For more than a century, the Land of Dawn was at peace. But as all things in this world should be, nothing will last forever. The 7 hidden powers of the ancient gods; living within the walls of the 7 crystals could create the most powerful force in this world when united, but at the same time, could bring destruction. She, who seeks for its power. Failed once, but came back to finish her temptation; to destroy the Land of Dawn. She will destroy the gates of Abyss, she will free all of the demons within it while darkness befalls into her feet. For a hundred years, all the kingdoms and tribes of the Land of Dawn will unite again to stop her. The Elves, the humans, the guardian and gods will defend their home again. They will stop her before she gets what she want. They won't surrender, or abuse their power. They will rise and unite, defending the land to the end of times. Or else, all they will remember, is her, enjoying her laughter saying... "Watch Your Back!"
"Since after the Reign of Alice; the queen of the apocalypse; The Land of Dawn was at peace, the kingdoms and tribes of the land were at peace, no invasion, no war for centuries. The defeat of the Apocalypse Queen left a terrible destruction at the land.
Alice Was once a good and a beautiful queen who loves her people, but everything changed when she was consumed by the greed of power. Alice found out that if the 7 energy crystals were able to collide, the most powerful force will be created. Alice collected almost all of the crystals, but the brave warriors of the Land stopped her, and threw her into the abyss. With grief and anger, Alice was consumed by darkness, and thus, the Apocalypse Queen was born."
"Does Alice ever become Hungry?" asked by one of the elven child
"Oh dear, of course she does." Miya, the brave Archer respond
"What does she eat whenever she's hungry?" another elf asked
"Uhmm Just the cute newborn elves actually" Miya jokingly replied
The elven children screamed in terror, others are crying, when suddenly, the Goddess's bell was rung for the first time in a long time
"Alright children, stay calm, be right back" carefully, Miya got out to see what's going on
"What's Happening?" Miya asked one of the royal guard of king Estes
"The king called out for an emergency, he needs you there" said one of the guards.
Miya ran out through the gates of the palace and rush straight forward to the kings hall.
"My king! What's going on?" Miya Relentlessly asked
"Miya, Alice is coming back, she is awaken" The King worriedly reply
"What do you mean my king?"
"I have a vision, she's here to collect all of the stones, we have to be ready!"
"I will-"
Suddenly, a loud explosion occur in the magical forest where the gate of the abyss is, guarded by the Cat Elves