
Kissed by the Dragon Emperor

Crystal couldn't believe it. The Dragon Emperor, a man of perfect form, handsome looks, and great power, was lying on top of her! And they would share this very delicate and embarrassing position for three days!   Crystal Diante was a woman cursed with terrifying Fate and Destiny. She was fated in sorrow and destined in suffering. She was captured by powerful men who sought to challenge an Ancient Dragon. But the Dragon awakened was much more than a regular dragon. It was the Ancient Dragon Emperor, Adam, the Serpent of the Perfect Morning! He was like a god of the ancient era and revealed not a dragonic form, but that of a man. He was perfect. He was arrogant. He was handsome beyond the furthest dreams that Crystal could dream of. A battle raged as Adam fought Crystal's kidnappers which ended in Adam and Crystal being buried in a mountain. The young woman found herself protected and sheltered by Adam who bore the weight of the mountain. But he, could not leave for he was exhausted. The two shared a tight space. With only little room to move, Adam was forced to lay on top of her to carry the mountain, and Crystal was forced to lie under him. Their lips were always less than an inch apart from each other. When the proud Dragon Emperor spent hours with the girl, he began to use his powers to feed her by transferring energy through the mouth. Each kiss only drew Crystal deeper to the depths of love. For three days, the god and girl talked, kissed, and shared the most joyous moments that they could possible experience. Soon, the Dragon Emperor succumbed to his emotions and betrayed the purpose of his rebirth. He bestowed a Binding Kiss to Crystal. But such heaven could not continue. The gift bestows Crystal with great power, but Adam mysteriously vanishes. Will the magical binding kiss be enough for Crystal to overcome the shadows of treachery that lurk to slay her family? Will she reunite with the perfect stranger and find answers to the mysterious kiss? Will the Pray of the Dragon become the Partner? Dive into a tale of forbidden love, tragedy, betrayal, inherited destinies, and epic battles. Dive into a world of Wizardry and Will. A world of staves of magic and Swords of Power. Journey with Crystal as her life was forever changed when she was... Kissed by the Dragon Emperor.

Rapture_Tales · Fantasia
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83 Chs

Wrath of the Dragon

Brent's words were alarming, and Crystal was surprised at what she heard.


"Boss... Are you sure?"

"No one recognized her. But this one will be my personal plaything until I get tired of her... Don't worry, men. She won't be that broken when I give her to you..." Brent laughed as his eyes turned sinister and approached Crystal.

Crystal froze, but it was not in fear. It was all a play.

Fear was the farthest emotion that she felt. Rage was the first. But this was another discussion she had with Adam on the second day.

They had just finished another session of magical circulation. They needed to rest when Adam began to speak yet once more.

"You're talking again? I'm very exhausted! Can I even remember all this?"

"You will. You haven't noticed how you recalled our conversation word for word?"

"...Hey! You're right?"

"It's part of my charm." Adam smiled.

"It's just like how people can never forget certain moments, like important conversations with others. These memories are retained because of joy, tragedy, pain, or, in my case, through attraction. My charm is making every second... unforgettable." Adam explained.

"Oh... So you really don't want me to forget you." Crystal teased.

"In this case, it's so that you won't forget what to do. Crystal. Fate and Destiny's seeds that remain are still due to act. The tragedies in your life could be explained through misunderstanding, bad timing, or simply meaning the wrong people. You must know that once these seeds appear, you must not hesitate. You have to kill. These seeds that will harm you are Destined to do cruel things to you. So when the time comes, act immediately!"

These words resurfaced from Crystal as she saw Brent approach and reach out with two hands.

Crystal began to tremble as Brent held her tight.

"Why do you look scared? A girl as experienced as you should be able to show me some interesting things!"

"I'm not scared. I'm just mentally preparing."

"Oh? You're preparing for the fun we're about to have?"

Crystal was looking at Brent's body and found a pouch that he carried. She knew that this was the bag that contained various essential items, including Brent's money.

On the table behind him, she found a cloak that most members of the Sword Quest wore. This had their insignia and would be enough for Crystal to cover her face.

"Scared? No. I was... preparing for the fact that the first person I'll ever kill is an Arvus." She answered in a low voice that only Brent could hear.

Her hand lunged at his neck at once as one of the Twin Swords of Many appeared.

Her hand had the rage and wrath of a dragon, fueling her with incredible strength that nearly doubled the power she already possessed.

[Dragon Rage]

This was the ability that Adam said Crystal could manifest against someone she despises greatly. And with the revelation of Brent's perversion and the attempt on her life, she was exceedingly enraged.

The Arvus class is a rank considered to be superhuman that not even sword slashes could cut through their skin. But as Crystal took aim for the neck, one of the most vulnerable parts of the body, the blade pushed through.


Brent was stunned, and he didn't even feel the blade slice through.

The sword vanished instantly, and Crystal pushed him down as she pulled the pouch that Brent carried off his shoulder. She then ran forward.

From the captain's and the mercenaries' views, they only saw Crystal push him down and run. No weapon was in her hand, and the group was confused.

Crystal dashed with haste and grabbed a long cloak on the table.

She took it, wrapped it on her, and jumped through the covering as she leaped with great strength.

The twin swords appeared as she ran through it, and it tore a hole through the tent.

She found herself at the back of the tent right before a cliff.

"Murder! Treachery! Mutiny! Frank and Janker killed Arvus Brent! Help!" Crystal shouted as she ran with great haste.

Many soldiers outside the tent heard her cry, and all rushed towards the tent.

They had seen this maiden enter the tent and were surprised at how she rushed out in fear.

The mercenaries nearby made haste into the tent, unable to believe how their leader, Arvus Brent of Sword Quest, had been slain!

Frank and the rest had run to Brent. They realized something was amiss only when Crystal tore through the tents and approached the dying Brent.

The soldiers guarding the outside rushed in and saw the scene.

"You!" Another captain loyal to Brent roared and drew his sword.

"Wait! We didn't do this! That girl... she did it!" Frank shouted in panic.

But this was a tall tale. A frail beauty who seemed so vulnerable would be unable to kill an Arvus. Even with all her might, the best she could do would be to injure Brent!

"Arrest the traitors!" The captain shouted, and many soldiers rushed inside.

Behind the tent, Crystal wrapped the cloak around her and secretly moved through the back as the fights began inside the tent.

"I can't stay here! The only people I should trust are my parents... Adam said that though they had shown contempt to me, they had not betrayed me, making them neutral people drawn into pain because of my Fate..." Crystal decided as she left.

She found a few empty tents and began taking a few clothing to replace her own and some food. She kept rushing through the side of the cliff. Eventually, she found a safe path towards the center of the town, outside of the house of the mercenaries.

"Good... No one followed me. Now... I have to get out of here." She thought as she turned and found large crowds of people leaving.

"Perfect!" she smiled and cautiously approached the crowds leaving.

With the cape covering her face, she made way and merged with the exodus of villagers.