
Lani's Royale

She was haunted. Scarily haunted. After that incident, Leilani is trapped in that trench of endless nightmare with no knowledge of what was going on. "You're crazy. No one would believe you. One day you'll fail", the voice said to her. It kept coming. "Don't listen to it Lani. I'm here. You can lean on me", the man said to her, grasping her out of that endless torture and leading her into a new light.

Crystalella · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs



It was a windy night. The tree branches bowed from side to side to the crazy wind, forming a rhythm of their own. The windows snapped shut in a terrifying thud causing the little creature that was huddled among the floral bushes to whimper in fear.

It was alone. All alone. What could it do?

The tiny creature grabbed it's baby Barbie doll tightly to it's chest. Three loud bangs went off, hammering violently on the little thing's chest. It almost collapsed at this point.

"They're all down sir", someone spoke from a certain point.

Little Nini gave a start. All down? What's going on? Sir? Who was that?

At the fragile age of five, the little thing was trying to put bits together. Someone had actually fired three shots and said, all down? Tears welled up in her little eyes. It was her mom, Dad and Big sister Mimi. They were gone. She tried to move from where she was but couldn't move a limb. She was too scared to move. She whimpered. Her tiny sounds got attention. The man, who was the subordinate walked towards her direction. Her heart beat wildly, almost scaring her. She bit down on her Barbie doll to avoid making a sound. When the man was already close to her spot, a cat jumped out taking his attention from her.

"It's just a cat sir", the man said, retuning to his boss' side.

"Okay. Raze it down. We take over R&B next week".

No. The girl screamed in her mind. That was her family's property. She was filled with rage at what was going on. Why? Why her family?! Just when she was lamenting, a blast took over the whole vicinity, her vision turning black.

Hey guys...

This is another new novel

Lani's Royale and also a bestie's desire

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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