
Kissed by the Dragon Emperor

Crystal couldn't believe it. The Dragon Emperor, a man of perfect form, handsome looks, and great power, was lying on top of her! And they would share this very delicate and embarrassing position for three days!   Crystal Diante was a woman cursed with terrifying Fate and Destiny. She was fated in sorrow and destined in suffering. She was captured by powerful men who sought to challenge an Ancient Dragon. But the Dragon awakened was much more than a regular dragon. It was the Ancient Dragon Emperor, Adam, the Serpent of the Perfect Morning! He was like a god of the ancient era and revealed not a dragonic form, but that of a man. He was perfect. He was arrogant. He was handsome beyond the furthest dreams that Crystal could dream of. A battle raged as Adam fought Crystal's kidnappers which ended in Adam and Crystal being buried in a mountain. The young woman found herself protected and sheltered by Adam who bore the weight of the mountain. But he, could not leave for he was exhausted. The two shared a tight space. With only little room to move, Adam was forced to lay on top of her to carry the mountain, and Crystal was forced to lie under him. Their lips were always less than an inch apart from each other. When the proud Dragon Emperor spent hours with the girl, he began to use his powers to feed her by transferring energy through the mouth. Each kiss only drew Crystal deeper to the depths of love. For three days, the god and girl talked, kissed, and shared the most joyous moments that they could possible experience. Soon, the Dragon Emperor succumbed to his emotions and betrayed the purpose of his rebirth. He bestowed a Binding Kiss to Crystal. But such heaven could not continue. The gift bestows Crystal with great power, but Adam mysteriously vanishes. Will the magical binding kiss be enough for Crystal to overcome the shadows of treachery that lurk to slay her family? Will she reunite with the perfect stranger and find answers to the mysterious kiss? Will the Pray of the Dragon become the Partner? Dive into a tale of forbidden love, tragedy, betrayal, inherited destinies, and epic battles. Dive into a world of Wizardry and Will. A world of staves of magic and Swords of Power. Journey with Crystal as her life was forever changed when she was... Kissed by the Dragon Emperor.

Rapture_Tales · Fantasia
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83 Chs

To Riverbed

Crystal made her way into the crowds and would glance behind to see if the Sword Quest Mercenaries would look for her.

"Fate and Destiny can't see me. So it won't make the guards and the other soldiers believe that I killed Brent easily. Especially since I won't have the strength to kill an Arvus like that. But I must hurry and get out of this road." Crystal decided.

"What town are you headed to?" One of the people in the crowd asked his companion.

"I'll be going back to my hometown in Green Shores. Since my farm is done, I have nowhere to go, too..." The man sighed.

Crystal heard the conversations and slowly moved towards the pair.

"Excuse me, dear sir... Are there any headed towards the city of Merchant's Rest? I seem to have lost my escorts. Members of the Sword Quest." Crystal asked, making sure that the crest of the Sword Quest on the cloak she wore was visible.

"Oh! They would be at the front, fair lady. Be careful not to lose your friends again!" The man laughed.

Crystal thanked him and made her way towards the front.

"Hmm...?" Crystal caught sight of a familiar face.

"Amisha?" Crystal approached a woman.

Amisha was one of the former maids who served in her house! She was rather pleasant and kind towards Crystal; as far as Crystal could remember, she was like a friend to her. But Fate would not allow this, and she was drawn away from her.

"If Fate took Amisha away from our home, this meant that she was someone who would help me!" Crystal thought.

Crystal approached her, and the woman turned around as she saw Crystal reveal her face to the woman.

"La-Lady Cry-?!"

Crystal moved closer and covered her mouth.

"Amisha. You know that the Sword Quest mercenary group hates me. Keep my identity hidden!" Crystal spoke.

Amisha was startled but nodded.

"Call me Winter for now."

"I understand...Winter…" The woman answered.

"Amisha? Who is that with you?" An old man asked.

"Father… This is Winter. A maid who I served with in the house of Diante."

"Diante? So it seems that Fate is cruel to send you back to that accursed family, too, eh?"

"Father!" Amisha turned red.

"It's true. It's a sad fate… But I, too, don't have a choice." Crystal answered.

"Hmm? Why hide yourself behind the cloak, child?"

"It is my shame. Please do not ask me for my face. I was beautiful… but a former mistress took envy of me and burned my face."

"...I see. I'm sorry to have asked."

"Thank you. May I ask for Amisha's presence as we catch up?"

"Go…" The old man bowed.

Crystal pulled Amisha as they went up to the side of the marching crowd and followed the trail from a distance.

"Lady Crystal…" Amisha was still confused.

"Amisha… Do you know the way to Merchant's Rest? I need to go there. I cannot journey with you since the members of Sword Quest are after me. I also cannot use the main road since I fear they will catch up. Especially since Sword Quests has Captains that are skilled in hunting."

"You could travel through Riverbed. They have small boats that could take you there. This crowd will follow the main road since too many of us are headed to Merchant's Rest. The boats cannot accommodate us, nor do we have the gold."

"How do I get to Riverbed?"

"I don't have a map, dear lady. Maybe I can…"

"Wait…" Crystal stopped her,

Crystal took the pouch she had acquired from Brent and opened it up.

She found several gold coins, several silver, and many copper coins. There was also a compass and a region map inside the pouch.

"Thank goodness…" Crystal sighed.

"Will these Gold coins be enough for the fare?"

"That should… be more than enough. It's about 1 silver or ten copper for the trip." Amisha was amazed at the amount that Crystal had.

Crystal took out the map and glanced at it.

"Riverbed is over here… I can pass through the mountain. Since I have a compass, I should be able to find my way."

"But, my lady! The woods are full of wild beasts!"

"It's better than the Sword Quest mercenary. Besides… I'm stronger now, and I need to get stronger." Crystal answered. She rummaged through the pouch, took one gold coin and one silver, and handed them to Amisha.

"My lady! I dare not…"

"No… Amisha. This is payment for a request. Take this cloak and wear it with you. Also, ask your father if you can march in haste. Outpace the crowd and walk further out. This should buy me some more time. If they arrive, tell them I gave you it in exchange for food. Tell them I went ahead after asking you about the road to Merchant's Rest. Also... hide the gold coin! If they threaten you, tell them I paid you the silver. This way, you'd still have the gold coin."

"I... understand."

"And thank you. I hope to see you again at my house." Crystal smiled.

"My Lady… You've changed."

Crystal smiled.

"Let's hope that it's enough for my troubles. Goodbye, Amisha. I hope to see you soon."

"Goodbye, my lady."

Crystal answered as she began to walk towards the woods.

Crystal took out the map again when she was three stone throws away from Amisha and the crowd.

"According to this map, the journey towards the mountain would take at least two days. If Amisha is being controlled by Fate and Destiny to harm me and, if she betrays me, the Sword Quest Mercenaries should be able to reach Riverbed before I do... Unless..." Crystal glanced at the mountain marked on the map with a danger zone.

"Viridian Raptor Mountain. Home to the Viridian Hunter Raptor..." Crystal read.

"Adam's Dragon soul is master over all Reptilian beasts. He said that I should be able to find mastery and control over Reptilian beasts. At the very least, they won't dare kill me. I must try my luck and tame one of those Hunter Raptors! If I can, I should be able to reach Riverbed by tonight!" Crystal decided.