
Lareon: The World of Magic

Fielding is a normal high school student who gets reincarnated into a world of magic. His new name is Aaron and he is born into a very successful family. He is in the kingdom of Lareon filled with fantasy creature. How will he shape his new world? First time writing any feedback would be appreciated.

Fielding_James · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


School really blows. I'm sitting in my classroom blankly staring at my teachers as he pours out loads of information. I look around at my fellow classmates to see if they share a similar disinterest in what the teacher is saying. As I look around I take a quick glance at the clock counting the minutes until the day is over. Luckily I only have 10 minutes left of the grueling class. As I half listen I hear the teacher mention some paper being due tomorrow and this of course gets a few moans out of my classmates.

Shit I haven't even started. Well I know what I'm doing tonight. The teacher continues to ramble and I zone out again to only regain focus when the bell rings. I quickly pack up my belonging and rush out room.

As I'm walking out towards my car I look around for my best friend Matthew. He's pretty much the only good thing coming from high school. It really sucks that we haven't been able to be in the same classes since his parents didn't force him into the hard classes like they did for me. Nevertheless I still try to speak with him as much as I can during the day. I spot him in the hoard of students rushing out of the building. I do a little jog to catch up to him.

"Hey wait up Matthew," I ask.

He stops and let's me catch up with him.

"Man school fucking sucks dude," I complain.

Matthew gives a little chuckle over my statement as he asks, "What happened."

"Well in class a couple weeks ago we were given a paper assignment and of course I fucking forgot about and now it's due tomorrow"

"Sucks to be you. You should have started it early like the model student I know you are," he jokes.

See unlike me, Matthew is always at the top of his game completing all of his assignments on time and not procrastinating. But unfortunately he's a terrible test taker since he gets incredibly nervous.

"Shut up," I say as a give him a playful shove.

This produces some more chuckles out of Matthew.

We walk for a second longer until Matthew informs me that he is in a rush and must pick up his younger siblings from school.

I make my way towards the lady killer. The baby blue 2006 Lexus RX 330. It was my grandma's old car and let It be known that she isn't the best of drivers. One of the side view mirrors is crushed, there's a dent in a door of the left side, and there are many scratches all over. But I like it since it can get you from point a to point b. I hop in my car and try to peel out as fast as possible before on the students start walking by.

I begin my drive home jamming to some tunes like Frank Sinatra. Hopefully Sinatra can give me some motivation for the task ahead. The drive is going pretty smoothly except that I seem to be getting every single red light. At the light I do a quick survey of cars console and realize I'm running empty of gas. Today is a great day.

I stop at the gas station of the way home. The street has two gas stations one is across from the other. I always go to the more dilapidated since the gas is cheaper. I pull in to the pump to unfortunately realize that I have no money. I sigh and text my mom asking if she will send me some money. She sends me some money but tells me that since I now have a license this will be one of the last times she sends me money. She wants me to get a job. I put her request in the back of my mind and put the old charm on with a quick thank you and I love you.

After filling the car up I head into the gas station to buy some Fuegos with the couple bucks extra that mom gave me. I walk in and go searching for some Fuegos. My search is quickly interrupted when I hear a am yell, "Empty the register." I freeze and crouch down behind an aisle maybe he doesn't know I'm here. I frantically look around to try and take in my surroundings. It looks like I'm the only customer but I don't have the best view of the whole store from my hiding spot.

What should I do? Can you text 911? It won't hurt to try. I type in 911 and compose a text. There is an armed robber at the shell on Hendricks Street. I hit send and feel some relief since I know the cops are on there way. Now I wait staying alert for any opportunity of escape. I try observe the interaction between the robber and the cashier the best I can. The cashier has began pulling out of the bills and giving them to the criminal. All the sudden I hear a door open and the gun goes off. I hear a bit of a battle going on so I peak around the aisle a bit more and see that the cashier is trying to get the gun from the robber. I know this is my only chance for escape. I make a run for the door. As I reach for the door I hear the gun go off again. I feel something warm spreading in my chest. I topple over knocking over a rack of items as I fall.

Oh God am I dying. I can't die there's so much I haven't done. I think about my mom and about Matthew I can't leave them. I don't wanna go and everything goes black.

Everything is darkness but I see a faint light in the distance. I try to move towards it and it slowly begins to brighten. It brightens and brightens until I emerge. It takes I second for me to adjust to the light and I try to take in my surroundings. I'm being held by a man in a white coat I assume he must be a doctor. Did I survive? Wait I'm being held! The doctor is huge from perspective and he is holding as if I were a child. Am I heavily drugged? Is this a dream?

The doctor exclaims, "It's a boy."

A female voice insist, "Let me hold my baby."

Oh no. I've been reincarnated.