

Ara Yoo is counsel in crime branch who's diagnosed with brain tumor, she started investigating in strange car accident then a series of murder cases happens .

arapcy61 · Outros
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2 Chs

Chapter One || Presentiment

It has been 3 hours since the sun rose. Ara has not moved from that chair since last night. She is still replaying what happened yesterday in her mind thousands of times.

(Flashback - Medical Center - Seoul)

The weather was still unusually rainy, and Ara's eyes continued to look at the sky covered with black clouds.

She is not optimistic at all since this is the third examination she has done in a month, and the result has not changed every time. The tumor is the same, but it is getting larger.

What now? Now Ara will stop saving others to save herself?!

This is impossible! There is so much she has to do, and she does not have enough time left.

She sighed for the last time before entering that spacious room where the silence was very clear.

"Miss Yoo, please have a seat."

The doctor said while putting on that smile again, Ara sat quietly,

"Your examination results have not changed. They are the same. I don't intend to change what I said the previous two times. We have to remove the tumor."

"How long will I live?? "

This is perhaps the twentieth time she has asked the same question.

"If we do the surgery as quickly as possible, you may live longer ."

Ara left that room for the third time, but this time something changed, she's more than just feeling hopeless.

She went through that long corridor, looking here and there, many people are waiting.

*They will all die?* ..

she wondered,

There is a burden that becomes heavier and heavier every time she remembers that there are reasons forcing her to cling to life.

Even though the doctor's talk is very positive and even though life is giving her a chance to start over, her misery hasn't changed.

She went down the stairs and ended up walking down the street.

She took a deep breath and stopped her steps at the end of the street, infront of the traffic light.

∆ Ara :

I try as hard as I can to hide my feeling of despair; But I end up trying to fight the urge to cry.

Suddenly the phone vibrated in my coat pocket, I looked deep into the screen

' Where are you ? '

But soon I stared for a long time in response to the sound of a violent collision.

I saw him, of course.

With wide eyes and a gasp, I saw his body hit the car's front glass.

But it took a few seconds until he disappeared...

As soon as the glass scattered in the air, he disappeared.

The view was absolutely perfect, as if it was a scene from a fantasy movie.

How did this happen ?

I sighed again and put the phone back in my coat pocket. My condition has worsened to this extent!

It seems that the brain tumor creates fantasies similar to Hollywood movies!

(End Flash Back)

Ara moved her hands away from her head as soon as she heard the knocking on the door.

She got up quietly to open it. he was again making the same expressions, his eyes showing sadness, regret and pity.

She knew very well that she would be in hell now, so she left the door open for him to enter and close it.

"I came ..to check on you."

He spoke as he closed the door, waiting for her to react.

He looked at her with all the chaos swirling around her.

He approached the round table in the middle of the living room and stared at her laptop screen.

[Supernatural creatures...]

He sighed impatiently, saying,

"Ara?!, this?..."

Ara gazed him sharply, and said

"I'm not losing my mind, Jung In, I'm fine.. Of course, I must be strong enough to look for another reason to live."

Jongin put his hands on her shoulders,

"I understand what's going on with you, Ara; But how can anyone be convinced that someone hit the car's front glass and disappeared into thin air?! "

Ara took his hands away from her shoulders.

"Jongin, please leave, I feel tired and I don't want to talk anymore."

Jongin ruffled his hair angrily. "I won't leave until we talk, there's a lot to talk about, Ara."

Ara sat on the sofa while he knelt down in front of her.

"Ara, that's enough.. I hate watching you wasting everything you've been doing all this time."

He was silent for a moment as he held her hands.

''Indeed, I told you that you will be fine. You have always been at the top and now you are throwing everything away simply , Your absence complicates things."

He said, "We can't control the whole department while you're not there "

Ara frowned

"You don't get it ,do you? .. The hell, let's say I'm crazy and all I saw was my imagination, then what about the glass that was shattered there Jongin ? , it broke by itself ,right? .. Believe me , I'm sure I saw someone hit the car glass and then disappeared, Otherwise, how could it have broken without anyone touching it?!"

"Ara!, stop.. you must be tired, rest and we will talk later."

Jongin spoke quickly as he lightly pushed Ara to sleep, but her question stopped him for a moment.

"You don't believe me, do you?"

Jongin smiled gently. "I have no reason not to, I sincerely want what you say to be true."

Ara sat again, looking at Jongin, who was about to open the bottle of water to drink it all at once.

"don't look at me like that, Ara.. I believe you."

( Lucifer )

I saw her, yes I did...

I stared at her for a long time as she stood with an emaciated body on the sidewalk, looking desperate.

She sighed deeply before wiping away her tears

"Don't cry"

I whispered ,

I wanted to banish that sadness in her eyes to the furthest place in this world.

"I'm here, look at me"

Damn ,everything I do is illogical, I broke the rules, after all the distance I traveled during the days of my life and all the dangers I exposed myself to. I swear I didn't know she was the reason.

Her eyes, which widened in surprise, turned towards me that night. Suddenly, I see my reflection in her eyes.

Even though everything suddenly became blurry, her image continued to appear in front of me. I see her with my eyes closed, and I'm completely blown away.

(End of Chapter 1)