
KvD: Your atypical Katz vs Dogs story

In a world locked in an eternal struggle between Katz and Dogs, one young boy finds himself caught in the crossfire. Meet Katsu, a determined soul on a quest to heal the pain within his heart amidst the horrors of war. Driven by a burning desire for revenge, Katsu treads a perilous path through the treacherous battlefield. His singular purpose: to reach the heart of the Katz Reich capital and avenge the lives of his parents. But in this journey of vengeance, he will face unimaginable challenges and confront the darkness that lurks within.

WritersBlocku · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

16 To the base of the Underground Pint!

The truck rumbled along the bumpy and uneven streets, navigating through the dimly lit and desolate parts of the city. The buildings they passed by were in a state of decay, appearing grubby and partly ruined, with peeling paint and shattered windows. The once majestic Victorian city was now a stark contrast to the poverty-stricken ghetto inhabited by war veterans, both old and new, who were no longer fit to fight, along with numerous conscientious objectors who had been stripped of their rights. The streets were eerily quiet, with only the distant sound of dogs barking and the occasional car horn piercing the silence.

As they delved deeper into the sequestered parts of the city, abandoned structures, factories, and warehouses from the Industrial Revolution loomed on the outskirts, providing the perfect hiding spots for those who wanted to avoid the prying eyes of the law. The buildings were dark and ominous, with broken windows and rusted metal doors that creaked in the wind.

Katsu sat in the back seat of the truck, his stomach churning with tension. He couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as they ventured further into the ghetto. The Chief noticed his discomfort and asked, "Hey kid, are you okay? We can turn back now if you want, but if you're up for it, we'll carry on."

Katsu gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, determined to save his friend Vin. "I'm fine," he said through gritted teeth, "I'll do whatever it takes to save Vin."

"For such a young age this is a dangerous and dire situation, and yet you face it with a smile." Albert commmented.

Katsu lightly chuckles with a smug grin on his face, "I have been through worse. I'm not backing down now."

"Remarkable resolve... Mr. Bon, make sure this kid doesn't get hurt; he has potential."

"Absolutely, I won't let anyone harm him," replied Bon.

The Chief nodded in approval, admiring Katsu's courage and determination. He knew that their mission was dangerous, but he also knew that they had to succeed if they were going to bring down the criminal organization that had taken Vin hostage.

The truck continued to navigate through the desolate streets, with Katsu and the Chief both lost in their thoughts, mentally preparing for what lay ahead. The sun had long set, and the only light came from the flickering street lamps that cast eerie shadows on the buildings around them.

As they approached their destination, Katsu's heart raced with anticipation. He knew that this was where Vin was being held captive, and he was ready to do whatever it took to rescue him. The Chief pulled the Jeep to a stop, and they both got out, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As they approached their destination, Albert briefed them on what to expect.

"Alright, you two will go to their base, stall and distract them until the army arrives. Pretend that Katsu is too much for Von to handle, and if the leader is present, go straight to him. Other than that, it's up to you to improvise. Remember, the entire operation hinges on you guys distracting them long enough. Is that clear?!"

"Yes sir!" Katsu responded energetically.

They arrived at a dead-end with a barricaded road leading to a dark and dingy warehouse. They got off the vehicle and inspected the barricade and warehouse.

"According to your notes, this is the place. Just follow the path to that shady-looking warehouse over there; that's most likely it. We'll return to base and wait for the army to arrive. We'll leave you to do your part," concluded Albert.

The rest of the team got on the vehicle, leaving only the two behind.

"We'll try to come back as soon as possible," Albert promised.

"We better leave now before they catch wind of the incident," Bon added.

"Good luck to both of you!" Albert wished them well before departing.

The vehicle disappeared behind the buildings on the winding road.

"Shall we go, Monsieur Katsu?" Bon asked Katsu with a smile, his voice kind and inviting.

"Hm. Let's go!" Katsu replied, full of enthusiasm.

"Well then, let's proceed," said Bon.

As they walked down the narrow path, the clouds obscured the sun, and the area became more ominous and dark with each step, making them more anxious.

Bon began to mimic Von's voice and speech flawlessly, impressing Katsu. However, Katsu had to act distressed as if he had been captured to not spoil the operation, so he quickly calmed himself down from all the excitement.

As they approached the entrance, they saw two guards sitting outside, playing cards. The guards noticed the two approaching and quickly grabbed a stolen military radio to contact their boss.

Before they could say anything, Bon yelled out, "OI!! I'm here to talk to ya boss, Ivan, ya hear me!?!"

The guards were perplexed, mistaking Bon for one of their "customers," so they called their boss to inform him of the visitor.

"Um. Boss, there is someone here that wants to speak to Boss Ivan. Should I let him in?" one of the guards said into the stolen military radio.

Bon and Von arrived at the warehouse, their nerves on edge as they approached the guarded entrance. Bon tried to keep his cool, his mind racing with thoughts of what could go wrong. The guard at the entrance looked them up and down suspiciously before speaking into his headset.

"Hm. Well, he knows our location, so this 'someone' must be authentic. Let him in, I'll go tell the boss," the voice on the other end replied. Bon breathed a sigh of relief, but he knew that their task was far from over.

As they made their way towards the entrance, the guard stopped them and asked, "Umm… mind telling us who you are?"

Bon's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Huh? You don't know me!? I'm the Bounty Hunter that your boss hired to keep this twat from snitchin' on us," he replied in his almost perfect imitation of Von's voice and mannerisms. The guard seemed satisfied with the answer and opened the door for them.

The old rusty doors screeched as they opened up, revealing a dimly lit warehouse filled with crates and pallets stacked high. In the center of the room, a well-dressed, tall man who appeared to be the manager of the organization was waiting for them. He welcomed and greeted them with open arms, and the pair entered the warehouse with one objective in mind: to stall.

Bon and Von had been tasked with delaying the operation long enough for the police to arrive and make their arrest. They had planned their cover story carefully and rehearsed it numerous times, but they knew that anything could happen in a situation like this. As they made their way deeper into the warehouse, they kept a watchful eye out for any signs of danger.

The tension in the air was palpable as the minute hand of clock struck 12. The operation was officially in progress, and the stakes had never been higher. Bon and Katsu knew that they had to remain calm and focused if they were going to succeed in their mission. They exchanged a quick nod of understanding before continuing on their way, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

End of chapter 16.