
somethings you should know about Raziel-

so there is this gang called the deadly angels and they protect the people on the streets. the main character is apart of this gang his name is Raziel and now that he is 14 he has to go to an academy called stonewall academy. an academy for the Pure and evil the angelic and demonic creatures . Raziel himself is an angel and he knows all the secrets to the world this includes secrets that people keep. he knows it all their is no way you can hide anything from him. and since Raziel knew everyones secrets he knew their weak spots and he would flirt with pretty much everyone except people he respected/only his friends .even though he tended to be rather cold with most people. his halo and wings only appear/can be see by his true love/selection partner and he has tattoos on his wrists and neck this is a form of the bond between him and Jamie and the stronger the bond gets the darker the tattoos get. he can sometimes get possessive over Jamie sometimes well they are soulmates but still. Raziel likes to tease Jamie like a lot just because he like seeing Jamie blush . Raziel is based off the actual angel Raziel the same thing goes with all the other angels too.

well I hope you like it so forever though it's only an introduction to an character and please if you can give me feed back that would be soooooo helpful and please try to comment nicely it's my first time publishing/posting an story well I hope you a decent day and btw my b-day is coming up on the 12th I'm

soooooo happy I'm turning 14 excited and kinda of not well goodbye and Mochi is out <3

Baby_kittencreators' thoughts