explaining doesn't happen so what we going to do I mean we can keep is a little secret". David just looks at him says " We can do that but we are not if I found out yes that be bad for the other survivors who will maybe try to kill me but for this group we need trust to though this crazy life". "Being alone is suicide I guess I learn that hard way". " But I learn a Verxis more than we think". " Like what David ". " I explain more when I get dressed and get them up"." Ok I know you got your old look back but there are some changes like when you hit the gym trying to Steal the girls". " What you talking about". "You got a mirror you see what I mean I guess the same size won't fit you anymore".David moves ahead of Ryan into the bathroom to see what Ryan saying.

David fines the mirror that is still in good shape. What David sees tho may not be himself like if look like another person. "I'm not known for strength but I was known for speed and agility and a brain but this makes look like one Hollywood model back in old days with the right amount of muscles I guess I got new genes that boost muscles and recovery".

As look at the injury on his shoulder near gone way. " Ryan as a point tho my old size won't fit me anymore there should be some clothes in here that I got from the shop next door". As he finds a box of clothes he looks for the right fit he finds a set of clothes looks that like he is about to go to the Amazon rainforest. Batter then too big or too small. Then look at the other box that's next to it. He grabs it then opens it. There is a pair of gloves. Battle gloves are more precise with high technology. It has a heart monitor and radio and stuns trigger. And the last gift he got from his parents. This pair was oversize for back then so he put them up for safekeeping. They still look new and now he is a little bigger. They fit and still have their solar-powered functions. Humanity got better at power usage and made them last longer. When David did he goes out then into the main room where everyone is at. Ryan says " What you're girl needs a long time in there". " Very funny Ryan do to my size change I find something that fits this what I got". Ryan sees the gloves. " So you finally put them on". " They look cool on you so want me Wake them or what". " Yes Ryan wakes them "." Sure want to do this I what if them don't like you then try to kill you". "You more powerful now than before you can try to keep this a secret with and everyone else I know you keep this secret for the outside but they may not be accepting like me"." That true Ryan but still I will go through this". " This is more important than my life right now and I guess I'm done being alone for this fight. And you guys still own me because I saved your life's at least you guys can try not to slay me". " Good point I just hope you know what you're doing ".

As Ryan goes around waking up the group David gets ready to give a group talk. Cody is first up then Ashley the medic of the group and the nicest one she was going to be a nurse. Then Katie she the wild one not more say about her. The next one is Lexie she was very good at sports have a decent IQ she was a popular girl but she always chooses our group over the others. Next is Eric he the strong silent type but he has a kind heart if mad well I have seen him put a big hole in a concrete wall with his hands. David is not shocked this group still lives though 4 months apart.

Cause after all they lived through the anomaly chain event. An event that has multiple nuclear reactors blowing up. We're nearby because we had a summer camp. Now we are back together. Cody " Now David it's still night hope you have a reason to do this". Katie " He batter before I come over there and remove your family jewels and throw them to the zombies". Ashley " Come now no fights we just got back together lest hearing him out ok"? Katie " Fine". Lexie " Is near morning anyway might well be awake ". Katie " Because you're an early riser and finally we get full sleep to be darn right that I'm not in a good mood". David " Now let's begin many of you know a Verxis well more to them". " I have been learning their behavior when this whole thing started ". " Well, they way more intelligence and vicious". When I counter one it was hunting me". " No matter what it able find me and I can't lose it". "Then". David stop then move his sleeve to show his shoulder the scar of the attack. David stays calm and wait for them to digest this. Katie spring up equip her hand with a weapon says " Now give a good reason not to blow your head off". Ashley " Now let's just breathe can't be true right ". David " Sorry Ashley it is here I prove it".

David moves to grab the hunting knife he put over his arm then cut across it. Now some blood is seen and its color is the color the virus is known for. Katie " It's black well start talking ". David stays calm and tries to defuse this time boom." Well I gone through the mutation as you can see but I'm still me". "And guess of why remember the event". Katie " Yea the one that blows up nuclear reactors all over and we been lucky to live that and we all been radioactive poisoning on high level. That why we been called the lucky seven". " What about it". David " Well just a guess but due to that may conflict some of the viruses". But one way find my guess is right". Lexie " That is that one us get the virus that you have". David " Right Lexie it's very risky to do this". Katie " What you're crazy here I thought I was crazy one". Katie put down her weapon. David " Now who's one going to be ". Ryan " I do it because after all you did save our life's and I trust you we been through crazy town before". David " Sure want to this guesswork here not hundred percent". Ryan " Like I said I trust you". Ryan moves to David. David makes a new cut with the blade because the old one healed ready. Then give to Ryan then Ryan moves his finger across the blade. Made a cut on his finger then licked it.

Ryan " Just to make sure". " It tastes like death ". David " Don't know that you're a vampire". Ryan " Funny I don't like vampires because of a movie ". David " Well you might be after that". Ryan " I hope not if I become a disco ball then put me fifty feet underground ". David " Noted now that out the way we got a new mission to look through this place if anything useful for Cody". " So we get some Intel about the surroundings and clue of supplies I been here for a month even I don't go through this place".