
Kokujin no Tenkousei: Anti-NTR Man’s Revenge

Betrayed by the ones he cherished most Hiroki Mori, a poor boy who couldn’t take it anymore. First, his girlfriend Nao, who was unfaithful to him. Then, his older sister Kanoko. After that, his own mother Kaede, and finally, his best friend Ayumu. All of them had been having sexual relations with Michael, Hiroki's bully. But Hiroki is tired of all that crap. He decides to live his own way, not caring about what people say or who stands in his way, determined to shine like a black star in the darkest night sky. This is an Edit TL (Plenty Of Lemons). OA: IrkallClv21

Ereh_Kun · Anime e quadrinhos
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10 Chs

Friends with the Yakuza

---- Ren Yamashiro on the Phone ---- 

"What did you find out about that guy?" Ren asked over the phone.

"Let's see, Michael Henderson, originally from Louisiana, USA, came to Japan with his mother and sisters after his parents' divorce," Aikawa told Ren.

"Anything else?" Ren asked.

"The brat inherited his father's stupid ideology, the main reason for the divorce," Aikawa said.

"What ideology?" Ren asked, although she already had an idea of what it was.

"The brat's father believes they are a superior race and that all women are made for their pleasure and who knows what other nonsense," Aikawa said with a disgusted tone.

"What a stupid ideology," Ren said, frowning.

"Also, I looked into the boy you mentioned for the apartment. It seems that the black guy screwed up his life pretty badly," Aikawa said in a serious tone.

"Yes, I'm aware of that. That's why I asked for the apartment. I can't let Hiroki continue living with that shity family," Ren said, still frowning.

"Well, in case you decide to sue 'the whore' who is the boy's mother, I got multiple videos taken by that idiot, and many neighbors were witnesses, so they can testify," Aikawa said, surprising Ren, who smiled with satisfaction.

"Perfect, thanks for the help," Ren said with a dark smile.

"You're welcome, see you," Aikawa said before ending the call.

"Very well, they are so fucked," Ren said, looking out the window.

---- Back With Hiroki ----

During the break, Hiroki as always went to the rooftop where he, Katsumi, and Natsuki hung out like always.

"So, the principal got you an apartment?" Natsuki asked with a small smile.

"Yes, Miss Ren has helped me a lot in the past few days," Hiroki said while exhaling cigarette smoke.

"And when will you take us to see it?" Kasumi asked Hiroki while hugging his arm.

Since the night the three of them had lost their virginity, they had started a secret relationship, a threesome everytime from now and then. And now that he got to live alone it may even get spicier.

"Maybe this weekend, I still have to move my things to the apartment," Hiroki said, to which the two sisters nodded.

"Well, the break will end soon, let's go to class," Natsuki said, getting up, followed by her sister and Hiroki.

---- Later at Mori's Residence ----

Kanoko was returning from school like any other day, but upon entering her house, she noticed her mother crying inconsolably in the dining room.

"Mom, what happened??!!" Kanoko asked worriedly, quickly going to her mother, who only continued crying.

"I'm an idiot," Kaede said, crying.

"Mom, what happened? Why do you say that?" Kanoko asked, even more worried.

"He's gone, I lost him because of my damn weakness and horniness," Kaede said, crying harder.

"Who is gone, mom?" Kanoko asked, looking at her mother.

"Hiroki, your brother is gone!!" Kaede said in an outburst before resuming her crying.

"What? How did my brother leave? I don't understand you, mom," Kanoko asked, now much more distressed.

"The principal found out what we did, she threatened to report me if I didn't give her custody of your brother. I had no choice," Kaede explained through her sobs.

"W-what?" Kanoko said before collapsing and starting to sob too. 'Damn, what did we do? I'm a horrible sister,' she thought as she broke down in tears.

---- Hiroki Mori ----

Hiroki was walking towards his new apartment, feeling truly grateful to Miss Ren.

"I should get her something as a thank you," he said to himself while walking down the street, until he heard the sounds of a fight in a nearby alley.

"Damn idiots, do you need ten people to take me on?" asked a black-haired man who was holding an unconscious guy with a beaten face while cautiously eyeing eight more guys.

'A fight?' Hiroki thought as he approached the alley, seeing the man facing off against the remaining eight men, having already knocked out two.

"Tsk, kill him!" ordered the apparent leader. Instantly, three of the eight drew knives and charged at the lone man.

The man used the unconscious guy he was holding to hit one of the three charging at him, then threw the unconscious man aside and delivered a strong punch with brass knuckles.

The other two didn't stop but were suddenly taken down when one of the men was knocked out by a powerful punch from Hiroki Mori.

<The boy with the Black Stars in his eyes entered Battle>.

"Huh? Who's that fucking kid?" the leader asked, looking at Hiroki who by now activated his powers, causing his muscles to tense and harden.

"Who brings knives to a fistfight?" Hiroki asked in a serious tone while looking at the third guy with a knife, who was then knocked out by the man with the brass knuckles.

Hiroki and the black haired man exchanged glances and then nodded. Without saying a word, they both got ready to fight the remaining five men.

"You take the three on the left?" Hiroki asked as he rolled up his sleeves.

"Alright, you handle those two," the man said, cracking his knuckles.

"Just kill them already!" the leader shouted, and the five attackers charged, only to be met by Hiroki and the older man.

Hiroki kicked the first attacker with such force:

Knocking him out instantly by winding him, leaving him on the ground.

"Come on, idiots!" the man shouted as he charged at the three men. "You first," he said, delivering a powerful punch to the ribs:

"Who's next?" the man asked while finishing off the first guy, throwing him into his companions.

The second man who attacked Hiroki was met with a Judo move:

"Huh?" was all the man could say before Hiroki slammed him into the ground:

"Two down," Hiroki said after knocking out the second man.

The black haired man assumed a combat stance while the two remaining men faced him. The first one attacked, only to receive a flurry of punches:

"Only you left," the man said, throwing the guy to the ground, completely knocked out.

"Tsk, damn it!" the leader shouted as he pulled out a gun and aimed it at the black haired man. Before he could even put his finger on the trigger, Hiroki landed a punch to his stomach;

"Not so fast," Hiroki said, knocking him out with a single blow.

"You're strong, kid," the man said, picking up the gun and putting it away.

"Thanks, you're not bad yourself," Hiroki said as his powers faded, feeling his muscles relax.

"What's your name, kid?" the man asked, looking at Hiroki.

"Hiroki Mor... Kamiki, Hiroki Kamiki, nice to meet you," Hiroki said, changing his last name. After all, he no longer belonged to that family, though it felt like he never really did.

"Oh! So you're the kid Ren was talking about. What a coincidence," the man said, crossing his arms.

"Huh? You know Miss Ren?" Hiroki asked, quite surprised to learn that this man knew the principal.

"Who do you think got your apartment?" the man said, looking at Hiroki with amusement.

"Wait, what?" Hiroki asked, shocked.

"Ren called me to get an apartment," the man said. "Oh, right, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Aikawa Shigoku," said the man identified as Shigoku.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Aikawa," Hiroki said, shaking the man's hand. 'Damn, an Aikawa, I messed with a damn Yakuza,' he thought, sweating nervously.

"Relax, kid, I won't do anything to you. If Ren likes you, you're one of us," Shigoku said with a smirk, seeing Hiroki's cold sweat after identifying him.

"I owe you one, kid. Those idiots are as annoying as cockroaches, but also as weak as fuck," he said, spitting on the unconscious leader.

"I suppose they're from a rival gang," Hiroki said, to which Shigoku nodded.

"You must be on your way to the apartment, right?" Shigoku said, looking at Hiroki, who nodded and took the keys out of his pocket. "Come on, I'll take you," he said, starting to walk out of the alley.

Hiroki just shrugged and followed him to his new apartment. After a few minutes of travel, he arrived at an "apartment":

"What the hell??!! Wasn't it supposed to be a simple apartment!!??" the blonde boy shouted, bewildered at the sight of the large house.

"Stop making such a fuss and get in, kid," Shigoku said, pushing Hiroki, who just sighed and took out the keys to open his new house.

"Well, it's not bad at all," Hiroki said, looking at the interior of the house:

"What can I say, my daughter has good taste in choosing houses and decorating interiors," Shigoku said, chuckling.

"Anyway, see you, kid. Call me if you need anything," he said, giving Hiroki his card before leaving.

"What a strange guy," Hiroki said, then entered his new house and closed the door.

---- New Chapter Tomorrow ----

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