
Chapter 39 - Goblin Encounter

After Shinji's words some groups started to form, my group was composed of Shinji, Saemi, Fujiwara, Aoi-sensei, and Baji, if you ask me this is really quite a strong formation, although I don't know exactly what Baji and Aoi-sensei's powers are, besides me who was being taken to carry the group's stuff there was also another person from the support team, I have never really seen and this guy in my room which implies that he must be from another room, he is relatively bad looking and wears glasses, besides that he has a strange smile every time he talks to Shinji, his smile really reminds me of Ramon-sensei's.

"Is everyone ready?"

As I was thinking about this, I heard a voice coming from the front, as soon as I looked, I saw that Shinji looked ready to go, so he was probably asking his teammates if they were too, me and this other guy from the support team were being totally ignored, not that he would listen to us for starters.

"We're ready"

Saemi said, after that we started walking into the forest trying to find the place where the boss was, Shinji was marking the places he passed through on the trees similar to what I did, at least this would prevent us from getting lost in the forest, after a few minutes walking we heard some noises coming from the front, although it sounded as if someone was talking it sounded more like a grunt than speech, Saemi glanced at me probably wanting to know my opinion.

(It's probably Goblins, you don't have to worry, even if the others can't handle it, Fujiwara should be able to defeat them easily using my ability)

I said, trying to reassure her, hearing my words Saemi just nodded and looked forward again.

"Are you guys hearing this?"

Saemi asked.

"Yes... probably monsters"

Answered Shinji, after that we kept moving until we got close to some bushes, as soon as we looked the other way a startling scene appeared before us, several Goblins had set up camp, there were at least 15 Goblins there, many more people than we had brought, even if these monsters are weak for me, I can't say the same for the others, my powers are quite versatile for all kinds of situations but for the others it obviously won't be so, as we looked at the scene with some caution a noise coming from behind us caused us to turn around quickly.


It was a snapping noise, similar to when you step on a piece of stick and it breaks in the middle, and in the middle of it was the other boy from the support team we had brought along, you could see the fear stamped on his face.


As soon as my thoughts cleared up about our situation, I quickly looked forward to find all the Goblins looking at where we were.

(They know we're here, that's not good)

While my thoughts were racing, I was alternately looking at Aoi-sensei and Saemi.

(If something goes wrong, I'll need to reveal myself, even though Fujiwara is with one of my strongest skills it's not like she'll become proficient in the skill that quickly)

"They saw us"

Shinji said as he looked at the Goblins.

"There is, finally a little action, watch you two useless people, I will show you the power of one of the chosen ones"

Said Baji before jumping out of the bush and starting to run towards the Goblins, as soon as he approached the first Goblin, he landed a blow on the Goblin's head that simply blew the Goblin's head off, although I don't know what Baji's class is with this, I was sure, his class is totally focused on physical strength.

"Since he started let's help"

Said Shinji turning to me and the other guy soon after.

"You two stay here, and try not to screw up again"

Said Shinji before getting up and running towards the Goblins, personally, I was calm since Shinji's opinion doesn't matter to me, but to the other guy it felt like the world had ended, Saemi looked at me with a nervous look on her face not knowing exactly what to do.

(Don't worry Saemi, if anything gets out of hand I will intervene, for now, do you know what Aoi-sensei can do?)

I asked as I balled up a strategy in my head, Saemi was visibly more relieved to hear my voice and answered me.

(Yes, I know, she can make a kind of circle under the enemy that causes a huge spiral of fire)

Saemi said.

(All right, then I think the three of you should attack from a distance, although my ability that is with Fujiwara can also be used for close range it would be difficult for her without having some of my other abilities)

I said looking at the fight that was unfolding.

(Also, have Fujiwara create a sword using her powers, I don't think that piece of wood that Shinji is using will last for long, besides, you don't have to worry about Fujiwara finding it strange that you know more than her about her powers, she surely already knows more than we think)

I said to Saemi, my logic for thinking this way was simple, if Fujiwara really could see my abilities, she surely must find it strange that I have so many powers even though we just arrived, although she doesn't know exactly how my ability works, she must have a minimal idea, not least because from what I know so far of Fujiwara's powers, our powers are relatively similar, although I don't know the extent of her powers, but she probably can't copy more than one ability at the moment.

(... Right)

Saemi seemed to think about something for a few seconds but soon agreed.

"Aoi-sensei, please use your skill from here to assist Shinji and Baji, Fujiwara please make a sword using your skill and hand it to Shinji"

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