
Lady In Black

There has been a mysterious killer spreading throughout the kingdom called a Lady in Black. She was wearing in all black. The Lady in Black was an enigma, as her true identity and motives remained shrouded in mystery. Whatever her purpose was, it was clear that the citizens of the kingdom were in grave danger. Her victims had been found with mysterious death ways. No one had seen her face and she disappeared as quickly as she appeared. The citizen thought that could be a witch but witches had ceased for so long in the wake of the war. People were terrified of this killer. Queen Gabriella sent her finest knights to investigate the situation. Unfortunately, they failed to find the perpetrator of the crime. To add further urgency to the situation, the Lady in Black left no survivors - whoever crossed her path vanished without a trace. This suspicion was further fueled by rumours that the lady in black had certain powers and could travel through walls and even fly. Queen Gabriella was determined to find out the truth and decided to take matters into her own hands. She set off on a journey to find the Lady in Black and bring her to justice.

CrescentVI · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Volume 10

The next morning.


"UGH, I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Her jaw clenched in rage. She grabbed a cup of tea and then smashed it on the floor. "This tea tastes AWFUL!" Then, she grabbed a plate filled with food. "This food tastes dreadful as well!" She threw it to the wall, shattering to the floor. The food was scattered all around the room. She took a deep breath and looked around, her face full of anger. She then shouted in frustration, "Is there NOTHING in this world that tastes good to me!?"

The maids and the butlers stood there silently, looking away as they were unable to see her gaze. "Mother, please calm down for a moment." Said Prince Eldritch softly. His plea, however, seemed to only further infuriate her. She turned her cold gaze to him and hissed out. "Calm down? How can I be calm when these peasants never give me good cuisine?!" She slammed her fist into the table, which shocked everyone around her. Prince Eldritch looked at Prince Drystan who was also looking at him then he turned his gaze to his mother.

He could feel the tension in the room as the servants shuffled in place, bracing for an outburst. He knew he had to do something quickly. Prince Drystan made a decision to take the lead and break the tension. He stepped closer and gently took her hand, looking her in the eyes. "Mother, please take a deep breath and listen to me. You know that these servants are only trying their best, and it's not their fault that the food doesn't taste pleasant. Let's not take our frustrations out on them. Let's find a different solution." His tone was gentle and understanding, and he kept a steady gaze as he spoke. His words were comforting, and he made sure to maintain eye contact with her.

Seeing her son touching her hand, she felt disgusted. She pushed his hands away and looked away. He could sense her discomfort and immediately stepped back. Despite her reaction, a sharp pain in his heart still lingered as she lashed him out. He smiled at her, lowering his head and heading back to his seat. Prince Eldritch who was watching the scene, was heartbroken to see his mother reject her son's comfort. Prince Eldritch sighed in despair.

He could only do was watch in silence as his mother's coldness further increased the distance between the mother and her third son. He wished he could do something to help, but he knew that he couldn't. The queen turned around and left the room without a single word. As the queen left the room, her fury was palpable. The servants scrambled to clean up the mess from the floor. The atmosphere was tense and heavy, and no one said a word as the queen vanished from sight. Prince Drystan stared at the door for a few moments before getting up from his seat and walking out, his head bowed low.

"Drystan where are you going?" Prince Eldritch asked. He turned around and said. "I have to attend violin class." He smiled weakly. Prince Eldritch said, "But you haven't finished your food, Drystan." However, Prince Drystan shook his head and said, "No, I'm not hungry anymore." He sighed and replied, "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused." He gave a sad smile and turned away, walking out of the room. Prince Eldritch watched with concern as his brother left the room, unable to do anything to stop him. He could only hope that the violin lesson would lift Drystan's spirits.



Prince Drystan took out his violin and started playing a soft melody. His hands moved swiftly across the strings, creating a beautiful and soothing sound. The music filled the room, calming those around him. He closed his eyes and his fingers kept playing, as if he had been transported to another world. The music slowly faded away until it was nothing more than a gentle whisper. As the last note faded, he opened his eyes and looked around the room. His teacher clapped his hands in appreciation and smiled in admiration at his talented student. He walked up to him and said, "That was beautiful, Drystan." Drystan smiled in response, proud of his accomplishment. He nodded his head in thanks.

He had been taking violin lessons since he was a child, and he was a particularly talented student. His teacher had praised him for dedication and hard work, and he had made significant progress in mastering the instrument. Despite his talent, his mother had never been particularly supportive of his hobby, and she had often scolded him for wasting time on it. He had tried to ignore her criticism, but her words remained with him and deep down, he felt like he was never quite good enough.

"Her Highness would have been very proud of you," his teacher said. "You have a great gift and you should never let anyone tell you otherwise." Drystan nodded, his heart swelling with pride. 'As if she would proud of me...' He thought to himself. Drystan had always been told he had a gift, but he never truly believed it. Surely if his gift was as great as everyone said, his mother would be there to support him. He put his violin inside its case. "I shall leave now." He turned away, walking out of the room. He closed the door behind him.

Prince Drystan headed to the fountain, taking in the sight of the water cascading down the stone steps. He sat down on the edge of the fountain and closed his eyes, letting the gentle sound of the water fill his ears. He took a deep breath and felt some of the tension leaving his body. He opened his eyes and gazed at the sculpture in the center of the fountain. It was a woman, her outstretched arms reaching for the sky, her face filled with joy.

He had never seen that woman around here before and wondered who she was. He stared at her for a few moments, mesmerized by her beauty. Suddenly, Drystan was filled with shame. He had been so caught up in his admiration for the woman that he hadn't realized how inappropriate it was for him to be staring at her like that. The woman looked at him and smiled.