
Knight's Journey in Westeros

This will be basic fanfic. meaning I won't stray too far from canon. Far enough but not too far. How far? Go and find out. Anyway my creative juices are at an all time low and decided to create a new fanfic in my alt email. I will be picking those up soon, but not at the moment. This will be fast pased but not too fast that I end up typing 'they fought like legends and then the MC won' no... uhk gross. The only thing legendary about that is how fast it was. There will be no magic on this one. I'll leave those shenanigans to the red priest and wood witches. This will be an OP MC, slapping bitches left and right. he won't be too good or too evil nor will he be a disgusting pig who wants to fuck every pussy he sees. Swords! Spears! Shields and Mailed Fist! Let your steel do the talking! Heavily inspired by 'A knight's tale'. As painful as reading that fanfic is due to the grammar, I still liked it.

Swordbringer · TV
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 7: The Joust

The next couple of days blurred for Arthas.

After the offer given to him by Rickard Stark he was then struck the very next day by the harsh glare of Jon Arryn. It was a glare of anger mixed with embarrassment.

He clearly didn't like the fact that he was made aware that the Honorable Jon Arryn had allowed his foster son to rape and murder women under his own castle.

'That's the kind of stigma that stays with you to the end. Just like the Martells. What the fuck is that old coot doing anyway.' Arthas thought.

Sadly for the Old falcon, he can't do anything about it. As no one would side with him. Not even Eddard after the young wolf had found out the truth with his own ears. And from the mouth of the one he once called his 'brother' of all people.

Robert's callous answer amounted to, 'They were whores, they served their purpose in the end.'. His answer threw what kinship Eddard may have had with Robert through the wind.

But for Arthas, it was a good thing as he earned himself an apprentice out of the young wolf. Further raising his name.

The only thing that soured Arthas' taste was the secrecy. To save face, Jon wanted the cancellation of the betrothal to be kept secret from everyone else. Though it irked Arthas, he was at least able to have the documents signed then and there, ensuring that there would be no turning back from the breaking. A suggestion that received overwhelming approvals from the Northern Lords acting as witnesses.

Though the Valemen tried to talk the Northmen out of it, it all amounted to nothing. The only thing they did was ruin their reputations infront of those present, as backroom deals, bribes and threats fell nothing short of an insult to Lords Umber, Reed, Dustin and Mormont.

As expected after the signing, Arthas was the recipient of threats from the Knights of the Vale.

Arthas snickered remembering that moment.

Just seconds after the signing, young Elbert Arryn walked towards Arthas with heavy steps and then stepped right into his face and said. "You think you've won huh? You think you've won!? I don't know what kind of poison you spewed into their ears but mark my words foreigner, you will have your reckoning someday. And I will be there to see it!"

The lord watched the confrontation but to their surprise, his reaction was not what they were expecting.

"Pfffftttt...HAHAHAHA! hahahaHahahaha! Ah! Look at you! You looked so cute with all that bold declaration and those fancy words that came out of your mouth. hahahaha. Oh! Your cute chubby cheeks were swaying too. You are so precious. hahahaha. "

After a full second the Northern Lords guffawed all the same. Laughing all together at the Vale Heir no less.

After a whole minute of embarrassment. Arthas wiped the stray tear off his eye and then said. "It is amusing how you thought yourself a man simply because of fancy words and titles young lord. If you want to bring a reckoning, then be strong enough to deliver it. Such is the awful truth of our world."

The Northmen nodded in approval of his words and sadly for the young heir, no grown man could bring themselves to deny his words. Unless of course they want to show themselves as his personal cock sucker.

Arthas then returned to camp and made sure to finish up his work for his squires while he also waited for the continuation of the Tourney.

After his epic duel with Arthur, nobody wanted to follow up on the act. People came here to gain glory, and the only thing they would receive was scrutiny if they had followed just after that bout. As everyone will be comparing the fights from here on in.

And so the tourney was postponed for two whole days. As no one wanted to compete.

For those days, Lyanna was openly closer to Arthas. By now the masses had gotten used to this. But what startled them is the comings addition of another.

Stepping just outside his tent, Arthas now looks at the stunning beauty before him. Lustrious locks of hair as if they were woven gold. Bright green eyes that shone like emeralds and skin as white as alabaster and smooth as silk.

Cersei Lannister is a beauty unlike any other.

Sadly, her beauty was smidged by Arthas' mind as he wandered about what would have been the kind of person she is in the future.

'She looks nothing like the twig in the show. I mean don't get me wrong, she is a beauty, but the one Infront of me looks as if she have a handful of breast already. Did they shrunk due to stress by being queen or did Robert smacked them off or something?'

"Greetings Ser Arthas." She said with a bow

"Greetings Lady Lannister." a subdued answer and Cersei didn't like it.

"And to you as well Lady Stark." she said with a curtsey.

"Greetings to you too Lady Lannister." Lyanna said with a curtsey aswell but despite it her hold upon Arthas' arm tightened.

"My Lady, not to be rude, but may I enquire as to why you are here?" asked Arthas.

"I heard you extend your teachings to those willing to learn." Arthas nodded. "Regardless of one's own gender."

Arthas held a passive face but deep inside he is as surprised as Lyanna. 'The lengths he would go through. I knew I should have kept that sword hidden for longer. No matter.'

"That I do, my Lady. But to just to be certain, did you receive permission from your father?"

"You doubt my word." Cersei stated with an edge upon her voice. But Arthas could not back down.

"I do my Lady." the crowed gasp at the bold statement. "After all, if your word is all it takes to conjure the full might of the Lannister name. Then I would not have respected your father as much as I thought I do."

Cersei blushed at his words. While her escort, Kevan puffed his chest up.

'It is true after all. But that is Tywin as he is now. For the future, I hope he controls himself. Because I will stand against him if I must.'

His thoughts were brought back to the present as Kevan Lannister himself stepped forward and offered a rolled up parchment with a red and gold ribbon. Sealed by wax, printed with the Lannister coat of arms.

After checking that the parchment is sealed and untampered with, he broke it.

Inside was a letter stating a bountyful reward pertaining to a year of tutelage under his personal guidance. It has all the fancy words you'd expect of a Lord's letter. But the general gist is, 'I want my daughter to become the first highborn knightess of the Seven Kingdoms. Keep her safe and if you like her then keep her but be prepared to pay the price.'

'wow he is really desperate huh. He most definitely knew about the broken marriage contract. But is unwilling to pull back, not now that I have in my possession a treasure.'

'well... the pay is good. I might as well. Besides, I'm curious. She wanted to be a man, she wanted to be king. Well, lets see if she has the resolve I think she has.'

"Very well my Lady, I accept the terms of the contract." Arthas then turned to Kevan. "Please have a rest within my lord while I pen a letter for the HighLord Lannister."

"I thank you for your courtesy Ser Arthas." Kevan replied.

Inside the tent a massive chest was placed infront of Arthas. Again Sif was the one to open it. The contents only to nearly blinded them by the amount of gold within.

Not only Lyanna, Eddard, and Sif and the three squires were stunned but they were all equally confused. 'Why is he paying so much for tutelage.' they thought.

After the knights had left and scattered across the camp. Arthas led Cersei to their training field just behind the tent.

"First, I must know how far into your studies have you gone. So that I may make a proper measure of where to take your growth from here on in."

"I have yet to take a sword at hand Ser Arthas."

"It'll be teacher so long as you are in this field. Am I understood Cersei?"

Though surprised she answered still. "Yes teacher."

"Um... as for your excuse earlier. I know you are lying. I know the calloused hands of sword training. And you have exactly that. Though I must admit, I admired your dedication despite the stigma of a sword in a woman's hands."

Cersei flushed red in the face but still carried on to take one of the training swords at the racks. She was surprised at it's weight. About three times heavier than the usual ones she steals from time to time in the training facilities.

Cersei performed various slashes, stabs and cuts for a handful of minutes, slowly the image of her brother's training filled her mind and she then began mimicking them. Her movements got more fluid as seconds passed but then stopped due to the fatigue in her arms.

Arthas let out a small clap at her performance. Even Lyanna and Eddard begrudgingly admitted that the girl has either the skills or the talent for it.

"Not bad, not bad at all. There are corrections to be done but I must admit, they are minor. You should have the basics done soon." said Arthas

"...thank you..." Cersei whispered.

She doesn't know what to say. Feeling lost of all things. She had always tried to show how much she wanted to learn how to wield a sword. But every time she does, they always berated her for her actions.

'A proper Lady does not wield weapons.' they said. And it irked her to no end. To be denied what she felt right simply because she lacked what lies between a man's pants.

But now she is receiving praise for her efforts. For her secrets. For what others condemned and said to be wrong. It felt warm, amazing even.

To be praise for doing something she felt right. Could she possibly be... happy...?

Cersei shook those thoughts away as soon as she heard her name be called. Her attention snapped to Arthas, no, her teacher who now stood before her looking worriedly at her.

As Arthas stared at her, his eyes soon softened as they made contact with hers. He then held her cheek as she wiped away her tears. 'Tears...?'

Arthas did not push on anything and simply ushered her to a nearby table filled with meat, bread, eggs, and drinks. She was sat right next to Lyanna Stark herself.

"A hearty meal is a must, my lady. I assure you, despite being a lady, expect yourself to be trained as swordsman, as that is what you would be trained as."

"Not as knights Arthas?" asked Lyanna.

"Heavens no, my dear. The North has no knights. I fear what your father would do if I raised you as such. I will teach you to be capable swordsmen. What path you take from there, be it as a knight, a mercenary, a warrior, a bandit, or even just as a practitioner. That will be for you to decide." he explained softly. "Now eat, you have a lengthy day ahead of you. And I can assure you, you will be needing all the energy you could get." he said and then he rose and left back to the tent.

Aside from herself and Stark children, Cersei noticed the three squires sitting Infront of her. Each one is strongly built. Even the girl. She is around her age, blonde hair only lighter in color but her eyes are green aswell.

'A Lannister. Could we be related? If so then is Ser Arthas truly a Lannister then?'

Gathering her courage, she asked. "Excuse me. Might I know your names?"

"Gawain." said the one with short blonde hair and light blue eyes. '...is he related to Ser Arthas?'

"Percival." introduced the Black Haired one.

"I am Mordred." said the Lannister looking girl.

....seconds passed as Cersei soon lost her composure and decided to continue her meal. 'They didn't even bother to properly introduce themselves. No curtsies, no nothing. Nothing but their names...I see, they don't trust me.'

After the meal she then joined the others to get changed. She was to be assisted by Lady Sif for the first three times and then she would start doing it on her own. The clothes were as she expected, trousers and tunics with a pair of leather gloves and boots.

The boots were heavy, heavier than she thought and moving her fingers were a challenge as the leather in her palms were rigid and crunchy but that is second only the weight of the plates located at her backhand, her waist, her knees and her toes.

The only discomfort she truly complained about was when she had bands tied around her breast and the form fitting undergarments.

She started complaining about the tightness but After several adjustments to make it more comfortable she was reprimanded by Lady Sif.

"Hush child... This is for your own good. They will get very uncomfortable if they started bouncing around as you moved. And by the time you needed to get some rest you would be experiencing the sting. Making rest unnecessarily challenging. Now you will apply this or so help me...If by any chance your breast got cleaved off because they were flapping around. I will laugh at you."

Lady Sif's words struck her with a bit of embarrassment and fear. If what she said is to happen then she would bury herself in embarrassment.

Arthas stepped out as she did and was taught alongside the others.

A quarter of an hour later.

~~~ Break ~~~

*thud!* '....it hurts....' Cersei laid on her knees panting as sweat flowed down her face.

"Hold ....that is enough for now. The rest of you continue." she heared Arthas said.

She then felt him close by. Looking to her side she could see his armored shins and boots.

"Rest." he whispered.

As soon as he said those words, her arms just gave out. Cersei fell chest first upon the ground, with her face planted against the dirt.

"My Lady-"

"Please Lord Kevan, as I had said earlier you are not allowed to intervene."

"A highborn lady of a Great House now laid face first into the dirt! And you expect me to do nothing!?"

"I expect you to watch, watch as she learns. Watch as she grows. And respect my authority within my camp." Arthas said coldly.


"uncle... I'm alright." she said.

Kevan despite wanting to intervene was forced to stand aside. He knew Arthas was right. But he couldn't sit idly by as he watch his niece go through pain.

He didn't expect this. He thought the boy had some form of specific method to train ladies into combat. But not this.

Not just Cersei and the Stark girl but the fact that everyone, even Lady Sif herself after organizing the camp was trained harsher than even most knights themselves was baffling to see.

'Is this what those squires went through?' Kevan thought as his eyes roamed to Mordred, Gawain and Percival. He remembers the three. He was after all the one sent to look at the squires tourney to gather potentials for the West. And above the rest, the three stood out the most. Already at the same level as the common knights.

But now seeing their training, it started to make some sense to him. But that did not mean he liked seeing his niece go through it. Even so, with reluctance, he stepped back.

Arthas then carefully rolled Cersei on to her back. After that...nothing. He just went back to instructing the others. Lyanna ever more so.

She wouldn't say it out loud but she didn't like how he could easily brush her off. She is fully aware of her beauty and had entralled a great many men regardless of age. And yet the one person whos attention she wanted right now was out of her grasp.

She had watched him from afar since she first laid her eyes on him. He was beautiful. As he was amazing. He fought like those heroes in her mother's old tales. And then he saw her for the first time and she liked it. How he looked at her. His eyes were grazing against her skin sending a gentle tugg at her heart. Not like how a man desired her body and face. No. Far from it. He looked at her in an admiring way. And she knew she wanted him since.

But now, that dream seemed far away from her, as she sees the difference between her and the She-wolf.

Gathering her breath, she then stood up and returned to training. 'I won't lose. Not my choice!'

Hours passed and Cersei was slowly laid down to a newly constructed bed in Arthas tent.

"You should have watched your limits." said Mordred as she assisted Cersei to a nearby chair.

"I didn't care, at the time. I wasn't exactly feeling the pain. I wasn't expecting it to hit me now."

"Now.? Pfftt hahaha. That's just fatigue. The muscle pains comes tonight."

"....what?...." Cersei asked in horror.

"Good night princess." said Mordred with a smug smile on her face.

"Wait! What do you mean muscle pains!? It's night! We should be resting! Why would there be pain!? Wait!" Cersei shouted at Mordred's retreating figure. Who just laughed at her plight.

The next morning came and the squires and Kevan were greeted by Cersei's dishelved form. They all laughed at her out of amusement, which looked like an insult to her. But before her anger could explode, Arthas walked in.

"Alright, that's enough. I seem to recall you all looking exactly the same as her in your first day."

While the girl looked away embarrassed, the boys gave a bow of apology to Cersei.

"Daily routine first, rest, then pair up." he addressed them.

Arthas then walked towards Cersei and started fixing her clothes and hair. And he then sat her down infront of him and started wiping her face with a cloth. Afterwards he started braiding her hair and then rolled it to a bun.

'...so warm..." Cersei thought.

"Alright that should be enough. Go do your daily routine." Arthas said.

Cersei didn't want to stand up but knew she had to. Lyanna soon joined them looking as dishelved as her. But to Cersei's surprise and anger. She went straight for Arthas' lap from which he proceeded to care for the girl as he did her.

But what truly made her anger boil is that fact that their action look routine to her. The smiles, the pleasantries and soft touches. Shared laughter and giggles. She could see the thinning boundaries between the two with each passing moment.

'Father was right. I have my work cut out for me.' Cersei could definitely see the charm of the Northern Princess, her beauty deserves it. And while most men would sneer at the sword in her hand, Cersei could easily tell that it actually made her even more beautiful.

Her thoughts were cut short as Sif rushed to her master.

"My lord forgive my intrusion, but this is urgent." she said as she handed a piece of paper towards him.

"I see...very well then. Prepare my armor."

Sif bowed and left. Cersei then noticed the shift in the air. It was cold and it was only getting colder.

Arthas stepped into his tent followed by Lyanna and an equally curious Cersei.

He immediately shed his clothes and started putting on another set of clothes meant for his armor.

Arthas was clothed by Sif and Gawain with a few helps from Lyanna. Making sure to put on his gauntlets, bracers, and then the armor on his boots. Noticing that Lyanna was clearly learning how to dress the armor upon a person, also Cersei decided to pay attention as well.

Sif carefully handed his Valyrian Steel sword to Lyanna, who carried it to Arthas.

Cersei was surprised to see him wear boiled leather instead of the full plate. But she didn't voice it out as Arthas immediately began walking towards the arena. And with that they left leaving Sif behind to manage the camp.

Arriving at the location for the bouts, they could see several knights and men clamoring outside yelling in outrage at the person manning the gate to the arena.

"...how will we get in?" whispered Gawain.

"By force if need be." answered Percival.

Arthas stepped forward and shouted. "ENOUGH!" His shout washed over many men and those nearby turned to him. With each man looking towards him, more and more followed until he had everybody's attention.

"Stand aside." The threat in his voice was obvious and everyone felt it. Making them step out of his way. And amidst their walk, the whispers reached their ears.

"Shit it's him..."

"No fucking way that's him."

"It is him you idiot...."

"That is a boy, he couldn't have beaten him."

"What the fuck is this idiot talking about?"

"I heard the one who beat Dayne was five heads taller than him..."

"I heard he was shining in golden light. Like the Warrior reborn..."

"I heard he held two Valyrian swords."

"Yeah? Then what? Shoot lasers out of his eyes and lightning out of his butt? That is him you idiots."

"The Unclaimed Bastard eh..."

Arthas grabbed the gate and then pulled one side off of it's hinges. And marched on without a word leaving behind a stunned crowed.

"Oh fuck, so that's why..." and then the man just rushed to the audience seats instead. While a few followed him, most still chose to continue forward.

In the stands only a few Lords and ladies were seated and they are still slowly pouring in. The cheer in the crowed was barely there, as there are but a few audiences.

And Infront of them is the ongoing matches of the joust. A match no one watched enthusiasticly.

Many Lords and Ladies were angry at the fact that the tourney was resumed without warning. Their knights were barely able to make it in time and those that had already missed their matches were dispassionately disqualified.

It was an insult to many lords as the Joust is a display of chivalry in the South. And for their trained men, son's, cousins, nephews and knights be denied the chance. Specially at one that was claimed to be the Greatest Tourney in the Seven Kingdoms.

It is an insult, plain and simple. But there was one factor that made everyone simply shimmer in anger.

The King's Madness had reached high peak. For Arthur Dayne suffered the fate that nobody had ever expected, not a single one. For the first time in the history of the Kingsguard. He was stripped off of his white cloak.

Said man now sat in between Tywin and Rickard, accompanied by his sister.

"For the next bout! Ser Arthas! Against-"

No one paid any attention to the unknown knight. As people looked towards the portcullis as it rose. A brown horse, barely cleaned.

"That horse is clearly from the available stables inside." whispered Arthur. But any other words were lost to him as the boy who bested him honorably sported nothing but leather armor, gauntlets, greeves and a half beaten shield.

He was clearly unprepared as his chest was unguarded as much as his face. He rode from one end of the Arena to another just like his opponent who was clad in full plate. It was hilarious to Arthur seeing the wide eyed surprise in the boys face once he saw him. Though he schooled his features, it was long enough for everyone to see.

Seeing the boy looked at him in question and then in sadness. To those who were watching, they were surprised when the boy gave a small bow showing his sympathy.

Arthur smiled and laughed slightly for those nearby to hear. He shook his head and gave a resolute nod towards him. It was a conversation between men that actually sent a sigh of relief to Rickard.

After being handed their lances. The riders stood at the ready and then...


With a neigh the horses rushed forward. Their lances soon trained at each other. And then *bang!*. Their lances met each others shield. And while Arthas was unmoved, splinters flew off as Arthas' lance shattered upon impact at the knight's shield. Sending him flying off his horse and into the dirt.

The crowd cheered as they stood. Arthas took in the crowds cheers as he raised his broken lance.

While everyone cheered. Arthur on the other hand was paying close attention to someone who had been very much aggressive towards the young boy. He could see it. The clenched jaws and fist. The risen shoulders and the flaring nostrils.

Rhaegar Targaryen hated the boy. But as to why, he just doesn't know.