
KrampusNaught - The curse of Krampus' Bell

In the quaint village of Shadewood, Ella, a curious and adventurous young woman, stumbles upon an ancient crypt and a cursed bell. Joined by her friend Liam, they take the bell to Nora, the local historian, hoping to unravel the mystery behind it. However, supernatural occurrences begin to plague the village, and the terrifying Krampus seeks revenge. Ella's sibling, Sophia, is struck by the curse, motivating Ella and Liam to act. They investigate Shadewood's history and learn about their ancestors' role in stealing the bell from Krampus. Along the way, they meet Old Man Oskar, a knowledgeable mentor who teaches them to decipher the runes on the bell. As Detective James starts investigating supernatural occurrences in Shadewood, he becomes a believer in the legend of Krampus. The team forms a plan to break the curse and confront Krampus, researching his lair and weaknesses. Betrayal strikes when a cursed villager informs Krampus of the team's plan, leading to Nora's severe injury. The team learns about the ritual to break the curse and begins searching for three ancient artifacts. They face supernatural challenges, finding the first artifact but struggling to locate the third one. Krampus attacks Shadewood, throwing the village into chaos, and Sophia's condition worsens as the curse intensifies. The team suffers a crushing defeat against Krampus, and Oskar sacrifices himself to save Ella and Liam. Ella doubts her ability to break the curse and save her sister, but Liam and James encourage her to find the strength to continue. A new plan to infiltrate Krampus' lair is devised, revealing Oskar's connection to the bell's theft. The team successfully retrieves the final artifact and performs the ritual to break the curse, confronting Krampus in a thrilling showdown. Supernatural occurrences cease in Shadewood as the curse breaks, and Krampus leaves the village in peace, resuming his duties as a guardian. Ella and her friends are celebrated as heroes in Shadewood, and Sophia recovers from the curse. Ten chapters detail the village's recovery from the curse, personal growth of the characters, and the strengthening of their friendship and trust. In the aftermath, Ella and her friends become part of Shadewood's rich history and continue to protect the village and uphold its traditions. They reflect on their journey and the lessons they've learned, facing new challenges in protecting Shadewood from supernatural threats. Ella discovers a new crypt in the woods, setting the stage for a sequel or future adventures.

King_Wyrtt · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


he air inside the woods was heavy with the smell of moist ground and decomposing leaves, making for an uncomfortable environment. A chilly breeze rustled through the tree branches above, giving Ella a shiver. Unable to explain her disquiet, she tightened her hold on the cursed bell. 

Ella felt more uneasy because of the spooky shadows the dense vegetation created on the woodland floor. Every rustle and creak seemed to echo through the silence, making her heart race with anticipation of something lurking in the darkness. 

With his voice scarcely heard over the rustle of leaves, Liam thought, "Strange things are said to happen in these woods." "Old legends about spirits and witches, even tales of a demon called Krampus." As Ella heard Liam's remarks, her anxiety grew as her mind played out vivid pictures of otherworldly creatures hiding in the shadows. The cursed bell in her grasp seemed heavier and heavier, as though it had a link to the ghost stories all about them. 

"Let us concentrate on moving through this place as soon as possible," Ella said, refusing to think of the terrifying things that may be hidden in the shadows.

Abruptly, the sky above them grew even darker, and heavy showers started to pour, swiftly converting the way's small road into a muddy maze. The pals staggered forward, struggling to keep their balance and falling sometimes. Their haste to get away from the approaching storm increased as they gained momentum. Ella's hold on the cursed bell became more firm as its weight served as a solace in the middle of the confusion. 

Ella wiped tears from her eyes and said under her breath, "Of course it starts raining." "Why wouldn't it?"

Joking, "Hey, look on the bright side," Liam attempted in vain to use his jacket as a screen from the rain. "At least we'll have a good story to tell when this is all over." 

Ella rolled her eyes, but her lips curled into a little smile. She couldn't help but appreciate Liam's attempt to lighten the situation, despite the fact that the rain had soaked them to the bone. Knowing that they could make it out of the storm, they kept moving forward with resolve. 

Ella laughed a little, but the sensation that they were being watched persisted. She looked around anxiously, her pulse palpitating at every lightning strike that lit up the gnarled branches above them. When they accelerated their pace, Ella's unease grew, making her question whether their escape was truly as close as they had hoped. The ominous shadows cast by the storm seemed to dance menacingly, intensifying her sense of being trapped in a sinister game. 

She clutched Liam's arm and gasped, "Did you hear that?" as a deep growl resounded through the forest.

He soothed her, "Probably just a fox or something," but the trepidation in his voice revealed his own anxiety.

However, the growling became more intense and near until it was hard to ignore the fact that something was watching them from the shadows. Ella's mind raced, seeing monstrous creatures with sharp teeth and growling jaws that were hungrily awaiting human flesh. When she realized they were fully encircled by darkness, her heart raced in her chest as she frantically looked for a way out. She experienced a wave of panic that made her feel even more ensnared in a dark game where survival was far from assured. 

With the cursed bell securely clasped to her chest, she yelled, "Run!" as she and Liam dashed over the muddy road, adrenaline rushing through her veins.

"Which way?!" When they came to a fork in the road, Liam cried out, his voice filled with terror.

"Left!" With her instincts telling her to keep going and create as much space as possible between herself and the beast pursuing them, Ella made the decision. They were completely soaked to the bone by the persistent rain, which also made the path even more hazardous. Their feet slipped and slid in the mud, making every step a hard battle. Nevertheless, they persisted because of their unwavering will and concern for what would happen if they gave up. 

As they staggered into the darkness, breathing heavily and panting, the storm raged around them, with thunder roaring like an enraged god. It seemed like a lifetime, but at last they emerged from the trees onto the well-known road that led back toward the hamlet.

"Are we safe?" With a pant, Ella looked back at the still trees.

Liam said, his eyes wide with fear and his face pallid, "Let's not stick around to find out." "Come on, Nora's place is just up ahead."

Ella couldn't get rid of the sensation that their adventure wasn't nearly over as they trekked wet and tired along the road. It felt as though the cursed bell was growing heavier in her hands, knowing that its secrets would soon come to light. Ella had chills as the wind sang spooky tunes through the woods. She couldn't help but worry what additional perils waited for them at Nora's property, and whether or not they would ever be able to fully escape the evil influence of the forest. 

Ella and Liam pushed through the storm as the rain came down in sheets that were heavy and stinging to the touch. Ella was holding onto the cursed bell when the wind howled all around them. However, she gripped tightly, her knuckles turning white with the effort.

"Keep moving, Liam!" Despite her tiredness, Ella's determination came through as she yelled over the storm's fury. Liam nodded, his gaze fixed on the trail ahead, each stride a test against the soggy terrain.

The rain became heavier as they struggled further, pelting them with icy, unrelenting ferocity. Their garments became thicker and tighter around their trembling bodies with each passing second.

"Look for shelter!" Squinting through the flood, Liam screamed. "We can't keep going like this!"

Ella looked around, her thoughts racing, looking for any indication of safety. An overhanging rock structure off the route was revealed by a lightning flash that lit up the surrounding area.

She gestured to Liam, saying, "Over there!" They staggered into the little cove together, taking a momentary break from the storm.

Liam sighed and leaned against the chilly stone, saying, "Good find." He was completely drenched, and his breath came in short, raspy gasps. Nevertheless, despite their awful circumstances, he smiled sardonically and made a joke that was hardly audible above a whisper. Ella laughed, enjoying the humor in the middle of the mayhem.