
Konoha's Genius is a bit Ordinary?

Our MC, an ordinary person with no bloodline or no clan background transmigrates into the world of Naruto. How high can he reach? **This is a translated novel and I do not own the rights to Naruto** Check out p@treon.com/saintxi to get up to 36 chapters ahead I hope you enjoy the story

SaintXI · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Chapter 49: Yamanaka Inoichi's Information

Ino felt that something was off. Walking home together after school should have been a good way to build their relationship, yet she had the impression that he was really just escorting her home, without any ulterior motives. He hardly said anything along the way.

"Hmm, making progress, huh? You two are already coming home together." Mrs. Yamanaka said with a smile as she came down from upstairs and saw Ino.

"Well, it's going okay." Ino blushed but didn't share her concerns with her mother. Maybe it was because it was the first time, and Natsuro didn't know what to say.

However, Ino quickly realized she was overthinking it because every day Natsuro was behaving the same way. He simply walked her home with no further intentions.

Leaving Ino feeling a bit frustrated. Their relationship was growing, but not in the way she had hoped!

And today, as they were about to reach her home, Natsuro still hadn't said much. But to her surprise, her father, Yamanaka Inoichi, was also there, apparently waiting for her and Natsuro.

"Hello, Uncle." Natsuro greeted Inoichi when he saw him, taking the initiative.

Inoichi nodded, his gaze complicated as he stared at him for a moment. Of course, he knew about Natsuro escorting Ino home every day, so from his perspective, even though they were still young, their relationship was pretty much confirmed.

At this moment, Inoichi couldn't help but sigh internally. There was a bit of bitterness in his heart, feeling like his daughter had been stolen by this brat at such a young age.

"Dad, how come you're home early today?" Ino asked curiously.

"I got off work early today. Originally, I planned to pick you up, but since Natsuro has been escorting you home recently, I thought you might be unhappy if I came to pick you up, so I decided to wait here instead." Inoichi joked, though there was a hint of bitterness in his tone.

"Dad, what are you saying!" Ino's face turned red, and she shook her father's hands playfully, embarrassed.

Seeing Ino's reaction, Inoichi laughed, though it made the bitterness in his heart grow stronger.

After a while, Inoichi turned to Natsuro and said, "I have to thank you, for escorting Ino home. You've been a great help."

"It's nothing, really. I've been worried that Ino might get hurt on her way home with all the incidents of people getting attacked recently," he said, explaining his reasons. He wasn't lying—he had indeed noticed the increasing conflict and unrest around the village.

As for why he chose to escort Ino, he wasn't entirely sure about their future, but given their age, it was possible. And even if nothing came of it, he still felt it was his duty as a friend to ensure she got home safely.

Upon hearing this, Ino's eyes lit up. So that's what it was! No wonder he only focused on getting her home safely.

While he didn't seem inclined to chat along the way, Ino's frustration melted away, replaced by happiness. 

"Yes, the village has indeed been quite chaotic lately," Inoichi agreed. Looking at him, impressed by how considerate the boy was. But if even a child could sense the turmoil in the village, things must be getting really bad. 

"You should head home early too. Stay inside and keep safe tonight." Inoichi advised seriously. 

"Okay." he nodded, pretending to be puzzled but agreeing nonetheless. "I'll pick up my mom and then stay home for the night."

"Good." Inoichi nodded approvingly. He noticed that even in these circumstances, He was thinking about his mother. That spoke volumes about his character, and for the first time, Inoichi found himself growing fond of the boy.

"Well then, Uncle, I'll be going now. See you tomorrow, Ino." he said his goodbyes and started to leave.

"See you tomorrow!" Ino waved at him enthusiastically.

"He's really a good kid." Inoichi remarked as he watched Natsuro walk away.

"Right? I've always thought so too," Mrs. Yamanaka said agreeingly, coming out of the house just in time to hear her husband's comment. She smiled as she spoke.

"So, Ino, you need to work hard. Don't let this one get away." she teased, ruffling Ino's hair.

"I don't know anything about that!" Ino blushed furiously, shaking off her mother's hand before dashing inside the house.

Inoichi and his wife exchanged glances, both smiling knowingly.


As Natsuro walked down the street, he reflected on the unexpected benefit of his concern for Ino's safety: he had gained concrete information.

When he first saw Inoichi waiting for them, he had a hunch, and Inoichi's reminder confirmed it. Though it was likely Inoichi what exactly was about to occurred, his instincts alerted him in the subtle changes of today. With Natsuro's knowledge he could confirm what exactly it was.

Natsuro headed home early. It wasn't time to pick up his mother from work yet, and he wasn't too worried about her safety—after all, she worked at the Akimichi clan's barbecue restaurant, not a place anyone would dare cause trouble.

Still, over the past few days, he had been secretly following his mother home, just in case she encountered any trouble. Fortunately, nothing had happened so far.

But tonight, being the last night, he decided to skip the secret shadowing and pick her up directly.

As for today's training, he'd take a break. There was no need to warn Lee; Might Guy wouldn't let anything happen to him.

"Be careful on your way home, Shinai. The village hasn't been very safe lately. I heard someone in the shop next door got hurt," one of Shinai's coworkers warned as they finished their shifts.

"Thanks, I know. You be careful too," Shinai replied, changing out of her grease-stained work clothes and getting ready to head home. She had planned to pick up some groceries, but after hearing her coworker's warning, she decided the food at home would last a bit longer and abandoned that idea.

"Shinai! Your son's here to pick you up!" Suddenly, heard her coworker's shout, and the words made her eyes widen as she hurried outside.

Sure enough, she saw her son standing there, chatting with her coworkers. When he saw her, his face lit up with that smile she found so charming yet so rarely saw. He walked over and said, "Mom, I'm here to take you home."

"Why did you think to come pick me up today?" Shinai asked, feeling a mix of happiness, confusion, and a bit of worry.

"The village hasn't been safe lately, so I thought I'd come get you," he answered honestly.

Hearing this, Shinai's coworkers all looked at her with envy. They wished they had a child as talented and considerate as hers!

But Shinai sighed and said, "You don't need to worry about me. Don't let my appearance fool you—Mom used to be a Genin, you know. Ordinary people wouldn't dare mess with me. But what about you, Natsuro? Won't you be in danger coming here alone?"

"I'll be fine. After all, I've even beaten Iruka-sensei in a fight," he whispered, not wanting anyone else to overhear.

Her eyes widened. Iruka… wasn't he a Chūnin? Did that mean her son was already strong enough to defeat a Chūnin? She felt a bit dazed by the revelation.

In her daze, she found herself leaving the restaurant where she worked, her coworkers' envious gazes following her. The smile of happiness never left her face.