
La Diavolo Regina

A marriage of convience forces two archenemies together as they both tackle their hate for each other amidst the growing sandstorm of love while trying to lead the Bravata and facing their responsibilities as parents

Destiny_Ayinnoma · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 4

Scarlett 's pov

It has been three days since that night at the hotel and I've just found out that the master mind behind Stephen Cole and his dubious plan.

It's none other than my father's second wife. My so-called stepmother .You see we've never seen eye to eye. This lady and her daughter are gold diggers . I don't know what dad was thinking when he married her. This lady does all she can to bring me down so that her so called gold digging daughter can inherit dad's businesses.

Well the funny thing is they don't even know that Dad is in the mafia so how are they supposed to take over dad's businesses when they can't even hold a gun. I sometimes look at these two and laugh.

Stepping into the house, I went straight to the hall and there they sat with evil smirks on their faces. Let's see who gets to have the last laugh. I thought as I pulled out my gun and aimed at straight at the mother.

"Lucy, didn't I warn you the last time that the next time you play any of your foolish tricks on me, it will not end well. "

"So why the hell did you try again" I asked using my deadly voice. I am done playing barbie with this two. They need to learn a lesson now.Enough good girl act for me

"Scar…lett, I..I ..am ..so…sorry " She stammered out in fear as they both knelt down before me .

" This was all mom's idea. please spare me. I have nothing to do with it" My fake Barbie step sister pleaded with tears running down her face.'Oh, cut the crap. We all know those tears are fake.' I wanted to snap but decided to play along with her.

" You both have only two options. You either leave this country never to return or I kill you both."

"personally the second option is my favorite" I added with a wink.

"What about your father" Rose the Barbie doll again exclaimed. I must say I applaud her love for money. Because even with a gun pointed at her mother all she still thinks about is money

" Oh he knows about it or did you think he didn't know when you two were slowly poisoning his food . You were actually doing him a favor by giving him a daily dose of poison." I saw both of them visibly pale at this new information.

"I mean you thought you could poison someone whose blood is already full of the world's deadliest poisons." I asked and I saw when they both realized that they had no other option before them.

" You have two hours to leave. I'm sure the money you laundered from dad is more than enough to set you up financially. Goodbye and see you never" I said as I stepped out of the house with a big grin on my face.

"Call me when both of them board the plane " I instructed one of my spies at the airport as I drove off to one of my gang bases.

Three months later

The moment I woke up I rushed straight to the sink to puke out everything that I ate last night. I don't know what's been going on with me lately. I can't seem to hold down any food.

Rain immediately rushed in and helped me by holding my hair up. Rain lives next door with a wall separating us.

When I was done spilling my guts out,I went to lie on my bed.

"Bitch what's wrong with you and how long has this been going on" she asked her voice laced with concern

"About a month now and I don't know what's wrong. I easily get tired and despite all this I seem to have been putting on weight" I confided

" When was the last time you had your period" Rain acts with a serious voice .

"Hmm well that's a question.When was the last time I had my period. I can't remember about three or four months ago" I answered

"What's with the serious face. Who's in trouble " I tried to lighten up the mood. Rain with a serious face equals to bad news and I'm not ready for any bad news this morning . I thought.

" The last time you were with Delvin did you use any protection" She again asked

"I can't remember but I'll say no. I did not see him using any condom. I told you I felt everything raw" I answered truthfully.

" Scarlett don't freak out but I think you might be pregnant." She delivered the blow

" But how ?I remember I always take the pill to aid in my period pain and it was just once. How can I get pregnant. I'm too young to get pregnant. Rain, I'm too young to be a mother" I panicked.

"Don't worry, I am not totally sure. It might be that you caught a bug like you said. Quickly get dressed let's go to the hospital" she said as she drew me in for a hug.

" Don't stress yourself out. Everything will be alright.Are we clear" She asked and I nodded as she pushed me into the shower while she also went to get dressed.

I couldn't stop thinking of the endless possibilities .What if I was pregnant ? what am I supposed to do .I begun to panic again.

Taking a deep breath ,I did what I do best . I shut out all my worries and focused on the task at hand. Going through my routine getting dressed, making sure everything was tidy and in order ,making my bed , before finally stepping out of the house to the waiting car. Rain soon joined us as she instructed the driver to take us straight to the hospital.

Upon arrival we headed straight to our family doctor "Ah, Scarlett it's been a long time since I saw you. Rain my dear how are you both doing " Dr. Ernesto asked the moment we got seated.

"I haven't been feeling well lately and so I came for a checkup. I hope that's all right with you or are you busy at the moment" I explained .

" Don't worry I'll just take your blood sample and run some tests. The results should be out in about 30 to 45 minutes I hope you can wait for them dear" Dr. Ernesto asked

"Don't worry Doc, we will wait " Rain replied on my behalf.

My sample was taken and so I decided to scroll through my work emails while waiting. I had to finalize a certain deal with one of the security companies for my hotel businesses. Rain and I are actually co-owners of the famous "SR hotel chains". The hotel serves as a legal front for a Mafia business and so anytime CIA or FBI try to investigate us, they will just come up with the hotels and the money there is actually legal and legit . They never suspect that we actually lead one of the most dangerous Mafia in the states.

After some time a nurse walked in carrying some documents which he gave to Dr. Ernesto

"Dear your results are in" He announced drawing our attention to him .

"What does it say. Is she alright doc." Rain asked with worry. I like how she takes care of me. She is actually more than a sister to me. We have always got each other's back and let me tell you finding someone as loyal as she is in your life especially our line of business is next to impossible.

"Okay from the looks of this It seems everything is fine. You just have to take good care of yourself. Congratulations dear, you are eleven weeks pregnant." He announced with a smile.

Oh my God, this cannot be true how is this possible. I am only 21 for crying out loud I have barely done anything in life. How can I be a mother . What if I don't do well? What if I mess up? I began to panic .All of a sudden the room started spinning and before I realized I found myself giving up and welcoming the darkness as I drifted off.

The next time I opened my eyes ,I found Rain sitting beside my bed on her phone. she was speaking to someone so I waited for her to finish making her call .

"What happened" I asked in a grouchy voice .

"Thank God you are finally awake. You fainted. The doctor said you have been under a lot of stress lately " She answered as she came forward to draw me in for a hug

" Don't worry yourself Scar, we'll get you through this. I'm with you and I will support every decision you take" She encouraged

"Would it be wrong if I wanted to keep it" I asked in worry.

"Getting rid of it was never part of the option bitch. You are giving birth to this baby and we are rising it together am I clear" she threatened and a wide genuine smile broke out on my face.

"Thank you so much Rain. I don't know what I will do without you. " I truthfully expressed with tears in my eyes.

"No tears, Get up let's go have your long overdue first scan " she remarked in joy.

Before I realized what was going on, Rain dragged me through the hospital Corridor towards the Obstetrics section where we were going to have the first scan.

A smile automatically broke out on my lips when I realized that for the first time I'll see my baby.

*Some time later*

We are currently back to the mansion and Rain decided that she was going to show me a party in celebration. I had to plead with her over and over again using my stress as excuse.

After a while ,I was able to talk her out of it but as punishment she made me call my parents right away to inform them of the good news.

She knew very well that my parents would have my head for this and so she wanted to listen to it and laugh at my misery. she also decided that I would be the one to tell our best friend Ashton about the news . oh wow , don't I have a such anice friend. Cue in the sarcasm .

Calling my parents to inform them of this grand news was going to be difficult but Rain was able to talk me into doing so.

Rain decided to call my mother since she was the easy parent to handle while I had to tell the second most dangerous man in the states who happens to be my daddy that his 21-year-old daughter was currently pregnant and on top of that she was carrying more than one baby. Fuck my life.

I spent close to three hours speaking to my dad who after all that was still not satisfied. He immediately decided that he was cutting his trip to Spain short and will be arriving back to New York tomorrow so that we can properly talk.

I was exhausted by the time the call ended. Rain just sat there enjoying my misery because the phone was on speaker mood all this while.

I had to further dig my grave by calling Ashton King the most dangerous man in the states to inform him that his best friend got pregnant with not one baby but two. And that their dad was also the virtually Mafia royalty. Oh crap.

But in the end I was glad that I was not alone in all this. I had Rain by my side, my parents were on their way and Ashton was also there to help. Everything was so perfect.

The only problem was how to tell your worst fucking enemy that you were carrying his babies after a one night stand which you virtually threw your self at him

please leave a comment let me know how the book is

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