

in a world where both Elementals and Humans existed. Demons have long hindered the rise of a true Elemental god king. The Night family have produced heirs who have been continually killed and prevented from uniting the Elemental Kingdoms and saving them from extinction. This story portrays the rise of the first True god King of the Night family, He is going to challenge Hades in hell and the gods in the god realm. He is going to reign supreme...

Daoist1GdsHP · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
92 Chs


Chapter 62: Fame!!!

The Fire-breather Mantra for Gabriel Li;

"Here he comes, the fire King, the one who defies natural order, the King of battles, the King of the arena"

These words had been spread around town, one would see it streaming live on TV, hear it on the radio, every other media outlet.

The way the world resonated with Lancelot Jr's recent streak of victories and paid so much attention to the elemental level competitions, it felt like the world was bored and finally found something interesting to engage in.

Lancelot Jr was invited for an interview to be streamed live on TV, he had become really famous, a hero so many yearned to be.

The young humans who dreamed of having superpowers would drool in awe whenever his name was mentioned.

It's been 7 years since that competition,

Lancelot Jr was now '13 years old'.

His fame had grown so much that little kids everywhere had figurines built in his image.

He was now a level 4 elemental in his fire element, while he only reached level 2 in water and air elements. He hadn't activated the remaining elements but he had focused mostly on these three elements.

Alisha Morgan had become his best friend and they grew so close over the course of these seven years. She accompanied him to the interview arena.

They arrived at the venue in a big van.

Waiting for them at the entrance were human bodyguards, all dressed in black round necks and black trousers.

The word of the arrival of Lancelot Jr had spread like wildfire.

The crowd that gathered around the entrance was fear-inducing. If the crowd got too out of control, a stampede could occur.

When Lancelot Jr stepped out of the van the shouts soared, he wore a shade, with a blue blazer on a black T-shirt and blue jeans trousers . Following him was Alisha Morgan, she had also grown so much.

She was of the same age as Lancelot Jr, her body was developing rapidly, she was looking ravishing in an emerald green flowing overall that covered an inner green shirt, on a short green skirt.

The outer gown was unbuttoned making it seem like a cape.

"That is Gabriel Li, the fire King, he is so young, yet so powerful, I learnt that he is just 13 years old and already a level 4 elemental, because of him sometimes I wish I wasn't human"

"Shut up Pascal, go and play with your figurines , I thought you said he wasn't worthy to be called a hero, suddenly you've changed your


"That is Alisha Morgan, what an absolute beauty, in a few years, she would be my wife, she is also powerful"

"Here they come"

The noise grew louder from inside, the bodyguards moved themselves to the front of the crowd to form a path for Lancelot Jr and Alisha Morgan to pass through.

They were able to get in unscathed, they were led through a back door to the center stage where a live recording camera was facing a woman who wore a faint smile, her lips were painted red and glossy, she was gorgeous to behold.

"Here he comes, the superstar that has been causing waves around the world, the fire King himself, Give it up for Gabriel Li'

The presenter spoke passionately, giving Lancelot Jr a passionate introduction that caused the crowd to start clapping.

The clapping continued as Lancelot Jr walked to the front to sit beside the presenter on a couch placed exactly in the center of the stage.

The lights focused on him, and everything was going fine, people were screaming his name.

"On STV, we do our best to capture the best scenes from every important occurrence around the world, the other TV stations have been displaying your mantra, and the videos of your victories, we decided to take it a step further and bring you to our TV station to be interviewed, we can be said to be the first to air the boy genius on set."

The lady said proudly with a smile on her face.

"So to kick off this edition, I have some questions and I hope you could answer them honestly," The presenter spoke with a comforting smile.

"1 will answer as honestly as I can," Lancelot Jr responded with a light chuckle.

"You're already in class 4 of the Captain Suzie Wang's elemental school, are you going to remain to complete classes 5 and 6 or are you going to join the elemental professional schools"

The presenter asked with a serious expression on her face.

"l would be joining the professional league soon, but I plan on spending one more year at the school, there is no hurry about the graduation" Lancelot Jr answered with a grin.

"You've become quite the hero and the people are loving you. What do you plan on doing in the future and do you intend to change your famous name later on.."

The reporter asked the question with a more focused look.

Suddenly on the screen where the interview was being viewed, a skeleton head appeared, it started opening and closing its mouth rapidly, it was replaced by a man in a mask..

There were whispers all around, all electronic devices were buzzing, phones, laptops, and other gadgets, other TV stations were hacked as well and the same information was being viewed everywhere.

"Our name is Skeleton, we are a human organization tasked with wiping out the elemental scum from our world, any human siding with an elemental would be killed, if you harbor any elemental in your home you would be killed as well, we will give you all a five days warning, break off any engagements with any elemental and you'd be off our list."

"In five days, we will start to attack every elemental faction in our world. All Elementals must die, we are 'skeleton', we are humans, we are powerful"

The message ended and the screen returned to the original view of Lancelot Jr and the reporter. The entire hall was silent, not a single sound was made.

Suddenly gossips and fearful gasps burst out.

"The skeleton organization wants to kill all elementals, is that a war on all elementals?"

"Human versus elementals, how dire is this situation?"

"Who are these ones? why do they want to pit the humans against the elementals?"

The presentation ended and no one could continue with the program, Lancelot Jr was immediately prompted by the spirit speaker to leave.

Although he had a similar intention to leave, it wasn't immediate, nonetheless, he had to; after all, trouble was brewing.

He stood up, gave a heartfelt apology to the presenter, and then he signaled to Alisha Morgan who was close by and they both left the venue.

The Van took them back to the school, the reporter was still dumbfounded by the string of events that just occurred.

The internet was buzzing with the news of the new organization called Skeleton and no one was having a peaceful time.

"l am Stan Lee reporting live from the studios of

Elemental TV, we don't have any grudge with humans, neither do we want a war, our real enemy is the rebellious organization called skeleton, in five days, they would see the wrath of the elemental world" Stan Lee's face was broadcast across the different media platforms.

"I've never seen Stan Lee that angry", Mr. Maxwell said with a small laugh, while the members of classes 4, 5, and 6 with some teachers were gathered in a hall.

The Principal was also there and she looked at him sternly, " take this seriously Mr. Maxwell, the skeleton organization is a dangerous sect, we haven't found anything about them till now"

She then looked towards the crowd before her and continued speaking;

"General Suzie wang would be returning to the continent from her travels, the Emperor is mobilizing all the forces as we speak, he is not taking this lightly.."

She then turned to Lancelot Jr, "Gabriel, see me in my office, I have an assignment for you." The crowd were then dispersed after that.

Alisha Morgan was beside Lancelot Jr, she spoke to him after the Principal had left,

"Are you in trouble?" She asked with a smile.

"It's probably a trivial matter.." Lancelot Jr responded nonchalantly.

"My mom would be coming by noon, when she heard the news she started to hurry down, she also wants to see you.." Alisha spoke bashfully.

"See me? Why is that?" Lancelot Jr asked, surprised

Alisha just shrugged, "1 told her a lot about you.."

While they were conversing, out of no where, Xavier Xu suddenly slashed at Lancelot Jr's head with a sword.

Lancelot Jr moved to the side while he chanted

"Mind as calm as the seas, motion like a fluid'

He dodged the move quite easily and stared at Xavier Xu with a frown.

"You're lucky again this time, I will kill you next time" after saying that, Xavier Xu sped off and disappeared out of sight.

Within the last three years, after he recovered from coma, Xavier Xu had made it his personal vendetta to threaten Lancelot Jr time and time again.

Sometimes in his sleep, he would sneak in and try to slit his throat, but the spirit speaker was like an invincible alarm clock that always alerted him way ahead of time.

Hence helping Lancelot Jr to escape. Today again he had showed up to attack at a moment he felt Lancelot Jr had let his guard down, but thanks to his water and wind element combined with the flawless movement technique he chants, he was able to dodge in time.