
126. Recipe For Disaster

Recipe for Disaster

[Story begins with a dark city background]

?: [Voice-over] Spade city. A bustling metropolis by day, and a seedy crime-ridden cesspool by night. [An alarm rings at the bank and a car crashes out from inside and drives off. Soon the police were after them and the burglars were shooting at them] Fear grows within the streets, the city cries for a hero. [The burglars were stopped at their tracks and ran not noticing that it was a card that punctured their tire. They then stop at a dead-end away from the cops but then a figured appeared in front of them]

?: Going somewhere boys? [They look to see a curvaceous woman wearing superhero attire.]

Burglar 1: Hey, toots. I don't suppose a dame like you will keep your mouth shut while we make off with the loot?

?: Sorry, but that deals off! [She then dashed away then punched the bad guys in a blaze of lightning.]

Burglar #2: What the- [He gets kicked in the face by the heroine and then she tied them up and left just as the police arrived.]

?: When evil deals their hand, one hero is ready for anything...

[The mysterious hero was standing on a ledge viewing the whole city]

?: She is...

[Fades out to reveal that it was a comic book drawn by Laney]

Laney: Lady Solitare! [She puts the last color in her book and staples it together] I have to say Squeals, your writing is improving. [Squeals snorts] Yeah, I know. My illustrations are inspiring. Imagine, my hero persona Lady Solitare getting her own spinoff. It's my dream to be a famous comic book writer. [Squeals snorts] Yes I know my dream was to become a famous surgeon slash chef, but that was last year. This year: comic book writer. [Hears the doorbell] I'll get it. [She goes down the stairs and opens the door to see her best friend, Karla.] Oh, hey Karla. What's up.

Karla: Laney, can I come in for a second? I've got something to show you. [She comes in and went to the kitchen and heats up a microwave dinner]

Laney: What's going on, Karla? [Karla shows her the frozen dinner box and she read it] 'Frosty Farm's Frozen Feasts'?

Karla: [shows her the microwave dinners] Eat these and tell me what they taste like.

Laney: Okay. [Eats the mac n cheese bites] Hey... these taste like my dad's mac n cheese bites! [Eats the lasagna] And that tastes like my dad's lasagna. [Eats the Salisbury steak and realizes something] All of these foods taste just like my dads.

Karla: Exactly my point! Frosty Farms totally ripped your dad off!

Laney: [gasps] You mean they stole his recipes?

Karla: What other explanation is there? Could they coincidentally invent mac n cheese bites and your father ripped them off?

Laney: Now hold on, Karla. We can't confirm that this company is stealing recipes from my dad. We need proof.

Karla: How the heck are we gonna get that?

[In Lisa's room, she calibrates a device, which opens a panel, and slowly ejects a tray.]

Lisa: Place your samples here, ladies.

[Laney does so]

Karla: Uh, is this safe?

Lisa: 100%. I built this chemical analyzer with grant money from the Norwegian government, it'll break down the ingredients in both Dad's leftovers, and the frozen meals in question. [The machine prints a sheet of paper.] Hmm, fascinating, a one-hundred percent match, right down to Father's secret ingredient in the mac 'n' cheese bites.

Laney: [gasps] A dash of caramel?

Karla: Hold up. Why would you dad put caramel in macaroni in cheese?

Laney: It's his own special recipe. The sweet brings out the salty.

Lisa: Affirmative, it's a rather clever bit of food science.

Laney: Karla! This is bad! Someone out there is taking someone else's good recipes! If we don't do something, they'll put my dad out of business.

Karla: What are we going to do? [Laney runs off] Huh? [fog appears outside Lisa's room]

Laney: When evil deals with their hand, one hero is ready for anything. [Laney appears from the fog wearing her Lady Solitare costume] Lady Solitare!

Lisa: Did you have a fog machine just for this occasion?

Laney: You bet your Norwegian grant money I do!

Karla: Uh, what's going on here?

Laney: Karla, this is the only way we can take down whoever's stealing my dad's recipes.

Karla: I don't know if running around in colored undies is gonna help.

Laney: You get to wear a cape and an eyepatch. [Brings out Karla's costume, which was a gender-bent version of One-Eyed Jack]

Karla: I'm in!

[At Lynn's table, he's prepping some meatballs.]

Lynn Sr.: [Singing to himself] Hey, workin' in the kitchen, singin' this ditty, mixin' up meatballs, for my... spaghetti [Thinks if that was any good.] Eh, that works. [Just then Laney and Karla entered in their superhero costumes] Oh hey, Laney! You and Karla playing a superhero? Well, you're welcome here. At Lynn's Table, crimefighters eat free.

Karla: Really? Sweet. Can you put me down for two Lynnsagnas? And what will you be having Laney?

Laney: [Pushes Karla aside] We're here under important business. We have reasons to believe that someone stole your greatest recipes and sold them to Frosty Farm's Frozen Feasts. And we have the chemical analysis to prove it.

Lynn Sr.: [Looks at the analysis] Woah, Woah, Woah, how could that be? [Goes over to the shelves.] My recipe book is right here on the shelf, next to all the jars I need Lynn Jr. to open for me. [Realizes that the book isn't there.] Wait a minute, where? Where is it? [Throws things off the shelves, muttering to himself.] It's gone, [Breaks down] My book! My precious book is gone!

Karla: Man I've never seen anyone this emotional over a book before.

Laney: My dad can get emotional about most things. [To Lynn Sr.] Can you describe your book for us?

Lynn Sr.: [Gasps] It contains all the recipes I've ever learned! Starting with, my first, home-ed class, in mi- in mi- in mi- in middle school. [Presses his face to the floor.]

Laney: It's okay Dad. Just tell us what it looks like.

Lynn Sr.: Oh, right, uh, well it's a- it's a black book, with food stains on the cover, and property of Lynn Loud written inside. [Looks at his back pocket.] Ooh, ooh, hang on, hang on, [takes something out.] this is us, last Thanksgiving. [Gives Laney the photo.] I miss her so much!

Karla: Look, we'll help you get your recipe book back. But that's as far as we can go. You need professional help, man.

Laney: Don't worry Dad, we're on the case. [Runs off] We'll make that villain fold for what they did to you.

Karla: And I will be cashing in on my free meal! [Later, Laney and Karla were outside looking at drawn cards of the suspects.]

Laney: Okay, I narrowed down the list of suspects to the people working in dad's restaurant. Grant and Kotaro. Both of them had access to the whole place including the kitchen. One of those two must have stolen his recipe book. Let's serve up some justice!

Karla: Ugh! That was so cheesy!

[Kotaro is at an ATM when Lady Solitare and her sidekick walk up to him]

Laney: Kotaro. We would like you to answer some questions.

Kotaro: Hey, girls. Nice costumes, you playing a superhero? [Karla grabs him]

Karla: We're not playing! You're gonna talk or we'll make you talk!

Laney: Put him down, One-Eyed Janice. [Karla does so, scaring Kotaro] Now we don't want to hurt you, we just want to ask you a few things. [Regarding the ATM screen.] You sure have a lot of money in your account, care to explain how you acquired it?

Kotaro: Not really. [Karla cracks her knuckles scaring him again] Dah! Okay! I'll tell you! M-M-My great aunt passed away and left me the money.

Karla: Bah! The old dead relative act? Please, how dumb do you think we-

[Just then, Lucy pops up and scares all of them]

Lucy: Hi Kotaro, I hope you were happy with the memorial service.

Kotaro: [Makes his withdraw] I was, thank you Lucy. [Gives Lucy the money.] Your eulogy really captured her inner beauty.

[Lucy escorts him away, and Lady and Janice look on with remorse.]

Laney: Uh, sorry for your loss!

Karla: I'll send you some flowers.

[Later, the girls were spying on their next suspect: Grant. Who was riding along on his bike.]

Laney: Okay, there he is. This time, you let me do the talking. [Just then they follow Grant on their own bike.] Hey Grant, is that a new bike? Sure looks expensive. Mind telling me how you got it?

Grant: Well, it's a gift from my parents. For my birthday.

Karla: That's the biggest lie I ever heard!

Laney: No! It's true! I was there for the party at my dad's resutrant. [Shows her the picture of her being at Grant's party] Sorry for the accusation, Grant.

Grant: It's okay. [Notices something up ahead.] Car.

Karla: What? [The girls hit the parked car as they fly off the bicycle and hit a garbage can groaning in pain while Grant cycles off in the distance.]

[Laney and Karla are now sitting in front of the restaurant.]

Laney: Okay, Janice. Now that we know we crossed out two of our suspects. I officially have ran out of ideas.

Karla: Well, maybe no one stole for Frosty Farms. Maybe the did it themselves. [Looks at the box] The company's located here in Royal Woods.

Laney: Great eye, Janice! That's where we need to go! Time to cook this thief's goose.

Karla: Seriously, you need to work on those. [They dash off. Later, they arrive at the Frosty Farms headquarters via Karla's bike. They then hide behind a bush] So what's the plan? We go in, beat people up, and jail the thief?

Laney: No, Karla. We can't risk being spotted. We need to sneak in. Luckily, I got the perfect disguises.

[Cut to two boxes being laid on the floor, just then two delivery drivers walked by and noticed]

Delivery Guy #1: Hey look, we missed a few boxes.

Delivery Guy #2: Well, we better put them in storage! The boss will fire us if he sees us slacking again.

[The delivery boys loaded the two boxes and hauled them inside the building.]

Recptionist: Afternoon.

Delivery Guy #2: How ya doing?

[The delivery guys then made it into the storage area and unloaded the boxes. Then, they unzipped themselves revealing that it was Laney and Karla in disguise.]

Laney: Told you these disguises would work!

Karla: Dang, girl. That was clever.

Laney: Okay, now let's look around for clues. [They started searching the storage area for clues. Just then, Laney catches a familiar aroma.] Wait a minute! [sniffs] I recognize that scent! It's my dad's famous meatloaf! And it's coming from over there!

Karla: Let's fry this sucka!

Laney: Wow, that was good!

Karla: Thank you.

Laney: [Kicks the doors open and she and Karla enter.] Freeze, recipe thief!

Old Lady: [Startled] Heavens to baked Alaska, you girls gave me quite the start.

Karla: You're gonna get more than a scare unless you start talkin' lady!

Laney: We know you stole that recipe book!

Old Lady: [Looks at the book] What? [Now stern] That's just crazy as two kids wearing pajamas in the middle of the day. [Grabs the book] I've had this cookbook for decades.

Laney: Decades!? [Takes the book] This is my dad's recipe book! He had it long before you! [Opens the book] It says right here! Property of... Mildred Scalise?

Mildred: That's me, I told you that recipe book is mine. [Points over to a framed photo of a young Mildred with her recipe book outside Frosty Farms.] I used it to create this company.

Karla: Laney, I think it's obvious what's going on... This lady copied your dad's recipes and put them in another book! That's it! Let me at this jerk! [Karla tries to attack her but Laney stops her]

Laney: No, Karla. This is her recipe book. It must be a coincidence she had the same recipes as my dad which he used to make his restaurant.

Mildred: Coincidence? It sounds like your dad stole the recipes from me. You better take me to meet him.

[Laney gulps nervously]

[Back at Lynn's Table, Lynn Sr. is sitting near a potato sack, still sad, peeling the skin off one of the potatoes.]

Lynn Sr.: [Singing to himself sadly] In the kitchen, with so much to cook, but I feel lost, without my book.

Laney: [As she and Karla run in] Dad!

Lynn Sr.: Laney! Karla! You're back! [An angry Mildred steps in the door, Lynn Sr. gets serious.] Is this the thief who stole my recipe book?

Mildred: Who are you callin' thief, thief?

Lynn Sr.: I should call the FBI!

Mildred: Go ahead, you're the one who's going to the clink!

[As the two began arguing, Laney takes off her mask in sadness]

Laney: Karla I totally messed up. I was trying to be a hero and help my dad but instead, I made things worse.

Karla: What the heck are you talking about Lanes? You know more about this superhero thing than I do. All I wanted to do was beat bad guys up. But you, you tried to help the ones you love. That's what being a hero is all about.

Laney: Thanks, Karla. That means a lot. Still, I wish I helped my dad better. [She then sees Mildred and Lynn Sr. laughing] Huh? What happened.

Lynn Sr.: Laney, you wouldn't believe it! Mildred here used to be my old middle school home-ed teacher, she taught me everything I know about cooking.

Mildred: Oh, now Lynn, There's a lot we learned from each other.

[Flashback to middle school, when they were younger.]

Lynn Sr.: "We would experiment on recipes, creating a new twist on all sorts of old favorites."

[A dash of caramel accidentally falls into the pot.]

Young Lynn Sr.: Oh no! I knocked caramel sauce into the mac 'n' cheese, it's ruined!

Young Mildred: Now, wait a second Lynn. [Tastes] Hmm, oh, it's delicious, the sweet brings out the salty.

[Lynn's pupils turn to stars, when the principal comes on the PA.]

Principal: Will Flip please report to the principal's office? Again.

Young Flip: [Runs into the room] Mind if I lay low here a while?

Teacher: Get back here Flip!

[Flip ducks under the sink, while some teachers run past the room.]

Young Flip: [Sigh of relief] Thanks, Ms. S.

[He closes the cabinet. At the end of the day, Mildred is writing in a black book.]

Mildred: After every new dish we created, I would write the recipe down in a black notebook, so I wouldn't forget it.

[Young Lynn is then shown in his room doing the same thing.]

Lynn Sr.: [Gasps] I did the same thing.

[End of flashback]

Laney: So there was no recipe theft?

Lynn Sr.: Nope. We created them together, and I say we continue to share them; well I think Lynn's Table and Frosty Farm's Frozen Feasts can co-exist.

Mildred: Oh, I'd like that too, in fact, since you lost your book, you're welcome to borrow mine anytime.

Lynn Sr.: [Touched] Awe, thanks Ms. S. [Grabs some chef hats.] Now, what do you say we celebrate by creating something new together?

Mildred: Oh, just point me to the caramel sauce.

[The two go.]

Karla: Well, Lady Solitare. Looks like you solved another tricky case.

Laney: Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without my tough as spades partner.

Karla: Come on, let's go cash in our free meals. [They leave]

Laney: You know, we never really found out what happened to my dad's recipe book.

Karla: Eh. I guess it'll be one of those unsolvable mysteries.

[Meanwhile, at the Royal Woods Library, Leni tosses three books onto the counter.]

Leni: I'd like to return these, please.

Lola: [Drives her car up to Leni.] Leni! Stop! Those aren't library books! There Dad's cookbook, Lucy's poetry book, [aggravated], and my diary! Didn't you see the glitter trail?

[Lola points to said glitter trail.]

Leni: Oh, whoops, I was just trying to be helpful.

Lola: Grab the books and hop in. [The girls drive off.] First stop Dad's restaurant to give him back his book.

Leni: You're being totes dramatic, I'm sure he hasn't even noticed it was missing.