
Lady In Black

There has been a mysterious killer spreading throughout the kingdom called a Lady in Black. She was wearing in all black. The Lady in Black was an enigma, as her true identity and motives remained shrouded in mystery. Whatever her purpose was, it was clear that the citizens of the kingdom were in grave danger. Her victims had been found with mysterious death ways. No one had seen her face and she disappeared as quickly as she appeared. The citizen thought that could be a witch but witches had ceased for so long in the wake of the war. People were terrified of this killer. Queen Gabriella sent her finest knights to investigate the situation. Unfortunately, they failed to find the perpetrator of the crime. To add further urgency to the situation, the Lady in Black left no survivors - whoever crossed her path vanished without a trace. This suspicion was further fueled by rumours that the lady in black had certain powers and could travel through walls and even fly. Queen Gabriella was determined to find out the truth and decided to take matters into her own hands. She set off on a journey to find the Lady in Black and bring her to justice.

CrescentVI · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Volume 2

The night was calm and still, with a gentle breeze blowing through the trees. The crickets chirped their nocturnal song, and the fireflies danced in the air. The trees swayed in the breeze, and the night sky was filled with a million stars, sparkling and twinkling in the dark. All the worries and stresses of the day seemed to fade away, and the world seemed to stand still at that moment. A feeling of peace and contentment washed over the landscape, and all that could be heard was the chorus of nature's song. It was a beautiful, tranquil night, and one that would never be forgotten.

The dark silhouette of the castle was illuminated by the light of the full moon. A bat appeared and circled the tower before reaching the rampart castle. The bat landed gracefully on top, its wings folding inwards as it surveyed its surroundings with its bright, beady eyes. Then, it slowly transformed into a human. Standing atop the castle, the figure surveyed the night sky.

The stars glimmered in the night sky and the soft light of the moon illuminated her surroundings. She could feel the weight of her responsibilities on her shoulders, yet the tranquil atmosphere allowed her to take a well-needed moment of solace. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. With her eyes closed behind the masquerade, she could feel the cool night breeze against her skin and the distant sounds of birds chirping in the night.

At that moment, she felt a sense of someone behind her. A familiar smell emanated from the person. She opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder before turning around. The man was dressed in a black suit, leaving his chest exposed, and wearing a mask with a stern expression on his face. She could see his eyes through the mask. His purple eyes glistened in the moonlight. The silver blue hair on his head was brushed to the back, leaving two lines in the front. It was Lichelle Fennech.

"Miss Dakota, the queen awaits your presence in the majesty room."

As he spoke, his voice was filled with urgency, making it clear that this was not a request, but a demand. Without hesitation, she responded, "I will be there, but I will not be able to do so without knowing why she has summoned me." Her voice was steady, and her resolve clear: she would not be denied.

He nodded in acknowledgement and said, "The Queen has urgent matters to discuss with you." With that, he bowed and turned to leave. Dakota took a deep breath and steeled herself for what was to come. She had no choice but to obey the Queen's command.

"You look remarkable, your majesty!"

She smiled as she put the white pearl necklace around the queen's neck. "It's the perfect finishing touch," she added, beaming proudly. She fixed the necklace in place on her neck so it looked nice on her. Her work admired, the queen smiled back, her expression one of satisfaction as she touched the dazzling necklace. "It is truly beautiful," she said with a nod of approval. Taking a step back, she watched the queen admire her reflection in the mirror with a satisfied smile, content with the beautiful pearl necklace that now adorned her neck.

She spun around and around, her laughter echoing throughout the room. She lowered her back and leaned her face closer to the mirror. She turned her head to the left and then to the right while tapping her face twice. In an instant, she straightened her back and turned around to the maid.

"I love this!" She squeaked.

"It's perfect!" She exclaimed in excitement as she clapped her hands together. The maid could see her canine teeth from the queen 's smile. "I'm glad you love it, your majesty." She lowered and raised her head. The queen turned back to see herself in the mirror, satisfied with herself. But behind that face, she had a malicious thought. She knew she had the power to make her subjects fear her, and with a wide grin, she vowed to use it.

'I'm the epitome of grace and poise, a regal presence that lights up every room. My looks are so captivating, they bring me admiration from all around. My beauty is an asset to my kingdom, and I wear it proudly for all to see. I'm the envy of all, and I know it. No one can compete with me and that is what makes me the finest. My beauty is unmatched and I will remain the most beautiful queen of all.' She grinned.

While she looked in the mirror, someone knocked on the door. Startled, she spun around to see who was at the door. The maid quickly put her stuff on the table and rushed toward the door. With a deep breath, she opened the door to greet the unexpected visitor. There was a tall, pale woman wearing a dark dress with her eyes covered in a black lace masquerade mask. She didn't smile at her only glared at her which made her feel uncomfortable. She was unsure of who the woman was or why she was here, but she could feel a strange presence emanating from the woman, making her heart beat faster.

"How can I help you, ma'am?" She asked. She stood tall with determination, her gaze fixed ahead. "I would like to meet a queen." She declared firmly. "Would you mind giving me a-" "Alice, what took you so long?" Alice, startled by the sudden interruption, brought her attention to the queen. "Your majesty, a visitor wants to see you." The queen couldn't hear Alice's voice, so she asked her to repeat it again. "Your Majesty," Alice repeated. "This visitor wishes to meet you." She said firmly. "Who is the visitor?" Alice nodded then turned to the woman, whispering. "May I know your name, ma'am?"

"Dakota. Dakota Greece."