
Lady Leah

Isabella_314 · História
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

1: The Initial Encounter

Chapter 1

On their 11th day of riding, King John and his men approached the outskirts of Qysra; on a voyage of monumental merit in the recent history of Angora. Nearly one year after the death of his father, King Robert, John has since spent his days as a new king by being a reformer. Reviving treaties that were broken, rekindling relationships that were broken, forming new alliances as well as breaking old, unnecessary ones; all were the efforts John hoped to eradicate the acts of his cretinous, tyrant father. During his entire twenty-three year reign, his father waged absolute tyranny on his subjects; not on all, but only the ones he found most convenient. He taxed the poor moreover than any former king, and alleviated most of the financial burdens such as taxes and even debt for all the aristocracy. Such were efforts aimed to unite his court as he believed that so as long as he had the loyalty of whomever may be the heads of provinces in his Kingdom, he would have the utmost power over all of his subjects. Partially true, as his such efforts bound to him the supreme support of all royal bloods in the kingdom, resulting in the strongest, most collectively supported reign of Angora to date. Yet, despite his success with the unity and unrivaled power of his court, those living in the outskirts or of lower classes were long forgotten. Famine, illness and starvation was at its highest; so much so that there were known instances of cannibalism and even infanticide on behalf parents who could not bare the thought of bringing life into such times. King John was aware of all of this, even during his days as a prince- he stood silently brewing hate and resentment towards the very man who give him life. Nonetheless, he brushed his feelings aside and took note of every action his father would take, planning since his youth of how he would soon bring an end to it all.

As such, King John's mercy had reached many and his current voyage was another responsibility amongst the many revisions which he deemed necessary for the growth and well-being of his kingdom and people. This venture, however, was far greater than any other means of reform as it was not only a revision of his father's reign, but to bring a halt to centuries worth of policies resulting in segregation instilled by his great forefathers against the people of Samar. Once rulers of the kingdom, the result of ancient politics left the Samari people subject to slavery and demolition for nearly three centuries. Now, having only a few hundred of them left in the world, John hoped to preserve such a rarity and make amends for such consequential turmoil on behalf of his preceding family.

As their populace significantly diminished over the years, King John, never dealt with nor even met a Samar personally. As a result, he was somewhat frightful of what he would soon face. Troublesome rumors filled his ears and mind with grim hope. Aside from only believing in the rumors embodying the well-known orthodox traditions of the Samari's, John rejected the rest. He was a man of refrained judgement, as he postponed doing such a thing until personal encounters and observations. His father, if worded by the aristocracy, would be noted as a man of honor, virtue, and of unparalleled mercy— where, in reality, was as near opposite of such character as can be. This was precisely why he embarked such a meeting personally rather than sending an ambassador on his behalf; he wished to be his own eyes and ears for the generation of his own, sound judgement.

In the recent years, the free Samari's residing in Qyrsa miraculously revived their way of life by engaging in minor forms of diplomacy. A newly emerging leader, a female leader nonetheless, by the name Leah, had managed to develop medicinal remedies which not only helped her people, but the many throughout the Kingdom to which King Robert turned a blind eye to. Leah's means supplied medicinal remedies to those in need in exchange for pay and resources; a small but successful commerce which neared ended poverty and illness not only in Qyrsa but other provinces in business with her. In addition to her success in commerce, it was apparent that Leah and her workers were finding new methods of remedy as well as new forms of pharmacology never before introduced to the kingdom. John was informed that formerly feared fatal illnesses were now being shrugged off like the common cold. This was attribute which keenly interested the King as there seemed to be a growing potential for war, where outstanding amounts of men not only die from battle but equally from the spread of disease. Thus, the King embarked on this journey not only to make amends with the Samarifolk after centuries worth of rebuttal but to expand and become apart of their commerce in preparation for war.

King John's carriage came to a brief halt, where he peered out of his window to see a building of some sort in the near distance before him. 'We have arrived', he thought to himself as his carriage did not resume movement all the while he heard his men dismantle themselves from horse back. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath; although his diplomacy expanded to hundreds of thousands of people, making such new acquittances made him uneasy. This meeting particularly, since he had no forefather to use as an example, as all were responsible for giving orders to the murder of tens of thousands of Samari's, women and children included, making it the most difficult effort of his reign.


Leah patiently waited on the sandy gravel pathed in front the entryway of her residence. She was standing in the middle among her most trusted; to her right was a place always reserved for her closest companion and advisor, Mr. Winston, and to her left was her two friends and helping aides Molly and Agatha. These three act as the shadows of Leah, as the demand required for her accumulated success was only possible with multiple, trustworthy and routinely accustomed hands at her service. Equally to her left and right, further down the line, were 16 members, all service aides alike; all whom awaited the arrival of their king.

Leah clasped her fingers atop one another and placed her hands above her abdomen, breathing slowly, trying to calm the nerves she which she denied existed. For many years, she's invited and hosted politicians in exchange of commerce, having gotten accustomed to such encounters; this however, was unseen of. She faintly squinted her eyes to make sense of the image peering before her— rows of dark furred, extravagantly decorated horses with uniformed men on top, all riding before and behind a lavish navy blue and gold embroidered carriage with many carts following it. The horses halted once they the reached the center of the gravel. The men jumped onto their feet and arranged themselves routinely and hastily in line then waited a-still. Four men ran to the carriage, one opened the door as another placed steps on the ground for the king to step on. A fuzzy, dark figured emerged from the carriage door then made its way down the carriage, becoming available to everyone's sight.

"His majesty, the King!" Shouted an officer.

Leah fell to a low and elegant curtesy, following her, all of the Samari's bent their knees and bowed before their supreme ruler. She kept her gaze down, making sense of the king walking towards her by utilizing her only her ears. One footstep after another, the king reeled in closer to her until the tips of his shoes came to view of her lowered gaze. She raised from her bow and lifted her head to meet his gaze; those besides her followed.

The crowd, King and Leah were silent as they studied one another. She observed John as he towered over her— he was very tall. He had brown hair, medium length and combed back. His cheeks were flushed which she presumed was from riding in the dry air for so long. His eyes were blue and soft, appearing to be welcoming and warm. John found Leah to be much younger than he expected and without moving his head, he shifted his eyes about the crowd before him. Far from resembling the attendees of his court, Leah and those around her presented unfamiliar features that appeared to be distinct only to the men and women of Samar. They all had long dark, curly hair, with contrasting piercing grey eyes, their skin was so pale, it was almost mauve, resembling ice. He quickly shifted his gaze back to Leah and realized that although they all had similar features, Leah's presence stood out amongst the crowd as there seemed to be a unique, unparalleled vibrance to her. She was exotic and refreshing to the eye. Her long, dark hair was luscious and curly, with the front portions pinned back, displaying her face and long, slender neck bare. Her eyebrows were full and bushy, much thicker than he's seen on other women, though it suited her, he thought. She wore a deep red, plain gown with no decorative embroidery or any elaborate jewelry— just a very thin gold chain right around her neck and matching small, dangling earrings. This was quite opposite to the lavish strides of the women at court. Amidst mutually and silently studying one another, Leah noticed in the corner of her eye Mr. Winston staring at her which reminded to break the silence and welcome her esteemed guest.

"Lady Leah," John nodded his head and beating her to breaking the silence, "Thank you for accepting my invitation for us to meet, it is an honor to be in your presence."

"The pleasure and honor is ours, Your Majesty," she said as she bowed before him once more. Her voice was soft and relaxed. She displayed no extraordinary excitement as her counterparts displayed to be in such a presence. "I should like to introduce you to the crowd which accompanies me. This is Mr. Winston, my advisor," she said as she paused for them to become acquainted shifting her gaze to Mr. Winston.

"Your majesty," Mr. Winston said as he bowed once more, "What an honor, I feel as though my long life has fulfilled its purpose, your Grace," he remarked ecstatically as truly, this was the most momentous moment of his 63 years of living.

"I am honored to having made acquittance with you, sir," replied John smiling at the old, excited man before him.

"This is Lady Molly and Lady Agatha," continued Leah. "Your grace," they both echoed, falling to a curtesy. To which John acknowledged by a smile and nod. There was another brief silence to which Mr. Winston interrupted—

"Might I suggest, your Grace, as you and your men are exhausted from your long journey, may we direct you to your rooms to take rest for the remainder of the afternoon?" intervened Mr. Winston, which reminded Leah of how they have rehearsed their introductions.

"If it suits his majesty, we've prepared a feast which we hope will take place after you're well rested. I take it we have much to discuss, but your well-being is our priority," added Leah , still very calm and collected. John was alarmed by her composure as he feared he would appear more nervous than her.

"How thoughtful of you," he John to the both of them, trying to maintain his footing.

"Howard, will you kindly direct the King to his chambers? Be sure to guide his men as well, please," she requested.

"Yes my lady," said Howard as he emerged from the crowd, bowed before the king and held is hand in the direction intended, "this way your majesty."

"Please send for us if you need anything, your Grace," added Leah , lowering her gaze bowing before him once again until his back was turned to her.

"Certainly," John smiled back and made his way following his guide.

Once king John and his men far away, Winston neared Leah and whispered, "What do you think, my lady?"

"Too soon to tell," replied Leah, not breaking her gaze from the men's back getting smaller in her view.

"Well it's certainly not too soon to tell how handsome he is," remarked Molly, accompanied by Agatha's wide grin supporting the notion.

"Now, now," pressed Leah as she locked both of her arms in Molly and Agatha's directing them both towards the entrance of the main hall. "Let's try to behave and set an example of how virtuous Samari woman are, please," teased Leah. Where surely, she took their arms not to direct them indoors but because she feared as though she might collapse from trembling by having just met the most powerful man on earth.