
Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story

Home destroyed by an accident of Heaven, Dan and his family have been reborn. Transported into the galaxy of his dreams, Dan, May, and their two pets, navigate family life while they change the script of the world itself. How far will they go to protect their new home? What fate awaits them as the future changes its shape? Join Dan and May as they adventure through space, build a kingdom and challenge the will of the force. Please comment with any suggestions, as well as characters you’d like to see and universes you’d eventually like to visit! We do monthly polls for content on my patreon and this novel won! It will get five chapters a week and my highest priority. Join us on patreon if you want to vote in the next poll and make sure I know what the audience is most interested in! This fanfiction contains elements of D.C. and Marvel comics, as well as the Star Wars canon and legends universes. It will also contain things from multiple other sources, like Warhammer 40k, Invincible, various anime and movies. It can be found on my Patreon for free as well, listed as just Krypton Reborn.

VendakSoth · Anime e quadrinhos
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217 Chs

Chapter Seventy, Part Two

Important Announcement

Hello All, Ven here. This past month off has been good for my writer's block and for my mental health and has given me time to think about my intentions and goals in writing. Producing content while pressed with a deadline has been shown to not work well for me, so I've decided to take a different path going forward.

For the next two or three months, I will be stepping back from actively releasing on both patreon and the three novel sites that I use. My plan is to generate a large enough backlog in a single story (likely Krypton: A Star Wars Story) and then return to releasing content. 

This will hopefully create a buffer between creation and release that will not only improve quality, but keep writing a fun activity that makes me happy instead of stressed and exhausted. I believe that this approach will end up being healthy for me and generate more content in the end, even though it will mean a temporary halt in releases.

When Krypton returns to active release, I will have readjusted and hopefully improved some of the weaker sections. The arcs that I plan to essentially rewrite include: The opening 'vacation' arc, the mandalorian recruitment arc and the KOTOR arc. These three parts of the story feel the weakest to me, and without a time crunch I think I can improve them and the story as a whole.

A big thank you to all the patrons who have supported my work as it was created, and apologies for any disappointment my decision has caused. I'll definitely understand if few or no patrons decide to remain during this pause, and have no bad feelings toward any who cancel. The remainder of the written Krypton will be released this week, rather than trickling out a chapter of two a week for the next few months. I hope to see all of you again in the future, as either patrons or supporting readers!


"You have deviated from the chosen path, Norrin Radd," a deep voice grumbled against the minds of all within Ego's star system, edged with a nauseating hunger. "If you have grown tired of our bargain, I can strip you of your power and return to your world to finish my meal…"

The cosmic power in the distance built to a crescendo, transformed into sapphire wrapped titan. Purple and blue armour flared with the glow of the Power Cosmic, radiated from Galactus' oversized body in a casual display of force.

"Oh… what's this?" The bulky cosmic being ignored Dan's existence, his gaze focused on the energy rich surface of the symbiote-possessed Ego. "It seems I've judged you too harshly, my Herald. This world contains enough power to satisfy my hunger for some time!"

"I am afraid that I can't let you eat just yet, Galen of Taa," Dan drifted forward, an ant when compared with Galactus' oversized figure. "This meal won't come for free, and I'm afraid payment is demanded up front."

"Hmmm?" Galactus loomed forward, eyes narrowed as he scanned Dan with monolithic eyes. "An avatar of a realm god? No… you carry no chains of their petty contracts."

"You can call me Superman," Dan smiled and loosed his aura, a wave of unrestrained force that tilted the gargantuan humanoid backwards. Connection to the phantom zone opened wide, he pushed his body to the limits and wrapped himself in shadowed radiance. "I wanted to have a discussion about your master, Herald. The Black Winter never sleeps, if you don't seek out allies against it then your fate is sealed."

A brief flicker of shock touched upon Galactus' face at the mention of his master, driven away by a twisted scowl. The Devourer of World tighten a hand into a fist, arm pulled back as he locked gazes with Dan.

"None in this universe should know that name, only an agent of that hellish being could possibly know…" Power Cosmic erupted from Galactus, a hurricane of energy that concentrated around his raised fist. "I will never serve him… no matter the cost to myself, the All-Death will remain unheralded in the multiverse!"

"I'm not…" Dan's words went ignored, swallowed by the press of Galactus' oversized knuckles. He raised his own fist, a comical image as he met the titan's blow despite their difference in size. 

The Surfer opened his arms and projected a silver barrier between the conflict and the Venom possessed world at their back. His action came just in time, his shield battered and dulled by the clash of forces. Galactus' fist and Dan's pressed together, an ant that matched blows with an elephant.

"Impressive!" Galactus snorted as he withdrew his arm and gathered more Power Cosmic under his skin. "Such a little body, and yet you're capable of harnessing such power. Let's see just how much you can handle!"

– – – –

"Do I really have such a bad reputation among my friends?" Odin laughed as he took the offered seat, his gaze drawn to the image of Superman and Galactus' conflict. The pair had exchanged an equal blow, but the Eater of Worlds had barely touched upon his true power. "I really am here to visit, but I do have a favour to ask you…"

"Of course you do," the Ancient One snorted and waved her hand. The tea in front of Wanda and herself was refreshed, while a cold mug of ale was manifested in Odin's hand. "As for your reputation… since you don't have any friends besides me and your wife, I'd say your reputation is as bad as I say it is."

"Cruel words," Odin laughed as he pressed the mug to his lips and drained it in a single breath. "All I'd like is for you to look out for my son. His development has stagnated, so in a few years I plan to exile him to the Earth to strengthen his heart."

"The truth is often cruel," the Ancient One refilled Odin's cup with a snap of her fingers and shook her head. "I can promise that I won't interfere with your son, but I am not the only power on Earth these days."

She waved to the image in front of Wanda, where Superman had driven Galactus far from Ego's star and toward an encirclement of forces. Juggernaut, Stormy and Bear waited in the void, ready to leap out and assist in the battle.

"Indeed," Odin frowned, his cup halfway to lips as he watched Superman punish Galactus with his bare hands. "This Superman… what do you know of his origin? His physical body is astonishing, and he seems to be connected to a greater realm."

"Jealous?" The Ancient One laughed, while Odin scowled. The Asgardian King had long coveted the higher realms, forever blocked by the machinations of the demons and deities that claimed them. "Superman's origins are a mystery, even to me. If you want to know more about his past, you should ask him yourself."

"So, even you are in the dark," Odin narrowed his eyes as Superman landed yet another blow against Galactus' face, an explosion of force that vibrated throughout the universe. "I assumed that it was your efforts to hide him away that prevented me from probing at his past and future… the fact that he can conceal himself so well is concerning."

"Perhaps, but he wears his character on his sleeve," the Ancient One shrugged as she sipped at her tea. "He acts to prevent suffering wherever he goes, and he has never shown an interest in slaughter or chaos."

The Ancient One shifted her fingers and summoned a second viewing portal. It displayed the peaceful, happy lives of the people of Earth. Countless statues of Superman existed in nearly every city, alongside memorials to his actions and open advertising for Krypton's schools.

"I have known him for over forty years now. In all that time, he has been extremely consistent with his behaviour," the Ancient One glanced at Wanda before she continued. "He has acted to build positive relationships with the strong and protect the weak. Beyond that, he only has one other constant."

"And what would that be?" Odin barely gave the images of Earth a moment of his time, his focus on the vision of Superman as he prepared to spring his trap. A swell of unnerving force billowed from the Kryptonian's skin, black edged light that encircled the titanic body of Galactus.

"The one thing that defines him, and all that share his heritage, is constant growth," The Ancient One gave Odin a mild smile as she ruffled Wanda's hair. "His strength has multiplied countless times since his arrival, to the point that I am uncertain if either of us could truly match him."

"Nonsense," Odin scoffed, his gaze drawn from the vision to lock with the Ancient One's eyes. "Our power stands unmatched, below the multiversal horrors that are forbidden from leaving their realms. Even the Celestials must tread lightly around us, except for the strongest among them."

"Superman has a realm of his own and he is not locked within it like a prisoner," the Ancient One shook her head. "Even without it, I think he would be extremely difficult to contend with. Times have changed, All-Father, new Gods have risen as you slept away the years in your odinsleep."

Thanks again, and a huge thank you to my Patrons! I can’t make this content without support, and I’m super grateful to all of my supporters! This fanfiction is also available on my Patreon, I’ll always keep it free, so please visit! The Patrons make this work possible, and if enough patrons want this novel to be a priority, it will be! Updates for this series will be at five a week, a chapter part monday-friday, with bonus chapters whenever I can get them written and edited. Join our Discord and also check out my new novel ‘Krypton Reborn: Dragon of the Sun,’ set in the Dragon Ball universe!



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