
Kunlun Divine Punisher

I am the Divine Punisher of Kunlun I am feared not only by unorthodox sects of Kunlun but also by the orthodox sects I am the nightmare of all those who sin Or at least I was all of that But now, "Who is this ugly old man and why is he looking at me like that? I don't want him to look at me like that" But now I am a toddler or at least in a one ======================= Hello guys, Author here This is my very first novel English is not my mother tongue so there are bound to be some mistakes, but I hope you can ignore them and give my novel a try. The first twenty chapters are a bit about the settling down of the mc after which the prologue will end and the first arc will begin. Until then, please give it a try. Also, there will be one chapter every day for now, but if I gain support, the chapter count might increase. Read it and let me know if I should change something in it. Thanks, and enjoy reading. Also, the cover does not belong to me so the owner can let me know and I will remove it.

Dark_keeper · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Chapter 54

3rd person Pov:

A girl with black hair was kneeling on the floor breathing heavily and riddled with injuries. Around her was the scenery of a village burning. In front of her, a masked man was standing with a crystal staff in his hand and pointing it at her. "So, the disgrace of my lord survived. I am lucky to have found you. This time I will surely do what I could not do all those years ago." The girl on the ground could not understand much of what the man was saying. All she knew was that the man in question was a demon who had attacked her village and murdered everyone.

The orphanage that she was currently guarding was the only place that had life in it. The orphanage where she had spent all her life, will be destroyed if she falls here and every child in there would be killed or taken. "I don't know what you are saying, nor do I care. I will not let you pass, just know that." The girl stood up staggering, held her sword tightly, and said while pointing it at the demon.

She could not tell what the demon's expression was behind the mask, but she somehow knew, it was of mockery. "It's a futile effort. No matter how hard you try, you can't win against me." She sure was right. The man did mock her, but his mockery was the truth as well. The girl was already at her limits and even if she was in her top condition, winning was impossible. All she could do was stall for time so that the children of the orphanage could safely run away.

"Are you buying time so those kids in the building behind you can run away safely? Well, if that is the case, then I am pleased to inform you, you don't have to worry about them anymore." When he said that, the girl froze in place. She did not want to hear the man completing his sentence. But it was like the man did not care about her in the least and said, "They are all dead. So, you should now die peacefully as well." He raised his staff while chanting something and pointing it at the girl. The girl was still frozen in place. One would think she could not come to terms with what she had heard.

But if someone looked closely, her face had lost any emotion she had, her eyes had lost all life there was. She had lost her will to live or even try to live anymore. "Pathetic," said the man seeing her state and completed his spell and launched it at her. The girl did not move but before the spell could reach her, it neutralized. Seeing that the man turned his head in the direction of the presence which was responsible for this.

There he saw a group of people of different genders. In front of all of them was a woman clad in White armor. She was also holding a staff in her hand, but it was white in color. Seeing the group of people, the demon's face turned nasty, and he uttered, "Heaven's path" before shouting loudly to his subordinates, "Retreat."

Heaven's path was a group of adventurers of the western continent of Astoria that was completely comprised of S-class hunters. Whether they were warriors, magicians, or swordsmen, they were all S-class. The demon knew he had no chance against all of them, not when they had the battle maniac of Revstein and the Maiden of magic. He could only retreat right now. "You were lucky today princess. I will find you again and finish my task." He disappeared along with the rest of his subordinates. Some were lucky enough to escape with him while some were blown into pieces by the woman clad in white armor.

When everything was over, the woman shot herself toward the girl who was lying on the ground on her stomach with her eyes like they had lost their light. She had lost a lot of blood and if something was not done soon, she would die. "Will she survive?" A man came closer to the woman and asked. The woman cast the spell "High heal" on the girl and said, "She will but she is in a critical condition right now. Just high heal won't be enough. Give me the advanced potion you have on you."

The man looked around and then pointed at himself and said, "Mine?" The woman only turned and glared at him which was enough to shut him up and hand his potion over to her while muttering "Why only mine?" The woman paid him no heed and fed the potion to the girl, and it immediately started taking effect but for some reason, the girl lost consciousness. "Did it not work?" the man asked seeing the girl's state. "No, she just passed out from shock." The woman said in return.

The man looked around and saw bodies mutilated and the whole village burning. Near a church-like building, the bodies of children were also lying lifeless. The man immediately understood what had happened and why the girl passed out, "Poor girl. Carla, I don't think there is any point in helping her. She has already lost her reason and will to live." Usually had the man said the same thing, the woman would have called him an insensitive man and scolded him for that, but right now she agreed with him but still did not stop her spell. "We just have to give her a reason then," Carla said to the man. "Like what? I don't think any reason would suffice." The man knew the answer himself, but he did not like it.

Carla assured him that the answer was exactly as he was thinking, "Revenge, Joseph. There is no greater fuel than the strive for vengeance." Joseph looked at Carla and took off his helmet. Underneath the helmet, his expression was of pity, "That is a sad and miserable reason to live life"

Carla looked at the girl whose face was devoid of any emotion, not even a pained expression from all her injuries, and said, "As long as it is enough for her to live."


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