
Finally in Korea!

Growing up, Layla had always dreamed of traveling around the world, but being the youngest daughter in the family, her parents were always strict with her. They didn't think that a girl need to travel. Knowing this, she was afraid to tell her parents that she wanted to go abroad for school.

After much thinking, she decided that she wanted to pursue this road of hers and study abroad. When she he went to look at the programs that were available at her college, and saw the different study abroad options given, she decided that she would go to South Korea to study abroad. With this decision, she applied for the program and was able to be one of the three students picked from her school. After being accepted she decided to tell her parents that she would be studying abroad in the upcoming semester.

When she told her parents about going abroad, they reprimanded her and even told her that if she decided to stick with this decision, she would not be able to find them when she returned. Although she was disappointed in hearing her parents threaten her like this she stood strong and continued to do her best to prepare. Eventually she hoped that they would come around and understand how much this means to her and how much she would love for them to accept it. In the end, they finally came around and decided to help her and support her decision.

After everything was prep and set to go, Layla was now on her way to a opening a new chapter of her book.


At the airport, leaving to South Korea, Seoul:

Sister: (Laughing) Remember to bring gifts for us .

Mom: Layla you have to be careful when you are there. Do you have everything you need. Do you have enough money on you, if you need money call us and we will send you some okay! Make sure to let us know when you arrive in Korea okay! Don't get into trouble, focus on your studies, and come back home safe okay!!

Layla: I know mom, don't worry so much I'll be fine okay, I'll come back safe and sound. I have to go now. Bye everyone!!

(hug and waves bye to everyone)

(In her thoughts) "This is it! I'm really going to South Korea now!!" ekkk!!


Arriving at Incheon airport:

Layla: Yay I'm finally here!! Bucket list: Visit South Korea, Seoul check (giggle). This is gonna be so exciting!!

(heading to get baggage)

*bumps into lost little boy who was running*

(helps little boy up)

Layla: Oh my gosh, are you okay little boy! I'm so sorry! Why are you running are you lost? What's your name? My name is Layla.

Little boy: I'm sorry sister. *crying* my name is Tae. I'm trying to look for my brother, but I can't find him *sobbing*

Layla: Aww...it's okay older sister will help you okay, don't cry. Can you explain how your older brother looks like?

Tae: Brother is very popular and very handsome. He's very tall and has a hat and black mask on. Brother said he was wearing a blue shirt with black pants.

Layla: Okay, lets walk around and see if we can find your brother, is he coming from the plane waiting for someone?

Tae: Brother was coming from a plane, so I came to find him to take him home!

Layla: Okay, lets look over here and see if we can find your brother Tae.

After walking around for 15 min:

Tae: Look sister! I see brother now!! Thank you sister!!

*glance in the direction and turns back to Tae*

Layla: *giggle* okay go straight to your brother okay don't get lost again okay.

Tae: Sister Layla will I be able to see you again? *sad*

Layla: If it's meant to be then we will meet again Tae, if you miss me then you can just call me okay *gives number, smile, and hug goodbye*

After saying bye to Tae, Layla leaves to go to her apartment. On the other side, Tae heads to his brother.

Tae: Brother! I finally found you!

Jimin, Namjoon, Hobi, Yoongi, : Tae! Where were you we were looking all over for you!

Tae: I'm sorry, I got lost looking for you guys. But this older sister helped me find you guys, she was so nice to me, I want to see her again!

Namjoon: Okay, at least you're here now, let's go we're going to be late.


Arriving at her apartment:

Layla: Okay! Time to unpack and organize everything!

(turn on music to listen to while organizing her place)

4-5 hours later:

Layla: I'm kinda getting hungry maybe I should go to the market and stock up on snacks and food to cook now.


(While Layla is walking to the grocery store), BTS are running away from their fans and reporters. While running, BTS comes across a corner and while they were turning they bumped into Layla. Due to the increased acceleration from the run the impact from the bump into Layla it caused her to have a harsh fall and hit her head against the fire hydrant that was located at that corner. Seeing as this was their fault, BTS took her to the hospital.


At the Hospital:

Nurse: What happened?!

Namjoon: She fell and hit her head against a fire hydrant!

Nurse: Does she have a guardian?

BTS to each other:

Jin: What do we do, we don't know her information or contacts?!

Jimin: I picked up her wallet. It says her name is Layla, looks like she's from abroad.

Hobi: This is our fault, plus we don't know any of her information, so we should pay for the medical fees. I feel bad that this happened to her.

To the nurse:

Jimin: The only thing we know about her is that her name is Layla and that she is from abroad.

Hobi: Please help her, we will pay for the medical cost!

2 hours later:

Doctor: Are you guys her guardian?

Yoongi: Yes doc, how is she?

Doctor: She is safe now. We will have to wait until she wakes up to do further test and see if there are any damage to the brain.

Taehyung: Thank you doc, we'll let you know when she wakes up.

Jimin: What do we do now guys? I didn't mean to run into her, what are we going to do when she wakes up?

Namjoon: We will just have to wait and see what happens and watch over her for now because it was our fault that she's like this now. We will visit her after work until we find a solution.

Yoongi: I agree with Namjoon, it was our fault, so we just have to wait and see.


1 week later:

Jimin: How come she hasn't woken up yet, I thought the surgery was successful?

* Layla slowly started to open her eyes and wake up*

Taehyung: Look she's waking up go call the doctor!!

In a scared, shaky voice:

Layla: Who are you guys?... Where am I?...

Namjoon: Good morning, how are you feeling? You are in the hospital right now, do you remember anything from the accident? Do you have anyone you can contact?

Layla: Wait...what accident?...Who are you guys?...Why am I here?...(realization pause)...Who am I?!?!

Jin: What do we do you guys she can't remember anything!

5 minutes later:

Namjoon: Doc why doesn't she remember anything?

Doctor: We will have to take her to do a couple of test and then I'll be able to answer more in depth. It is not uncommon for her to have amnesia due to the impact of the collision she had on her fall. As for how long it will take for her to get her memory back, it is unknown. Some people get their memories back in a few months, some take longer, and some don't remember any. Now if you would excuse us, we will take this young lady to get some more test done.


Jimin: What do we do now?

Jin: Yeah! What do we do now that she can't remember anything?

Taehyung: Well we know that her name is Layla, but we need to find out information on her family, where she's living, etc.

Hobi: Well where is she going to stay for now, she doesn't know who she is, so I don't think she knows where she lives either?

Namjoon: For now, let's wait and see what the doc says, and how long she will need to stay in the hospital then we can figure out what to do after.

Yoongi: You guys lets let the doctors take it from here, we need to go to our interview now or we will be late.

Jin: Yeah you guys, we need to head out now. We can come back later to check up on her.

*The guys leave to their interview*