

Kartika sold by his adoptive mother because of money. Until finally he had to live a life as a lady of the night. Until finally a young man came and set him free from the valley of humiliation and uncover who his biological parents

Alya_Snitzkyy2 · História
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs


In the morning Kartika woke up refreshed. He immediately took ablution water and immediately performed the morning prayer. I don't know how long he hasn't been praying. In his prostration, Kartika gave thanks for all the goodness that God had given him.

He did not forget to pray for his beloved father. Also for her mother and sister. Remembering her mother made Kartika's heart feel so sick. Mothers who have conceived and given birth. His mother also sold it. Plunge into a very dark and black world.

Kartika sobbed, she did not understand why Sulastri hated her so much. Although he was present as a result of an accident but wasn't his father responsible? At least Sulastri knows who Kartika's father is. She was pregnant but didn't know who her father was. So many men have fucked her.

After performing the morning prayer and recitation, Kartika wore good and polite clothes. Rivan will pick her up for work on this day.

Kartika opened the box where she kept the money. Quite a lot of savings over the past year. Kartika is rarely shopping or spending money on unnecessary things. He kept the money in the bank and some of it he kept in a box for sudden needs. Kartika smiled when she saw the balance of her savings account and also the cash in the box.

The girl plans to pursue Package C so she can get a high school diploma.

At exactly 7 o'clock the door of his room was heard knocking. Kartika swiftly opened it and smiled when she saw Rivan standing at the door of her room.

"Wow, I don't think you're awake yet. Ready to work?" asked Rivan.

"Ready, Mas."

"Yes, let's go now, yes. Let's have breakfast first. You must not have breakfast, right?"

Kartika nodded, " yes, Mas. I don't know where to buy breakfast. There is no kitchen in this house either. So, so I'm confused, " replied Kartika.

"There are people who sell breakfast, Tika. You just walk. Later, tomorrow you can also take public transport once to work, yes."

Kartika just nodded. It turned out that what Rivan said was true, near his boarding house there were many food merchants. From Kupat tahu to lontong kari and nasi kuning.

Rivan immediately took Kartika to his restaurant. And, the distance is not far from Kartika's boarding house.

"We have breakfast at my restaurant," said Rivan.

As soon as they entered, some of the employees seemed to nod politely and greeted them in a friendly manner.

"Please prepare two fried rice and warm sweet tea, yes."

Rivan said to one of his employees, then invited Kartika to sit in a chair in the corner.

"You will serve as a cashier in place of my cashier who quit. The restaurant is open 24 hours. So, some work night until morning, and morning until eight in the evening. Only the cashier I never rolled. From morning till night, you will be replaced by another cashier, night. At night the cashier is a man. Because the night is a little vulnerable condition."

"Mas, may I ask?"


"Why Are you so kind to me?"

"I'm sorry to see the girl who worked that night, Tika. But, as far as I know, on average, they did give themselves up to work like that. Like Wendah and Ayu, they were probably sold by his father. But, their father every month always comes to mess to ask for monthly money, right? I also see they don't feel overwhelmed. But your case is different. Mami Sundari told me everything. It's all the same as what you told me. That's why I decided to help you."

Kartika let out a deep breath. Honestly, in his heart Kartika's little hope Rivan loves him. But, it turns out that what Rivan did was just out of pity.

But, never mind. Kartika did not want to expect much. Can be helped is already a profit once. After eating Rivan immediately brought Kartika to the cashier who taught them what Kartika should do.

"Well, you understand now, right?" asked Rivan.

"Yes, Mas."

"If there is anything, you can ask Taufik, yes."

Taufik is a cashier on duty in the afternoon. He was very friendly to Kartika.

"Hopefully at home," said Taufik while grabbing his bag and jacket because his working hours are already over and will be replaced by Kartika.

"On Tuesday, the restaurant is closed. So we can all take a day off, " said Rivan.

After introducing Kartika to all employees, Rivan immediately went home.

"Mas Rivan has other business as well, Tika. So, he came here only occasionally, " said Ella one of the waiters when she saw Kartika looked confused to see Rivan who immediately left.

"Oh, so Rivan's business is a lot, huh?"

"Yes, his future wife is also a rich man. If I'm not mistaken, have a boutique near BIP."

Kartika suddenly felt her chest hurt again. He has a wife too. Kartika was only able to hold a deep breath and received everything with a wide chest.

The employees at the place were all friendly. Kartika felt happy to be working there. Kartika also got a lunch ration. So, he doesn't have to spend any more money to eat. All of Kartika can be grateful.