
La Diavolo Regina

A marriage of convience forces two archenemies together as they both tackle their hate for each other amidst the growing sandstorm of love while trying to lead the Bravata and facing their responsibilities as parents

Destiny_Ayinnoma · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Scarlett 's pov

It's been nine months since I found out I was pregnant and let me tell you, my life has kind of been a whirlwind of events. Right from the morning sickness becoming unbearable to having weird cravings.

Will you believe I add peanut butter and mayonnaise to literally anything I eat. Can you imagine mayonnaise In cereal.

Oh my God ,and then came the insomnia due to their constant kicking coupled with my already protruding belly and everything just got worse.

No one told me that being pregnant was such a hustle But then, I have made it to this far and this is actually my last month. I think I'm ready to pop up this two Devil's spawns anytime from now .

Like damn they're really take after their father. Speaking of their father you might be wondering what happened. Was I able to tell him? Did I finally have enough courage to inform Delvin about his kids.

Well I made up my mind that I will tell him the next time we met physically. But do you know what happened, For the past 9 months he hasn't come to the states nor has his twin brother .

And has stands now I can't just tell I'm pregnant over the phone so I'm waiting for when he comes Then I can tell him the news that I am dreading. The reason I don't actually want to tell him is that I am scared that in anger he might ask me to terminate the pregnancy. What if he doesn't want children or maybe worse what if he takes them from me?. What will I do then? That's the reason why I have been stalling, even when everyone tells me that he has the right to know.

This pregnancy brought my parents closer through their continuous interactions with me. They were able to fall in love again and now they are happy with each other. Mom and dad separated due to difference in opinions. Well, mom considered dad being in the Mafia a risk to our lives and so she left him . Imagine her surprise when at the age of 17 I decided to not only join the mafia world but start my own gang. She almost had a heart attack then . But then over the years she finally understood dad and so they remained friends. Now they are back together thanks to this pregnancy.

An annoying trait that every one has unfortunately developed is that the have become over protective of me to the point of suffocation. They are all treating me like a fragile egg and I hate it

From the moment dad arrived back home, he has been treating me like I'm actually an egg. If I want to even lift a muscle, then I am sure he will find someone to do that for me. His favorite sentence is the "I am a very powerful man, what's the use of all the power if I allow any harm befall my daughter or future heirs"

You see since I refused to inherit dad's gang, he has decided to make my kids the heirs to his mafia gang(The serpents). So even before these kids are born, they're already worth billions all thanks to their Grandpa and that is excluding my money or their father's

At this point in time that I'm actually thankful that Delvin is not here because if dad is already so protective about his grandchildren then I don't even want to imagine what their father would have done.

Let me not even get started on Ashton. Ashton Knight, the most powerful and feared mafia don in the states literally became my walking body guard .He made sure my house was safe and baby protected . All sharp curves and corners were covered in order to prevent any accidents to kids or I.

All my cars have child seats specially customized for them.

Everyone has been fussing over me and I just can't wait to meet my two angels . Therefore I'll say this pregnancy has actually been wonderful because I got to realize and experience every one's love for me. The gang(The tigresses) is doing well as Rain mostly handles most of the work. I'm only needed when we have to Co- sign a few documents. She virtually allows me to do nothing. I'm just being pampered here. The Dr. said I'm ready to pop out any day and I just can't wait to meet my two angels .I wonder what their father would say.

I am currently sitting at the lounge with Mom as we are busily selecting some baby clothes. We all decided not to reveal the gender of the baby as we wanted it to be a surprise. So we had to buy all unisex clothes. Dad swears they are going to be girls and Mom swears they are going to be boys. There is an ongoing bet as to who is going to win .

Suddenly I felt liquid run down my thighs. Wait I didn't feel like urinating so that can only mean one thing. Oh crap

"Mom, I need you to be calm will you". I remarked with a fake sense of calm which I currently didn't possess at this moment.

"What's wrong dear "

"My water just broke. I think it's time I gave birth "

"Oh my Gosh, Guards quickly get her a wheelchair and move her to the delivery room that we prepared. I will inform Dr. Ernesto and his team and then call the others. Quickly " Mom drawled out instructions as she helped wheel me towards the delivery room all the while informing the others about my condition

Well one of our downstairs guest rooms has been converted into a delivery room for me since dad and Ashton believe that it would be a risk for me to give birth at the hospital considering our enemies and the media . The media has so far been in doubt as to why I suddenly disappeared from the spotlight. No one except my family members and the family doctor knows about my condition and I seriously like it this way. The less people know about my babies the safer they will be

They decided to make my own delivery team available and they have all been staying here since my due date which happened to be about two weeks ago.

I screamed in pain as the first contractions hit. Rain quickly came rushing inside with Mom hot on her tail, the moment they heard me scream .

How did Rain arrive here so fast. It's only been fifteen minutes since I went into labor. I don't want to think about the speed rules she broke to be here.

"Scarlett you need to come down, you have not dilated enough for the baby to come out". Dr. Ernesto drawled out as one of the midwives came round to gently push my stomach.

After some time, Dr. Ernesto finally gave me the go ahead to push. I held Rain's hand tightly as I pushed with all my might with Mom gently cleaning my sweat.

"Aaaaaaaah" I screamed as I pushed with my all .

"Aaaaaaaah, That bastard better run for his life because I will personally castrate him for this pain he has kept me in " I swore as I again pushed

"Come on we are almost there , push harder" Dr. Ernesto encouraged.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah," I screamed again as I collapsed back on the pillow in exhaustion.

"Congratulations dear you have delivery a bouncing baby boy" Dr. Ernesto remarked as he brought the baby close to me . He was so cute and so perfect.

"I name him Adrian Darius Demetrius" I announced.

Dr. Ernesto handed him over the midwives so that they could clean him up . Before I could even rest another contraction hit

"Come on Scar, let's do this again " Dr. Ernesto urged as I again pushed with all my might.

" Congratulations you have delivered another baby boy " Dr. Ernesto remarked with joy as he again brought the second baby over.

" I name him Aiden Dexter Demetrius" I again announced

" Now we have to wait for the placenta to also come out and we are done " He added

"Dear, you have done so well" mom congratulated me as she hugged me around the neck.

" I am finally a God mother" Rain exclaimed in joy.

Before I could respond another contraction hit me again.

"This can't be true"Dr. Ernesto remarked

"What' s going on " I asked in alarm.

"I guess you have to push again. Seems you were carrying triplets all along. The first two babies camouflaged the last one . It hardly happens but it's possible". Dr. Ernesto explained .

With no other option before me,I again pushed with all my might. The next thirty minutes were spent pushing this last baby out. Finally the little rascal decided to make his grand entrance with an ear splitting cry louder than his brothers.

"WOW, that's some powerful pair of lungs you've got" Rain exclaimed with a smile as he was handed to the midwives.

"I name him Ashton Dylan Demetrius after his godfather"

At this point in time, I was so tired that I barely managed to stay awake as the doctor slowly got the placenta out .

When everything was done,bi finally gave in to the exhaustion knowing the next time I wake up will be to the faces of my three angels