
Konoha Sex King Sasuke: This Ninja World is Very Wrong

Entering the Naruto world, activate the Sex King system. Load the Uchiha Sasuke template and completely replace Konoha's Sasuke. But... what kind of evil ninja world is this? Naruto has a transformation fetish and likes to transform into Naruko and run around naked. How could anyone want to be in a relationship with him? Hinata is extremely narcissistic and considers any man who talks to her to be pursuing her. Sakura is a cat-eared girl: "Sasuke-kun, do you want to keep a cat at home? Meow~!" Ino arranged a rose array and expressed her love downstairs. Shino has a strong desire to perform, Shikamaru is a coward, and Choji is extremely irritable. Between Kiba and Akamaru, Akamaru is the boss... In short, nothing matches the original work. There is something seriously wrong with this ninja world!

azathoth69 · Anime e quadrinhos
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16 Chs

Chapter 014 Two Magatama Sharingan, Powerful Illusion Ability

"After school, can we find a place where no one is around?" Ino said in a stammering voice, her face blushing.

Her response indicated her agreement.

"No!" Sasuke shook his head. "Right here, right now! If you don't want to, I won't force you, but don't say you like me anymore. I can let Sakura come!"

He wasn't genuinely anxious or reckless; he just didn't want to lower the standard for earning Neptune points.

The more they played, the more points they could earn!

Ino was indeed anxious and said quickly, "But they will see us!"

She was willing to give everything for Sasuke, including her dignity, but there were limits to her sacrifices.

"Don't worry, I've got this!" Sasuke raised the corner of his mouth slightly, lifted his head, and revealed a pair of blood-red two-tomoe Sharingan.

Ino could clearly sense that the moment Sasuke revealed his Sharingan, a spiritual force fluctuated within his body and spread out in all directions.

"Is this... Sharingan? An illusion?" Ino was surprised.

She hadn't expected Sasuke, who hadn't even graduated from the Ninja School, to have activated his Sharingan, and it was a two-tomoe one!

If it was the Sharingan, after casting the illusion, it would be impossible for those in the classroom to notice them.

Ino suddenly realized and said, "So you used an illusion before..."

When Iruka asked them to practice the transformation technique, Sasuke took advantage of the distraction caused by Naruto's transformation into the female Third Hokage to quietly use an illusion to cover his escape from the classroom.

At that time, he had asked Ino to help by using clone and transformation techniques to create the appearance of Sasuke, confusing those left behind.

Although ordinary clones lacked substance, since nobody had been paying attention to Sasuke, no one noticed.

After leaving the classroom, Sasuke transformed into the Third Hokage's appearance and deliberately led the principal, teachers, and students around the Ninja School away.

This disrupted the transformation technique review and led to Iruka's reported demise.

As for getting caught midway or being discovered afterward, it wouldn't be more serious than Iruka's fate.

"That's right!" Sasuke briefly explained, leaned back in his chair, spread his legs, and waited for Ino's decision.

Ino pursed her lips, blushing and struggling.

It wasn't that she was unwilling to indulge Sasuke, but she couldn't lower her pride to act so recklessly in such a place.

Sakura, who had been quietly eavesdropping, stood up upon witnessing this and said, "Sasuke-kun, let me do it. I'm very experienced now!"

Sakura was also calculating, discreetly scanning the surroundings as she spoke.

She observed that the other students were engrossed in their activities and no one reacted to her sudden standing and speaking out. She immediately grasped the situation.

She didn't understand what the Sharingan was, but Ino's failure to refute Sasuke's words indicated that his illusion was reliable.

Now reassured, she felt more comfortable.

After all, she had already given herself to him for free yesterday. Sakura's emotional resilience exceeded Ino's. Although a bit jealous, she could still handle it.

"Sasuke-kun, I'm your cute little kitty, ready for whatever you want!"

Relieved, Sakura threw herself into Sasuke's arms, coyly reaching down with her small hand.

Watching this, Ino was left dumbfounded.

She glanced around subconsciously and confirmed that no one was watching.

For now, they were safe.

Naturally, Sasuke wouldn't abandon Sakura for the sake of conquering Ino. Healthy competition could drive everyone forward, which was beneficial.

Sasuke hadn't practiced any notable illusions yet, and his proficiency with them was still low.

However, armed with the two-tomoe Sharingan, he could create an illusion barrier simply by harnessing his mental energy.

To observers, it would appear like a visual illusion, and Sasuke could control what they perceived inside it.

It wasn't that no one could uncover the ruse here, just that everyone was inexperienced compared to the Sharingan.

Even if the Third Hokage peered through a telescope now, he'd merely see an illusionary barrier and be unable to observe the scene inside.

With the graduation exam approaching, many in the classroom felt a sense of urgency and were focused on their studies.

As for the four habitual troublemakers who had already confirmed Iruka's departure, they had promptly skipped class and were absent.

Aware that the risk of being discovered was low, Sasuke boldly sought out Thorny Chicken in such open defiance.

Sakura was now fully engaged with her amusements, completely disregarding their surroundings.

Ino wore a conflicted expression, realizing she had been outmaneuvered by Sakura.

However, their backgrounds were vastly different, and Ino's family upbringing made it hard for her to let go.

Moreover, seeing Sakura's initiative had deeply unsettled her thoughts.

"You truly are my most well-behaved little kitty. Your skills are improving, and I'm very pleased with you!"

Pausing briefly, Sasuke gently stroked Sakura as if she were a cat, lavishing her with praise.

"I labored hard yesterday and earned only 1,500 Neptune points."

"Yet now, I've secured 1,000. Apparently, ingenuity is the key to profiting from the system."

Sakura relished the moment, eyes half-closed as she nestled into Sasuke's embrace.

"If Sasuke-kun can't hold back, I could also..."

Sakura murmured softly, her face flushed.

Though her words weren't explicit, their meaning was clear to everyone, including Ino.

"No!" Ino instinctively intervened, genuinely anxious this time.

Since Sakura had taken the lead the previous day, Ino had resolved to fight tooth and nail to regain the upper hand.

Her hesitation had cost her, and this mischievous cat had once again succeeded.

If she didn't take the initiative, she might lose Sasuke's affection entirely.

Ino pushed Sakura aside, seated herself on Sasuke, and kissed him passionately.

Impulse might have driven her actions, but at that moment, she couldn't have cared less.

Her only thought was reclaiming the ground she'd lost to Sakura.

Yamanaka Ino was convinced she surpassed Sakura in every way, including love.