
Konoha: Starting With Uzumaki Kushina

Natsuo, born of both the Uchiha and Senju clans, was never acknowledged by the Uchiha and was denied even a surname. Throughout Konoha, Natsuo endured isolation. When Natsuo betrayed Konoha alone, everyone blamed Natsuo. Sarutobi Hiruzen: "You once aspired to be a Konoha ninja. Why have you turned against us?" Danzo: "Damn you, kid! You've deceived me!" Namikaze Minato: "How can you match the speed of my Flying Thunder God?" Natsuo: "Didn't you all consider me an outcast? Then why is it wrong for me to act like one?" First of all this is just a Translation original work:火影:从漩涡玖辛奈开始的二五仔 if you want advance chapter join my Patreon: patreon.com/ANelite

ANelite · Anime e quadrinhos
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16 Chs

Chapter 10:Contribution

Chapter 10 Contribution

Ninja Hospital

After Sarutobi Hiruzen's visit, he promised Natsuo that he would no longer be marginalized. Once discharged, Natsuo would live in the center of Konoha, a significant shift from his previous isolation.

The atmosphere in the room grew tense. Hiruzen remained silent, and Natsuo, uncertain of what to say, waited. Natsuo couldn't believe the Hokage had come merely to win him over. There had to be more to it.

For the Hokage to visit him in person at the Ninja Hospital, Natsuo knew there must be something specific Sarutobi Hiruzen valued in him. Otherwise, he would have summoned Natsuo to the Hokage Building post-discharge.

Natsuo realized what that something was: his mastery of the Thunder Breathing technique, powerful enough to cause significant destruction in Konoha's forest.

"Was it you who caused the destruction in the Konoha forest, Natsuo?" Hiruzen finally asked.

Natsuo understood immediately why the Hokage had come. He responded with a feigned look of guilt, "I'm deeply sorry, Lord Hokage. It was due to my training that Konoha suffered such losses. I owe my life to you; if not for your intervention that day, I would have perished in the fire."

Hiruzen waved off his apology, saying, "Don't worry about it. It's my duty as Hokage to help anyone in Konoha who is in danger. But Natsuo, what kind of ninjutsu were you practicing that caused such damage and left you in such a state? Had we not found you in time, you would have been in grave danger."

Natsuo grimaced, recalling the events. "Lord Hokage, my parents and I lived in other villages for several years. My father once saved a ninja whose forehead protector bore a symbol resembling three clouds with a line through the middle..."

Hiruzen's eyes narrowed at the mention of a defecting ninja from the Cloud Village.

Natsuo continued, weaving his tale, "The ninja was severely injured and, despite my parents' efforts, he only survived for about half a month. To thank my parents and ensure his self-created ninjutsu wasn't lost, he taught it to them. My father couldn't use Lightning Style, but my mother could. Although I was too young to practice it then, she made me memorize the technique. As soon as I learned to refine chakra, I began practicing the form changes and Nature Transformation of thunder attribute chakra as my parents taught me. A few months ago, I finally mastered these transformations and attempted the ninjutsu. I succeeded but overexerted myself and passed out."

Hiruzen was visibly impressed. Mastering thunder attribute chakra's form change and Nature Transformation at Natsuo's age was a rare feat, confirming Natsuo's potential as a prodigious talent.

"What is the name of the ninjutsu you mastered?" Hiruzen inquired.

Natsuo replied promptly, "It's called Thunder Breathing Sword Technique."

He then added, "Lord Hokage, I wish to dedicate this ninjutsu to Konoha."

Hiruzen's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Oh? Why would you want to give away a ninjutsu your parents left you? Are you sure about this?"

Natsuo responded earnestly, "Lord Hokage, I want to be a Konoha ninja. The ninjutsu I know should belong to Konoha. My parents, though they left Konoha, always considered themselves part of it. They never wavered in their loyalty. If they could see me now, dedicating Thunder Breathing to Konoha, I believe they would be proud."

Hiruzen nodded, clearly pleased. "Natsuo, I am glad to see you embody Konoha's Will of Fire so well. Though you've had a tough life, your spirit reflects Konoha's values perfectly. Konoha will not forget your contributions. There's no rush to discuss ninjutsu. Focus on your recovery for now. It's getting late; rest well. A healthy body is crucial for any ninja."

With that, Sarutobi Hiruzen left, leaving Natsuo in a silent room.

Natsuo's eyes darkened as he contemplated his situation. Would he truly hand over the Thunder Breathing technique? Only if he were out of his mind. However, he knew he was currently powerless and had no choice but to comply.

Even if he did hand over the technique, Konoha's Lightning Style ninjas would only grasp its form, not its essence. Although it could be performed using chakra, its full power relied on the specific breathing technique that Natsuo had mastered.

This encounter had given Natsuo a clearer understanding of Sarutobi Hiruzen. Strength and value determined one's worth to him. As long as Natsuo could demonstrate either, he would be taken seriously.

Taking a deep breath, Natsuo reassured himself that offering Thunder Breathing to Konoha would at least ensure he wouldn't face overt discrimination. The Hokage's personal visit would signal to others that Natsuo was under his protection, reducing open hostility from Konoha's villagers.

To secure his and Uzumaki Kushina's future without being coerced by Konoha, Natsuo knew he had to grow stronger and establish his worth within the village.

Despite his resolve, exhaustion took over, and he soon fell back asleep.

**The Next Day**

When Natsuo awoke, his body still ached, but he could manage to walk. He decided to leave the Ninja Hospital, intending to return to his old hut, rest, and pack his belongings for the move Hiruzen had promised.

However, as soon as he stepped outside, a ninja appeared before him.

"Follow me," the ninja commanded.

Natsuo followed without question. They stopped in front of a house just a street away from the Ninja Academy.

"This is the house Lord Hokage has arranged for you. He wants you to visit him at the Hokage Building once you've fully recovered," the ninja explained, handing Natsuo the key. Without waiting for a response, the ninja used the Body Flicker Technique and vanished.


T/N: There is a patreon for this work, and any new work I add will be dropped there first. check it out for an early release of up to 15 chapters.

Patreon link:- patreon.com/ANelite