
Kissed by the Dragon Emperor

Crystal couldn't believe it. The Dragon Emperor, a man of perfect form, handsome looks, and great power, was lying on top of her! And they would share this very delicate and embarrassing position for three days!   Crystal Diante was a woman cursed with terrifying Fate and Destiny. She was fated in sorrow and destined in suffering. She was captured by powerful men who sought to challenge an Ancient Dragon. But the Dragon awakened was much more than a regular dragon. It was the Ancient Dragon Emperor, Adam, the Serpent of the Perfect Morning! He was like a god of the ancient era and revealed not a dragonic form, but that of a man. He was perfect. He was arrogant. He was handsome beyond the furthest dreams that Crystal could dream of. A battle raged as Adam fought Crystal's kidnappers which ended in Adam and Crystal being buried in a mountain. The young woman found herself protected and sheltered by Adam who bore the weight of the mountain. But he, could not leave for he was exhausted. The two shared a tight space. With only little room to move, Adam was forced to lay on top of her to carry the mountain, and Crystal was forced to lie under him. Their lips were always less than an inch apart from each other. When the proud Dragon Emperor spent hours with the girl, he began to use his powers to feed her by transferring energy through the mouth. Each kiss only drew Crystal deeper to the depths of love. For three days, the god and girl talked, kissed, and shared the most joyous moments that they could possible experience. Soon, the Dragon Emperor succumbed to his emotions and betrayed the purpose of his rebirth. He bestowed a Binding Kiss to Crystal. But such heaven could not continue. The gift bestows Crystal with great power, but Adam mysteriously vanishes. Will the magical binding kiss be enough for Crystal to overcome the shadows of treachery that lurk to slay her family? Will she reunite with the perfect stranger and find answers to the mysterious kiss? Will the Pray of the Dragon become the Partner? Dive into a tale of forbidden love, tragedy, betrayal, inherited destinies, and epic battles. Dive into a world of Wizardry and Will. A world of staves of magic and Swords of Power. Journey with Crystal as her life was forever changed when she was... Kissed by the Dragon Emperor.

Rapture_Tales · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
83 Chs


Death was a relief to her.

There were many things that she once experienced that always brought her pain. Her sorrowful soul gave her a lot of regrets. But now, the soul of a dragon, which had its confidence, felt at peace. Finally, she could rest. Her heart had a strange calmness as the rage she had been carrying died. In the face of death, there was very little to be angry about.

As the flames of her rage died out, she felt a longing in her heart and wished it to be true.

She could never escape the true form of her being, and though the ice had not returned, the Sorrow of the Maiden had.

"Would Adam come and save me? Didn't he say... he liked me?" Crystal reflected.

She stretched out her arms but kept her eyes looking at the dragon.

Closing her eyes meant there was fear in her heart. And there was no fear in her.

Seeing that Crystal accepted defeat, the Jurassic Dragon slowly approached. It praised the eyes of Crystal, which didn't look away from the might and the maw.

The sorrow of Crystal wanted to weep in despair that the man she loved was not there and she was left alone again.

"If he won't save me, he never truly loved me." Crystal thought and gazed at the Jurassic Dragon with blank eyes.

Her eyes glowed blue, and at that moment, the Jurassic Dragon stopped!

The dragon was a powerful race of fire. It sensed the frost and stopped.

It stared at her in confusion and curiosity. The magic surrounding Crystal was clearly manifesting. This was ice!

The Jurassic Dragon gazed at them.

"...?" Crystal gazed back.

"Is it... my ice?" Crystal thought.

"Did it sense that I am an Ice Soul Maiden?" Crystal thought, but now she felt like there was hope.

She willed her heart and tried to bring out the ice.

She frowned as she knew what she had to do.

She closed her eyes and imagined the times they kissed.

Crystal was happy in this memory. He was pecking Adam repeatedly as her lips playfully bounced back and forth to Adam, who looked exasperated.

"Can... you... Please... listen?"

"I... am... listening..." Crystal laughed.

It was sometime when the two had already begun to be open towards each other.

"I'm sorry... It's just, you're so...open and comfortable to me."

"Of course. I already said I liked you. But let's have better uses for our time, shall we? I still need to harness energy."

The memories of these short and sweet interactions resurfaced. But as these joyous memories appeared, it all vanished and turned towards the present. Just earlier today, they were together, and now she was attacked by Soblings and is about to be eaten by a Jurrasic Dragon. Her heart grew heavy.


Ice began to appear out of the palm of Crystal.

The Jurassic Dragon was so amazed that it let out a growl.

"Ice Soul Maiden. If you eat me... you'd... er... fall asleep." Crystal spoke and realized how stupid her words were.

"...Just eat me." She was too exhausted to care.

The Jurassic Dragon gave a low growl, and the Red Raptor that Crystal had seen earlier appeared and moved closer towards Crystal.

Crystal's turned to the red Raptor that stood before her.

"...I see. This isn't a Hunter Raptor. This is your... daughter, isn't it?" Crystal saw the strange Raptor.

The Raptor drew closer to Crystal and moved closer to her.

Crystal reached out and touched the Raptor.

"It's... dying?" Crystal could sense a strange conflict as the Raptor approached.

Perhaps it was because of Adam's magic and training or because she had two souls. Still, Crystal was very sensitive to the souls of other creatures.

"Your soul... is in the body of a raptor?" Crystal was even more confused and gazed back at the Jurassic Dragon.

The Jurassic Dragon did something that Crystal could never expect.

It drew close and bowed its head!

The ruler bowed before her!

Crystal was shocked. She knew of the Dragon's Pride and could feel it in her own soul. And such an action would only be done in a few instances. In this case, the Jurassic Dragon asked for something she couldn't do. And tossing away one's pride means that there was something else of greater value!

"You want me... to save your daughter?" Crystal spoke.

The Jurassic Dragon remained bowing at Crystal as Crystal held on to the Raptor.

There was a noticeable heat in's body.

"A Raptor with the soul of the dragon. The soul is making changes and is slowly evolving the dragon. But the soul is too hot and is killing the body! And only a power of great ice could soothe the heat. I understand! You're the opposite of me! I got better because of the fire in my soul! You need a great cold energy to keep your body alive!"

Suddenly, Crystal stumbled down.

She had forgotten the pain in her legs, and it finally gave out.

But the Red Raptor rushed in to catch her by using its head to support Crystal.

The Jurassic Dragon saw Crystal's wounds and realized that she was bleeding all over from the claws of the Sobligns.

It then moved back and commanded the group to follow.

The Hunter Raptors all began to move back, and the red Raptor bent down to let Crystal ride her.

Crystal rode the Raptor, and everyone was moving.

Led by the Jurassic Dragon, they all moved down into the mountain's cave.

"This...! A temple?!" It was similar to the other temple that sealed Adam.

They arrived in a wide hall. But the entire hall had large holes in the ground, and all the platforms and altars had been broken down.

At the center was the petrified body of another Jurassic Dragon!

The broken temple, the signs that were similar to Adam's own temple, and now, a dead Jurassic Dragon all pointed to the work of that secret organization!

"The Five... They were here! And they slew the husband!" Crystal exclaimed.