
Kushina Uzumaki is mine

A boy get's reincarnated in the world of Naruto. "hey tomato! your hair's so ugly just like tomatos hahaha" "Shut u-" "isn't her hair more like apples" listen kids it's not ntr if the other party hasn't even been in contact with her (no Ntr/No harem)

Ternya · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

chapter 3

The next day

It was early morning before sun was up, i was eating myr breakfast it isn't much but only 2 fried eggs 2 slices of bacon and a glass of milk

I ate it and went out of my apartment room to do a morning jog.i ran as i thought about the events that will happen soon

'at this point of time 4 years from now the second ninja war will start in which the legendary sanins will receive their title as sanins and also at that time they will meet the ame orphans and jiraya will teach them for 3 years, the ame orphans currently are only a year old probably and the third ninja war will start at 14 years from now in that timeline obito will die and give his sharingan more like everyone thought he died'

As I was thinking that lost in my own thoughts i bumped into someone

He wore a Black shirt with the Hidden Leaf Military Police Force symbol on the shoulders, shin guards, and a black, open-front apron with white diamonds on the bottom

This man was non other than

"Fugaku Uchiha"

'shit i blurted that outloud'

The young man stared at the little boy with his typical arms closed posture looking down without tilting his head

"You know me kid?"

He asked me with his emotionless face. To which I responded in a cheerful and excited expression while smiling with my mouth open

"Ofcourse! How can I not know the popular Uchiha ace!"

'if he's going to be the patriarch soon then that means he must be a pretty popular shinobi'

After hearing me fugaku just smiled a little then walked away as he patted my head

'He should be around 17 years at this point of time, after 14 years in the 3rd great ninja war he will awaken his mangekyou sharingan after loosing his friend who sacrificed himself to save him'

Thinking that I continued my job, i viewed various places like the hospital, the great stone faces the training area and many more.

When the sun started to rise i went backed to my apartment building.

Soon when I was walking up the stairs I saw minato walking down the stairs. We both locked eyes the he smiled at me with his eyes closed

"Good morning Tsumi-san, where did you go this early in the morning?"

While returning the smile with both hands on my waist i replied

"Just some early morning jog, where are ya going minato?"

Then Minato started walking down the stairs as he passed down me then he said

"I am going to eat at a stall, wanna join in"

He didn't stopped just walking ahead.

I also started to walk up the stairs and said

"Too bad i already had my breakfast"

After a nod Minato left and I walked back to my apartment room to I was reminded again

"It's too small Sigh~"

I then bathed and changed into some new clothes a white t-shirt with uzumaki chrest on the back and two kunai at both sleeves and a black pant

'i have 3 hours left for school... so let's meditate in that time around, you know what they say'

"A great body comes from a great mind"




As i arrived at the classroom, almost late I was greated with some kids I made friends with yesterday

"So so who do you think is stronger orochimaru-sama or sakuma-sama"

A girl with messy brown hair and red marks on her both cheeks asked me in excitement

"Tsume-san, without a doubt a doubt the white-fang is stronger than orochimaru-sama"

'Tsume inuzuka, the future mother of kiba inuzuka'

Some nodded in agreement as a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes outlined with black in the back of the class blurted

"No way that's true, orochimaru-sama is considered a genuis and he who is taught by the great hokage himself will lose to the white fang. Right shikaku"

The boy with pineapple style hair replied in a bored tone

"Yeah~ Yeah~ whatever"

Soon the class turned into two group one who thought the white fang was stronger and othe who thought orochimaru was stronger

The class's debate was interrupted by the sound of the sliding door


The sensei came in with a cheerful expression and as he came in the middle of the elevated stage he announced

"Good morning kids, from now on you all wi be learning jutsus"

As the class heard the words that came out of Sensei's mouth, the class was filled with the noises of excitement

'hmm~ why are they teaching jutsus so early? No way! Is it because the worlds about to end? Am I going to die again? Or is it just because of the upcoming war?'

As i was thinking that, from the corner of the classroom a sound of something or someone mumbling could be heard

"What a drag~"




2 years later

It was a no other day for everyone else in the classroom but for me it was different! Because

'Because! Because! Today is date when she will arrive'

As i was thinking that smiling with visible redness on my face staring eagerly at the door

Soon the door opened revealing the homeroom teacher and a little girl with long red hair, a baby face and violet-blue eyes

'its her! It's her!'

"Ahem* Tsumi do you know here?"

Minato who was sitting behind me whispered in my ear as he asked that

In the past 2 years Minato and i bonded quit a bit enough to become best of friends

"Not yet, but.. but... Isn't she so cute~"

With my hands on my cheeks while blushing, looking at the red haired girl with so much love Minato cringed at me

"Ugh ok-ay"


(Kushina pov)

Everyones looking at me with curious eyes. Oh yeah I should say my introduction right?

"Ehhh so this is our new transfer student"

As soon as the teacher finished what he was saying many people started to laugh

"Look at her hair hahaha"

"How did it get so red?"

"Is that even natural"

Oh no no no this shouldn't be happening I have to quickly speak

"I am Kushina uzumaki and I will be this village's first female hokage, dattebane"

As I said that the kids started laughing even harder

"What's so fun about someone having a dream?"

The class became quit as the boy said that and he moved to look at my side.

'he looks so kind.."

As i thought that he closed it eyes and smiled as he said

"Hello I am Tsumisuru and if you'd like I want to be your friend"

Without even thinking i replied

"Ah Ok Ok"

While nodding my head like a fool I smiled

'yosh made my first friend'

"So sit there Kushina"

The sensei said pointing at the second last seat of the middle line infront of a black haired girl

I went to that seat, and the teacher continued his class. After some time the bell rang and the teacher left, as soon as he left a brown haired boy grabbed my haired and some other kids surrounded me

"Hey tomato why did you came to this cool"

The boy said

"Isn't it obvious she got kicked from her original village hahaha"

The other boy said

"Tomato that's a good name"

And a different boy said

"hmmm i feel like her hairs more like apples ya know"

The same purple haired boy who made the class quite said

"Beautiful apples tasty and crispy~"

With an annoyed look the brown haired boy shouted

"Do you also wanna bully her?"

My face darkened as the brown haired boy said that

'i thought I made a friend... Was I happy for nothing?'

The purple haired boy whose name is Tsumisuru tilted his head and poked his right hand's index finger in his right cheek with his left arm tugging on his right

"Well I want to but not in the same way as you. So leave her alone or i will kick your butt"

With and innocent smile Tsumisuru said-

Wait didn't he say he wants to bully me? ugh i don't wanna be bullied someone save me

"Tch whatever let's go guys"

As the group of bullies got away Tsumisuru kun patted my head and said with a smile on his face

"If something happens just tell me"

I nodded instinctively, I could feel my cheeks heating up a bit, suddenly I felt him grabbing my hand, leading me to the seat he was sitting at

"Will you rather sit with that person over there or your friend?"

He said as he pointed over to the black haired girl. Actually I wanted to sit with him too... I wanted to know what kind of person he was

"I- I want to sit with you"

To which he just smiled and sat down. And I also sat beside him





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