
Kryptonian queen in Marvel

A boy reincarnated as power girl in Marvel's comic mix MCU and he/she will live for herself in this new world with no restrain. First time writing. I'm not English so grammar is not my friend but I try my best. Absolutely not a author by vocation just for fun. I own nothing.

amnesiak_13 · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Sorry for the wait, between work, real life, and my reading, I didn't take the time to write, I will try my best to write more but I can't promise one chapter a day but I will try to do a minimum of 3 by week. I have installed Grammarly too, I hope it will be a little better...


In direction of the earth.

"Mistress, it seems they have detected our approach and the SHIELD began to prepare, the Inhumans on the moon have detected us too but they must think they are invisible to us as they don't make any move. " Regina says to me while looking at a screen in front of her.

"Good I hope they will have a big committee for us, I can't Wait" I answer still thinking of what I will do.

I begin to imagine how I need to get dressed, I will go with the outfit of the pure white tourist that goes on a safari.

A safari hat, big glasses on the nose, a Hawaiian shirt, brown little short, black sockets that go to the knee with sandals, I put a futuristic Gopro on the top of the hat and a big camera around my neck.

Good, I think I have caught the essence of the tourist that came sightseeing.

As we enter the atmosphere, we begin to receive transition.

A voiced sound in the room " F-450 at unidentified spaceship! Do you receive me??"

'hmm, your queen hears you" no I can't say this not for now "hello, are you here for guiding me to the spaceport? I would like that you fill my tank during my stay here" there is no answer for a little time, I can understand, they never had someone who takes them for a gas station for a first encounter.

Regina comes close and puts a screen with sound in front of me, on it I can see Fury give orders at the pilot who Called me.

His voice sounded again "F-450 at unidentified space ship! Follow me! I will take you where you can park and fill your tank" the ship or should I say Regina starts to follow them.

"Mistress, they guide us toward that named area 51, apparently this base is a heavily armed base of Shield and they have begun to send material and staff the moment they detected us, there is a little army"

"that is good, Thank Regina. Land in the middle put the turrets on active just for aiming, don't shoot without my approval but scare them by aiming them in every way! That will make them tense, and with a little chance, I will have the chance to see a remake of the Battle of Helm's Deep in LOTR where someone shoots before the start of the battle that will directly start the hostility.

I walk toward the side ramp with my disguise on me, cameras in my hands ready to shoot, I put a big flash on it, I want to provoke a shoot in their army so I can show a little of power from the ship, I'm sure that the moment they shoot, Harley who manage the defense of the ship will not listen to my order of not firing without my approval and will retaliate directly.

The moment I go out of the ship there is an army in front of me, agents, rockets, tanks, machines guns, and jets flying in stationary, all aiming at me waiting for the moment they will shoot me, I can see how they are tense and the turrets behind me didn't help, in 1 second a turret of my ship can aim to 3 different targets, probably just seeing the efficacy of it must give them some envy of running before they start shooting.

I walk out of my ship like there are no problems in the world. When they saw me with my ridiculous outfit, I saw them hesitate but when they realize my beauty under this dress they are even more stunned, I think that if I show a tit to a man in a fight I would have enough time to rush at my foe and kill him.

I take my camera to my eyes for taking a picture, and the next moment my camera makes a loud noise with a huge flash that probably blinds them. that is enough to trigger some soldiers as they shoot at the ship and me. Of course, Harley directly shoots back. I can hear Fury yelling to stop firing to his soldiers, I do the same to Harley, all according to the plan!! The damage is already done, in this one second my Harley shoot 15 times, 3 shoots by turrets. I can see a jet crashing in the middle of their army, tanks being destroyed and agents crying and calling for help, in one second the zone has become hell.

I yell to Fury who is hundreds of meters away " why did you attack me, I tough you were taking me to a gas station, not to an ambush! I don't merit this"

hahaha, he probably regrets it now, I make him feel like the bad guy while he probably just wanted to show that their planet is not to be trifled with.

"that was not an ambush, we were just taking precautions"

"yeah right, it was not an ambush, guiding me in an army"

I can see him grits his teeth "my agents wouldn't have shot if it was not for your flash"

"I was taking a picture for my galactic website but that escalated quickly, I'm sorry for scaring you and yours loses but you attacked first"

"Why have you come to our planet?" he asked me inquisitively.

"I'm a Galactic streamer, and I'm in the exploration of the universe"

Fury seems stunned at my answer "Are you saying that you are filming right now?"

I smile a this "Of course you are in direct throughout the followers I have in the Galaxy, some billions of them" I point to my futuristic GoPro on my hat

Fury starts to pale "did you give the coordinates of this planet in your stream?"

"Of course, how can I be a good explorer if I didn't register my discovery?" I can see that he want to kill me for what I have done, so I continue "if you are lucky the first group that will come will be the Galactic Republic!" Fury surely already begin to make several plans for keeping their planet for themselves "And if we are unlucky?" I laugh in my head at his question, I will scare him!! "hmm, if you are unlucky maybe thief Ressources, slavers or differents empires that will take control of your world or make war on it, I didn't think of all this, sorry"

Fury sighed defeated "you have doomed us"

"Aah, apparently the chat of my stream that was listening to us, say that I forget to give the coordinates" I saw Fury regain some colors and feelings relieved and he yelled, "don't give them!!" as if his life depended on it.

"Are you sure? my followers will be disappointed..."

"yes I'm certain, we are not ready for the galactic league"

" ok, I will respect that. but it is your loose"

"thank you for this! can I ask you why you are dressed like this?"

"I just checked the word 'tourist' on your internet to be able to blend with the population" he nods at this like he understands and says " it is not the best disguise you can have found, I think it is better for you if you put your normal outfits"

I just acquiesce and transform my clothes back to my silver suit with the red cape. they are all stunned even Fury, I can understand why, I pass from a ridiculous dress to my sexy suit worthy of a Queen.

after regaining his spirit Fury asks "how much are you going to stay on our planet?"

"I don't know, I can't do my streaming here if I can't give the coordinates, so I will take a vacation, maybe even buy a house it seems pretty relax on this planet" he acquiesces at this "ok but doesn't cause trouble or we will have to act"

I turn toward the ship "Regina, Bud we are going!!" there is a maid and a hyena that come out of the ship "We are here Mistress" they come close to me and start merging with me, the people in front of me look at this dumbfounded.

"I will go now, don't forget to fill my tank" I wave at them and I don't even let them the time to reply that I take off flying at supersonic speed leaving a big crack on the soil. I let the ship open for them to try to study it and break their brain on it and for giving Harley some entertainment.

Fury with all the emotional chock he had till now, didn't even speak of the damage I caused or asked for my name.