
57. ORIGINAL EPISODE: Laney in Love

And now, Ladies and gentlemen. I give you the reveal of not only Laney's new love interest. But also a NEW CHARACTER! I'm really excited with how this story turned out. It literally warmed my heart. And I hope it will warm yours too! Enjoy!

Laney in Love

It was an average day in Royal Woods Elementary, and as Lori dropped off Lincoln and his sister Laney. The girl couldn't wait to start another day. Just then, she heard a few kids talking.

[As Lincoln walked off to class, Laney heard some kids talking and went in closer to see what was going on]

Laney: What are you guys talking about?

Male Student: There's this new student coming in class today.

Laney: Oh boy. Which one of my sisters is it this time? Lola?

Girl Jordan: No. This new student isn't related to you. In fact he just moved here just a few months ago.

Laney: Really? Well, I better go make sure he gets a good weclome then.

Male Student: You got this, Laney!

Girl Jordan: Yeah! If anyone's good at welcoming people, it's you!

[Laney proudly walked to Mrs. Johnson's class and sat on her desk waiting for this new student to arrived]

Mrs. Johnson: Everyone, I'd like you to meet our newest member of the class. Say hello to Joey Anderson.

The moment Laney saw Joey she completely froze. Joey had brown hair, freckles on his face. Wore a beige hoodie and blue jeans.

Laney: [blushes, infatuated] Ba ba ba ba ba...

Mrs. Johnson: Now, Joey. I think there's a spot right next to Laney, you can sit right next to her.

Joey: Thank you, Mrs. Johnson. [walks over to the desk next to Laney] Hi, I'm Joey. My family moved here a month ago from London.

Lincoln: Hi. I'm Lincoln. I'm from here.

Joey: Charming. And is this your sister. [points to Laney who was completely frozen]

Lincoln: Uh. Yeah.. She's not usually like this.

Joey: Well, It's really nice to meet both of you. You can that to your sister when she... wakes up. [Laney's whole face was blushing red]


[All the kids were exiting out of the class, Laney was about to leave as well. Until she was stopped by Lincoln as he places his hand on his sister's shoulder]

Lincoln: Hey, Laney. Mind if you tell me what was that all about?

Laney: What was what all about?

Lincoln: You completely froze around Joey. [Laney blushes bright red]

Laney: Uhhhhhh...

Lincoln: Come on, Laney. You can tell me. I'm your brother.

Laney: [takes a deep breath] I... K-K-Kinda like...Joey. [she flinches]

Lincoln: You do? [Laney nods]

Laney: He just looked...

Lincoln: Cute. [Laney nods again]

Laney: And... I didn't know what to say to him... how to talk to him...

Lincoln: No worries, Laney. Your big brother will help you out. [Lincoln walks with Laney] You see, sis. I have experience talking to the ladies. I'll be glad to show you the ropes. [They stop when they're close to Joey's locker] Now, what you gotta do is to act cool around him.

Laney: Cool... Cool how?

Lincoln: You know. Real chill. Let loose. [beat] Listen, all you got to do is walk up to him and say... [Lincoln whispers in Laney's ear]

[Joey was closing his locker, when he saw Laney leaning on the other lockers trying to hide the nervous look on her face]

Joey: Oh. Hey, Laney.

Laney: [nervous] S-S-up?

Joey: Well, everything's good. I'm enjoying everything in this school so far. But, I didn't know what was up with you back there.

Laney: [nervous] F-F-Forget that. I'm cool now, and I think you're cool too. W-W-Wanna hang... out? How's tonight at Gus' Game and Grub?

Joey: That's sounds lovely.

Laney: C-C-C-Cool...[Joey holds Laney's hand and her entire face started to blush and she started to babble]

Joey: Uh... okay. Well, see ya there. [he leaves then Laney falls to the floor]

Lincoln: Man. You're spazzing out more than Clyde.

Laney: I'm sorry, Lincoln. I just couldn't, how did you say it? "Let loose"?

Lincoln: Maybe this is more of a sister problem.

Laney: [gets up] No way! If I tell the other they'll just meddle again!

Lincoln: Relax, Laney. That was just when they thought I have girl trouble. I'm sure they've changed since then.

[Cut to the Loud house. The sister were screaming about Laney's boy trouble]

Luna: I can't believe Laney's got a boyfriend!

Lori: What does he look like?

Lynn: What does he wear?

Lucy: What's his blood type?

Lola: Dish, girl, dish!

Laney: Okay! Calm down! It's not that big of a deal. I'm just having trouble talking to him...

Leni: Why let your mouth do the talking when you clothes can do it for you!

Laney: Wha?

Other sisters: Makeover! [They grab Laney and bring her to Lori and Leni's room]

Laney: I don't know guys...

Lori: [roots through her wardrobe] Relax, Laney. As soon as Joey sees the new you. He'll literally be putty in your hands!

Laney: Still don't know about this.

[The sisters start to give Laney a makeover. It first results in Laney looking like a ballerina in swan lake]

Sisters: Too frilly.

[They give Laney another makeover and she now looks like a disco dancer]

Sisters: Too groovy.

[They makeover Laney again, only to end up this time with Laney looking like a paegant queen]

Sisters (sans Lola): Too Lola.

Lola: Hey!

[They gave Laney one last makeover and now she wears a red tanktop with a pink skirt. She had red lipstick on her lips, and blue eyeliner. With white heel shoes]

Sisters: Too perfect!

Laney: I really don't know about this, guys.

Lori: Oh, you worry about everything Laney! Just leave it to us and we'll make sure you two become the happiest couple in elementary school history!

Leni: I get to plan the wedding!

Laney: What are the consequences if what I've just got myself into...

Later that night at Gus' Game N Grub, Laney was about to meet up with Joey for to hang out. Even though her sisters were treating it like a date. But Laney was desperate to act normal around him.

[Laney was outside the resturant with her sisters]

Laney: Just to let you guys know. This is NOT a date. We're just hanging out.

Lori: Right. [winks] Just listen to us through this earpiece and we'll tell you what do and say. [Lori gives Laney a earpiece and places it on her ear]

Laney: Are you sure about this?

Lola: [Pushes Laney inside the resturant] Just leave the talking to us.

[Inside, Joey was waiting for Laney. She then appeared and Joey was surprised to see her in her new look]

Joey: Laney. You look rather... lovely this evening.

Laney: Thanks. [Walks over to their table and sits on the other side]

Lori: [through the earpiece] Okay, Laney. Good job so far. Now, you compliment him. Say...

Laney: I have beautiful eyes.

Joey: Uh...

Lori: [through the earpiece] No! Just say "You have beautiful eyes".

Laney: Oh, uh. You're eyes are beautiful too.

Joey: Uh, okay.

[The siblings were watching outside]

Luan: [pushes Lori aside] Move over, sister. This date needs to lighten up! [grabs the microphone] Laney, start out with a joke. Say... [Laney listens through the earpiece]

Laney: Hey, Joey! Wanna hear a joke?

Joey: Sure! I love jokes.

Laney: Okay! Why is six afrad of seven?

Joey: Um. I don't know.

Laney: Because seven eight nine! [Laughs, Joey sat there confused]


Lola: Oh come on! She's never gonna get married with those lame jokes. Give me that! [snatches the microphone] Laney! You need to show him how beautiful you look!

Laney: So, Joey. Notice anything [flicks her hair] different?

Joey: Well, now did you mention it. You do look kinda...

Laney: Great? Yeah, I get that a lot. [Continues to show off]


Lynn: Seriously? He's not in to frilly pink girls. Let me! [snatches the microphone]

[Inside, Laney listens to Lynn through the earpiece]

Laney: So, what kind of sports do you like?

Joey: Well, now that you mention it. I am a bit of a fan of football.


Lynn: He likes football? He's a keeper! Okay, Laney. Tell him...

[Laney listens through the earpiece]

Laney: Wow. I'm a fan of football too!

Joey: Smashing! Uh, which part of football do you like?

[Laney listens through the earpiece]

Laney: Tackling!

Joey: Wha? [Laney gets up and playfully tackles him to the ground] Agh!


Lori: What are you doing? [grabs the microphone] Laney, get off him!

[Laney gets off Joey]

Laney: I'm sorry, I just really... like football.

Joey: Might as well. I see the confusion. Your football is british for our soccer.

Laney\Sisters: Oh.

Lynn: Wait, that's what they call soccer in british?

[Cut to later after Laney and Joey finished their pizza]

Joey: Well, Laney. Tonight sure was... interesting.

Laney: Yeah it sure was. [Laney listens through the earpiece]


Lori: She's really nailing this you guys! [speaks through the microphone] Laney, get close to him and tell him how you feel...

[Laney gets close to Joey and the british boy feels a bit uncomfortable]

Joey: Uh, Laney? What are you doing?


Lori: Now tell him... [Lucy interrupts her]

Lucy: What's her blood type?

Lynn: Does he lift?

Leni: What kind of hoodie does he wear?

Luna: What kind of music does he like?

Lola: Is he anyway related to Hugh?

Lori: Guys! Stop! This is a special moment!

Luan: Come on! Tell more jokes! He's laughing to them, I know it!

Lola: No way! He's a sucker for her looks!

Lynn: Looks don't matter!

Lola: Says you, Miss. I don't know that football is soccer! [The sisters fight over the microphone. Meanwhile, Laney says everything in the fight]

Laney: What are you doing?

Joey: What?

Laney: Get off me!

Joey: What has gotten into you?!

Laney: Uh... nothing? [repeats what the sisters say through the earpiece] I'LL END YOU BRAH! [covers her mouth, sees Joey leaving] Joey! Wait!

Joey: I'm sorry, Laney. But I can't take you anymore. You've been acting crazy all night. And it's making me unsure around you.

Laney: But, Joey! I can explain!

Joey: Just leave me alone! [leaves the resturant. the sisters stop fighting when they saw Joey storming off]

Laney: [runs after him] Joey, wait! [stops and sighs] What have I done? I blew it.

Lori: No, Laney. We blew it. We've tried to help you talk to him. But we pushed you too hard.

Luna: Even if it was a date, we messed up bad.

Lynn: Yeah. I didn't even know that british people uses football to talk soccer.

Luan: I really thought those jokes landed you a good one.

Lucy: I can feel your pain. They pushed me hard when I was trying to talk to Rocky.

Laney: Thanks guys. I know you guys were just trying to help. But... I think I need to take care of this myself. [Walks over to Joey]

Joey: What do you want? You're not gonna tackle me again are you?

Laney: No, I just wanted to say... [takes off the dress revealing her original outfit] I'm sorry acted so stupid back there. It's just that I felt nervous around you and my sisters wanted to help. [Joey looks at Laney's siblign behind her who wave] But the truth is, what you saw back there wasn't the real me. I'm Laney Loud. Sister of ten girls and one boy. I'm creative, I help around the house when things get tough which they always do. And I... LIKE YOU. [Joey and the sisters were surprised at Laney's confession, she sighs] But I guess It's too late now. I guess you don't want anything to do with me... [Joey smiles at her]

Joey: Laney. Do you really mean all that? [Laney nods] Wow, no one's that honest to me before.

Laney: Really? [Joey nods]

Joey: And it's really kind that you have siblings there for you. I don't have any of my own. I should really meet them sometime. [Laney blushes and Joey blushes back]

Laney: So... Want to start over? Hi, I'm Laney.

Joey: I'm Joey. And it's smashing to meet you. [they hold hands and they walk off to the moonlight]

Laney: So, do you like art?

Joey: Like it? I love it!

Sisters: Awww...

Lola: [sniffs] They grow up so fast...

Joey: [from a distance] Oh! I finally get it! Seven eight nine! [laughs]

Luan: [fist pumps] I KNEW IT!