
La Diavolo Regina

A marriage of convience forces two archenemies together as they both tackle their hate for each other amidst the growing sandstorm of love while trying to lead the Bravata and facing their responsibilities as parents

Destiny_Ayinnoma · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs



Unknown pov

" I don't care what you do or how you do it But you must put that aphrodisiac in her drink and bring that pest Scarlet to room 423 where I have already set everything" The unknown lady ordered at the other end of the call.

"When will I receive my full payment" the man asked .

"As you can see I am sure having her for one night is already enough payment but make sure everything especially her face is caught on camera. The rest of the money will be sent when you complete the task "

" you are right having her for a whole night is enough payment" the guy replied

"But What I don't understand is why you want to ruin your own daughter" he added

"Not daughter, step daughter and oh she deserves everything that's about to happen to her" the unknown lady Answered

"tomorrow by this time with the release of that tape of your together her reputation will be damaged beyond repair" The caller explained as she laughed out evilly.

Scarlet, oh Scarlett, I can't wait to watch you in misery.

How do you like the prologue???

Suggestions are always welcome Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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