
Lani's Royale

She was haunted. Scarily haunted. After that incident, Leilani is trapped in that trench of endless nightmare with no knowledge of what was going on. "You're crazy. No one would believe you. One day you'll fail", the voice said to her. It kept coming. "Don't listen to it Lani. I'm here. You can lean on me", the man said to her, grasping her out of that endless torture and leading her into a new light.

Crystalella · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 14. Painful peace

Chapter 14. Painful peace

The show continued after the traitors were taken out. The sixth contestant was disqualified and the MC was banned from the entertainment industry. He was stripped off his job at that moment.

At the end of the contest, the fifth contestant emerged the winner and became the visual for Dior.

Leilani had already packed up and was ready to go with Rachel.

"Miss! Miss Zhang,!", someone called her from behind.

Leilani turned around to see Miss Powers running towards her. She arched a brow.

"Miss Powers", Leilani said the moment Miss Powers got close to her.

"Miss Zhang...", she said and paused trying to find words.

"I'm really grateful", she finally said. She held Leilani's hands in appreciation. Her eyes were shimmering with tears.

"It's ok. All you have to do is to focus on what you have to do here ".

"I won't forget this".

"Better don't. You owe me one", Leilani said with a smile and walked to her car.

Miss Powers covered mouth with her hands as her eyes were shining with stars at how awesome Leilani was back there.

At the Dever's manor

Stephan arrived that evening with Jack for the dinner which his grandma had asked him to join. He had just stepped into the house when peals of laughter entered his ears. It was his granny's and some other person's own he didn't know. His brows were furrowed as he walked in. When he reached the living room, he saw his granny with a young girl, who looked to be in her twenties seated beside Old Mrs Dever.

Old Mrs Dever noticed the arrival of her grandson and quietened down a bit. "My boy", she called. This caused the young girl to look at him. The young girl was a brunette. She was quite a beaut. She sent him a smile which she deemed alluring and stood to greet him.

However, Stephan wasn't a fan of such tactics. He ignored her and went over to give his grandma a peck on the cheek.

"Good evening grandma".

"Yes my dear. This is Jasmine Steele. The one your uncle talked about".

Jasmine looked at Stephan, her eyes filled with stars. She had only seen him in magazines and on the telly. But seeing him in real life.... Her tummy did a doodle jump and she found it hard to contain her emotions.

"I'm Jasmine Steele. It's nice meeting you, Stephan".

"It's not nice meeting you ", he said and walked up to his room, his assistant following him behind.

Jasmine looked at Old Mrs Dever and made a pout.

"Come here little one", she said and Jasmine walked over. Jasmine was quite happy as everything was working towards her favor. Mr Jerry had lectured her on how to behave at the manor. He had told her that if she succeeded in winning the old lady's heart, then she had passed all the test.

Luckily, the old lady had liked her.

"Don't mind that naughty grandson of mine. He's being shy and embarrassed. Don't worry. I will talk to him. Let's go and eat".

"Yes grandma".

Jasmine walked towards the dining while Old Mrs Dever's assistant took her to the dining. The assistant by name, Naomi and the old woman shared a look before the old woman sat down.

Rita and Greg also arrived at the dining for the dinner. After sometime, Stephan arrived at the table, in his suit.

"My handsome Stephan, you're out", old Mrs Dever said.


The family commenced their dinner. While they ate, Jasmine put food into Stephan's plate. His face scowled up when he saw the slice of cucumber she had added. He stood from his seat.

"Stephan", his mother called.

"I'm leaving. I guess this dinner is not for me".

"No way. How can you say that?", his mother said. "Sit down and eat".

"No. I have some files to look at, at the office", he said and left.

Jasmine paled at his Stephan had acted. That was quite humiliating. Her eyes teared up but she gripped the chopsticks tightly to force back the tears. Rita noticed this but didn't bother. Her son didn't like the young girl so, she didn't really have to show her any concern.

"Hey Jas, don't worry. Stephan can be like that sometimes. Eat up", Greg said, cooing her. Rita looked at him.

Leilani sent Rachel and her driver home. She went over to Royale to check out somethings. Arriving at her office, she set herself on her seat and began looking through the files. She had stayed for what seemed like thirty minutes and suddenly remembered what Stephan told her about staying up late.

Heaving a deep sigh, she wondered why she had suddenly thought of him. She gave a light chuckle and packed up.

She arrived at the elevator which caused her head to buzz. The memory from the previous night was still very fresh. The flickering if the light....the grip on her neck...

She gripped her bag tightly and bit down hard on her lips inorder to calm herself down. She didn't want to be subdued by this. She was a CEO and wouldn't want her employees to know what was going on with her.

Leilani got to the parking lot,thanks to the meds that were in her bag. She got into her car and left.

She had just driven for some minutes when suddenly, her car started accelerating. It was on a very high speed. She stepped on the brakes but they had suddenly stopped working. She wondered if it was her imagination. She beat the traffic due to the situation. She couldn't stop.

Her heart turned cold. Someone was targeting her. It couldn't be that voice because that was just in her mind. But this car, someone must have done this to her. But who? Who could it be?!

Tears were already streaming down her cheeks as she wailed for help. In all her years, she had never experienced something this extreme. She was going to die. She was! But she didn't want to! God, she didn't want to!

"Someone please help me! Someone! Anyone", she said amidst the tears.

However, it seemed that her fate was already determined. She wasn't going to make it. A black car was in front of her and it seemed the person was taking a roundabout to the other side of the road. She tried to avoid it but the brakes were cruelly against her.

She gripped the steering wheel tightly and shut her eyes as she was scared of meeting her fate. Her car slammed into the black car.... bringing quietude to her, finally.

Does that mean, that pain brings peace?, she heard her subconscious say.