
There Will Be No Farewell Among Us

Late in the afternoon in Helberg, a messenger from the village chief came to Victor's house to convey an invitation to a party that would be held at the Helberg village hall in the evening, the village chief hoped that Castor and others including Victor could take the time to attend as a farewell event.

Castor and his three friends agreed to attend the party in honor of the invitation, but Victor chose to stay at home because he wanted to continue training.

Jacob and Agatha, who felt strange about Victor's behavior as if he was trying to cover up something, tried to persuade and convince him to come to the party and finally Victor was willing to attend with the four of them.

They immediately prepared and rearranged their appearance to make it look more decent and pleasing to the eye, they replaced their clothes that had been slightly damaged after all the battles they had passed in Helberg with new clothes given by the village girls.

"Oh, hey...! Look at my appearance! Not a single girl in this village will be able to take their eyes off my charm and good looks...", said Gideon who was confidently praising himself.

Victor, Jacob and Castor, who were sitting on the terrace waiting for Gideon and Agatha to finish applying their makeup, smiled as they praised Gideon's appearance, which looked very neat and charming.

"Yes, I think they will think that you are a prince...", praised Castor.

"I think your girl friends have very good taste, I really like the clothes they give us..." Jacob said.

"Yes, they are very nice," added Victor.

Not long after Agatha came out of the house, the four of them were silent looking at Agatha in her new clothes that made her look very different from the usual Agatha.

"Why? What's wrong with you guys? Please don't stare at me like that...!", said Agatha who looked shy and a little uncomfortable with her new clothes that were quite revealing.

"Ummm....???", mumbled Victor who didn't know how to explain it.

"I'd better wear a robe too, this outfit is too revealing for me, otherwise I'll definitely freeze to death.", said Agatha.

"No...! Wait...! Oh hey! Ummmmm....??? I don't think you need to, you look so beautiful in that outfit, you look more feminine and voluptuous than you normally do..., yes..., you're like an beautiful angel.", said Gideon who was constantly gaping at Agatha.

"You pervert!", retorted Agatha whose face turned red from blushing.

Agatha went back into the house and took her robe to put it on.

"No...! Why...?! Why did you do that to me?!", grumbled Gideon who seemed a little disappointed with Agatha who chose to wear a robe to cover the curves of her naked body that were visible.

"Never mind! Don't grumble anymore, let's get going!", Agatha said.

The five of them left together to the location of the party, during the trip Gideon continued to grumble like a child to Agatha, but Agatha did not care at all.

Arriving at the location of the party, the villagers who were also attending the event immediately welcomed them with great joy, even the children of Victor's age who were there cheered for Victor who they considered a hero for his services that had helped the Light Scourge.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's applaud the heroes who have saved and protected us all with their bravery!" greeted the village chief.

The villagers applauded loudly, just as Gideon was the center of attention of the Helberg girls, Agatha also managed to grab the attention of all the men there.

As the party began, everyone seemed to be dancing and reveling in the beautiful melodies played by the musicians.

Castor, Jacob and the chief accompanied by several residents also toasted each other by drinking drinks made from fermented Cranial Berry juice to warm up the atmosphere that night.

Victor was playing with other children his age and Gideon was playing with the beautiful girls who surrounded him.

While Agatha just sat alone to watch Victor who was having fun, a happy smile was painted on Agatha's face seeing Victor who was having fun playing.

Amidst the many eyes of men who were endlessly captivated by her charm and beauty, suddenly a handsome young man extended his hand to Agatha to invite her to dance together.

"Miss, would you like to be my dance partner?", the young man asked while extending his hand to Agatha.

"Sorry, I'm not very good at dancing," Agatha politely declined.

"Then it's time to give it another try!", the young man said to convince Agatha.

Agatha, who was still hesitant about the young man's offer to dance, once again refused subtly but again the young man continued to gently convince her.

"Come on...! We can do it together...", the man said to reassure Agatha as he continued to extend his hand.

Finally Agatha was willing to accept the young man's offer, she also welcomed the young man's hand and stood up from where she was sitting earlier, the young man also grasped Agatha's palm tightly and then hugged her waist intimately.

"Relax..., just follow the music, you can do it...", said the young man to Agatha who looked still stiff and shy.

"Ouch! I'm sorry...", Agatha said as she accidentally stepped on the young man's foot.

"Calm down, it's okay," the young man replied with a smile.

The two of them continued to dance until Agatha began to get used to the rhythm of the beautiful music.

"Miss, may I know your name?", the young man asked.

"Me? Oh..., my name is Agatha...", Agatha replied in a shy tone.

"What a beautiful name, just like you...", the young man praised.

Agatha blushed even more at the young man's compliment.

"Agatha, my name is Joseph, I heard that you have traveled to many villages to help the villagers and conquered so many monsters...", the young man asked.

"Oh, ummm..., I guess so...", Agatha replied.

"It's no wonder that you are able to easily conquer the hearts of many men, do you already have a lover?", the young man asked while trying to seduce Agatha.

"Oh, not really, I guess I'm just a common traveler...", replied Agatha who was flattered by the young man's words.

"Do you already have a lover?", the young man asked her again.

"A lover? Well, I don't think any man would be interested in me...", Agatha replied, blushing even more.

"Really? It's a wonder that an angel as beautiful as you doesn't have a lover yet...", said the young man.

They continued to dance and chat with each other, during which Agatha continued to blush and occasionally misbehave.

When the music that accompanied the party was almost finished, he turned Agatha's body and hugged her more intimately from behind, Agatha was instantly made helpless by the young man's romantic treatment of her.

The music ended and the young man turned Agatha's body back until they were facing each other, the young man still continued to hug Agatha's body intimately and they both looked into each other's eyes, Agatha was only silent when the young man showed a charming smile to her.

Suddenly the young man slowly brought his face closer to Agatha's face and intended to kiss her lips, immediately Agatha avoided and the young man was made silent.

"Joseph, I'm sorry, I can't do that... Excuse me!", Agatha said in a tone that seemed disappointed in him then left the young man.

The young man was just silent without knowing what to say, he didn't seem to understand the reason why Agatha was avoiding him.

"Wait...! Agatha...", called the young man in a weak tone as if feeling guilty.

Gideon who suddenly appeared behind the young man put his arm around the young man's shoulders and said something.

"Too bad handsome boy..., I guess her lips and heart are not for you to have, hehehehe...", said Gideon in a slightly mocking tone.

"Excuse me...!", the young man excused himself from there and walked away from Gideon.

"Hey Gideon! Where are you?", called a girl who was playing a game with her eyes covered with a piece of cloth.

"In front of you! Come and catch me!", replied Gideon.

"Cheater! You must be out of the circle!" said the girl.

Gideon returned to the circle to play with the girls again.

The night was getting late and the party was over, everyone went back to their homes. Gideon, who had drunk too much, had to go home with Castor in his arms.

"You're such a trouble maker!", Agatha grumbled at Gideon.

Gideon just kept laughing at Agatha's grumbling to him throughout their journey home.

Castor and Jacob just smiled at Gideon and Agatha who always argued as usual, while Victor just kept quiet without saying a word as if he was not ready if tomorrow he had to part with the four of them.

Morning came, Castor and the others did not find Victor in his house since they woke up, Agatha tried to look for him throughout the village but did not find Victor.

Finally with a very heavy heart they decided to leave immediately, in front of the main gate of the village the residents and the village chief who escorted them advised them to be careful during the trip.

Castor also made a request to the village leader to take care of Victor, a request that the residents and the village leader happily agreed to.

"Where is Victor?", asked the village leader.

Jacob explained that they had not seen Victor since they woke up and did not know where the boy was now.

Agatha continued to be pensive and said nothing, her face looked so sad and felt very heavy hearted to leave Victor who was now living alone.

They also left for Cadaverial, on the way Castor, Jacob and Gideon continued to try to comfort the sad Agatha and assured her that Victor would be fine.

About a few meters from the border of Castor's village, Jacob and Gideon suddenly stopped their steps, instantly making Agatha who continued to be downcast in her reverie startled as she bumped into Castor's body who turned her back.

"Victor...?!" said Castor who looked very surprised to see Victor who was waiting for the four of them near the village border gate.

"I've decided, I'll come with you, this way there will be no farewell among us...", Victor said as he smiled at the four of them.

Agatha's eyes filled with tears, she immediately ran over to Victor and hugged him tightly.

"I want to eat the delicious food you've cooked all my life...", Victor said to Agatha who hugged him and then hugged Agatha back.

"Hey! Did you say goodbye to the village leader?", asked Gideon.

"About that..., hehehehe..., I'll let him know later.", Victor replied shyly.

"Victor, are you really sure about your decision?" asked Castor.

"Of course, because I too will become a legendary Light Scourge someday.", Victor replied excitedly.

The four of them exchanged emotions and laughter then left together for Cadaverial.