
Lady Animatronics

how would the world be if there were a special organization to protect females from some lusty men out there. and only females would know about this organisation run by females... for the female by the female

Shreya_Khascal · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The mysterious killer, now known as Lady Animatronic, is now the sensation of the country. After being acknowledged by the citizens, the fear of Lady Animatronic has almost stopped the harrasments of female kind. Before taking advantage of a woman, they now has to rethink their decisions. Now women can go out even at night feeling a sence of safety, and work till late night. No men can even dare to look at women with bad intentions.

One day I had to go to Kolkata college street, to buy some books I really needed. By the time I was done, the sun was already setting. I had to catch the train but the general compartment had so many people, I couldn't get in. So I had no choice but to hop on to a vendors compartment. It was crowded too but nothing like the generals. I was standing still in between so much crowd, suddenly I felt a little pull in my hairs. I thought that the journey of the entire day had made my bun got loose, so it got stuck on something. But then I suddenly started to feel warm air on my shoulders, and the hair picking. With a disgust I realised, some creep was actually chewing on my loose hairs. He might have thought that Lady Animatronic can't do anything when it's crossed, but he had forgotten that the Durga inside us is just asleep not dead. I pulled out the pin I had tied my bun with, turned around and shoved it into his eye. With bleeding eye the guy fell down and started screaming with his life. The fellow passengers were stunned and someone called the police. The guy was sent to hospital and I was taken to the police station. After asking me the whole situation, they said " but you are a girl! How can you do something so inhuman?!" I replied " so.. you're saying I should've waited for him to eat me alive ?! Not all the time can Lady to save us; sometimes we have to save ourselves. They are not gonna be around forever!" Detective Avinav was right next to us listening. He got up and asked me " so I see you know about Lady Animatronics so much eh?! " " Yes sir we have to know. They are born for our sake, so it's our duty to know too. " I replied with a smirk. They had to let me go for the day with a warning and I was told to be present for the next enquiry. By that time it was already late night.

Somewhere near , the whistle was beeping again. Police department was alert this time, they picked up their guns and ran to the cause of the sound , detective Avinav and behind him, all of the police in the police station. They arrived just in time. Someone is standing in the dark; A figure of a woman. Police had surrounded the figure ." HANDS UP!!" The figure signed someone in the air to stop! And then turned around towards the police. With the cracked mask on her face. A young man came out of the dark crying, " sir!! P-please save me sir!! I have done nothing wrong!! I - I don't want to die sir! Please save me!!!" Detective Avinav said with a loaded gun pointing towards Lady Animatronic, " don't worry mister! You are safe now. This psycho criminal can't do anything to you now. " The man tried to run to the police but got stabbed in the knees by a flying knife from Lady Animatronic's sleeves. The guy fell down. Enraged Avinav fired at Lady Animatronic but the bullet got misfired and hit her cracked mask instead, because the gun was misled by a fellow senior police. Before Avinav could say something, half of the department left his side and covered Lady Animatronic to protect her. " Sir! Forgive our insolence but we won't let you kill Lady Animatronic ". Avinav said in rage " have you people gone mad?! You are protecting a criminal?! Have you forgotten your oath and duty and police officers?! "

" No sir we haven't forgotten! But the law stops us doing the right thing, that Lady Animatronics are doing. We can't even protect the people close to us ,at the last we can protect them who are protecting our friends and family. " An officer replied. " Sir law and police failed to give us women the protection we need, at least let them do so. Even if they have to commit a crime, they aren't doing anything wrong though " a female officer said. " Yes sir us women knew about this all along. It is a secret organization lead only by females and for females. Specially trained female assassins, all over the country. But when and how it started, no one knows. We don't even try to know because all they are doing is giving us safety. All we have to do is keep the whistle with us all the time and blow it when it's needed. They will come to save us. But no one knows where do they even come from. Yes, all the women in the department are traitors, to protect our savior by keeping it secret". The senior police officer said " sir , before you I was incharge of the invention. Just like you, I tok hated the criminal. But one day my own daughter came home crying with her clothes torn off. Said Lady Animatronic had saved her. If it wasn't for Lady Animatronics, I would have lost my daughter. Even after being a police officer, I couldn't even protect my own daughter" he said in grief ." So I stepped down from the investigation, to ensure that just like my daughter, others can be safe too. As a father , ensuring my daughter's safety is more important than my ego. I am sorry sir but we have to go against your orders "

" Have you guys gone mad?! Protecting a criminal?! Betraying the department?! " Avinav almost screamed in anger. Then suddenly the crack broke the mask and half of it fell apart.. " you!!! I knew it!! It was you all along! How dare you try to kill this innocent citizen ?! You psycho!!"

" Lady Animatronics never lay a finger on the innocent sir ! " I said. Enraged Detective almost tried to shoot Lady Animatronic, then suddenly he heard a weeping sound of a female coming from the dark. He face went pale. He ran into the dark and carried out a woman in his arms, sobbing. He placed her down and calmed her, took her hand sobbing, he asked her what happened? Weeping , she said " th- that monster! That guy!! He.. if - if it wasn't for Lady Animatronic then I might've never..." Before she could finish her sentance, Avinav pulled out his gun and fired at the gyu. Three to four bullets , and he died. He came on his knees , clasped his hands . Sobbing he said to Lady Animatronic, " please forgive me. I will too step down from the investigation. I don't see anything, don't know anything. I will return back to my place. Please keep safe our loved ones. Thank you! Thank you thousands!" Then he hugged his wife tight and started weeping.

Somewhere far , again a sound of beeping of another whistle can be heard. Another call for Lady Animatronics . And Lady Animatronic and the shadow Animatronics have disappeared into the darkness.