
Kissed by the Dragon Emperor

Crystal couldn't believe it. The Dragon Emperor, a man of perfect form, handsome looks, and great power, was lying on top of her! And they would share this very delicate and embarrassing position for three days!   Crystal Diante was a woman cursed with terrifying Fate and Destiny. She was fated in sorrow and destined in suffering. She was captured by powerful men who sought to challenge an Ancient Dragon. But the Dragon awakened was much more than a regular dragon. It was the Ancient Dragon Emperor, Adam, the Serpent of the Perfect Morning! He was like a god of the ancient era and revealed not a dragonic form, but that of a man. He was perfect. He was arrogant. He was handsome beyond the furthest dreams that Crystal could dream of. A battle raged as Adam fought Crystal's kidnappers which ended in Adam and Crystal being buried in a mountain. The young woman found herself protected and sheltered by Adam who bore the weight of the mountain. But he, could not leave for he was exhausted. The two shared a tight space. With only little room to move, Adam was forced to lay on top of her to carry the mountain, and Crystal was forced to lie under him. Their lips were always less than an inch apart from each other. When the proud Dragon Emperor spent hours with the girl, he began to use his powers to feed her by transferring energy through the mouth. Each kiss only drew Crystal deeper to the depths of love. For three days, the god and girl talked, kissed, and shared the most joyous moments that they could possible experience. Soon, the Dragon Emperor succumbed to his emotions and betrayed the purpose of his rebirth. He bestowed a Binding Kiss to Crystal. But such heaven could not continue. The gift bestows Crystal with great power, but Adam mysteriously vanishes. Will the magical binding kiss be enough for Crystal to overcome the shadows of treachery that lurk to slay her family? Will she reunite with the perfect stranger and find answers to the mysterious kiss? Will the Pray of the Dragon become the Partner? Dive into a tale of forbidden love, tragedy, betrayal, inherited destinies, and epic battles. Dive into a world of Wizardry and Will. A world of staves of magic and Swords of Power. Journey with Crystal as her life was forever changed when she was... Kissed by the Dragon Emperor.

Rapture_Tales · Fantasia
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83 Chs

Meeting Another

They were called Soblings for their cries, like the sobs and cries of infants.

It was said that Soblings were formed from the cries of an abandoned child. The mountain was a popular place for mothers who did not wish to have a child to leave them for the wild monsters to devour them.

But the spirit of a child who has not tasted a mother's nurture would become a wild and restless spirit. Deprived of the most basic forms of love, they would become Creatures of Depravity.

Crystal couldn't help but feel some sadness for these creatures, knowing that they were once someone's son or daughter but were born into a very selfish world.

Her sword swung and struck the creatures with accuracy. But without a trained arm, her cuts couldn't even cleave through the small Sobling's body.

As she swung and swatted those at the front, nearly a dozen Soblings chased her.

Crystal began to run as fast as she could as she tried to manifest the flames in her soul.

The energy coursed out and created several revolutions within her. The more revolution that increases the velocity and power of the magic, the more refined its form would be.

Unknown to Crystal, she was following an ancient magical method far superior to the ones being practiced by her kingdom!

As the magic within her began to reach a level of power, she heard the sobs behind her grow near. Without hesitating, she turned around and used the final revolution of magic to exit her Immaterial Body and manifest out of her Material body.

"Fireball!" She commanded the flames, and it took the form of a ball.


The explosion caused her to stumble back as the dust kicked up.

No sobs could be heard after the explosion.

With the sword in hand, Crystal quickly tried to stand up.

But she was rather amazed at the power of her spell.

"I only managed four revolutions of magic in that time!" Crystal was amazed. Only then did she realize how incredible her magical training was!

She was panting and felt drained but did her best to stand up.

The Soblings chasing her were all dead. The Mask of Depravity was lifted, and a shadow of their forms was revealed.

Crystal saw the small humanoid children. They were still monstrous, but the traces of their true identity could be seen.

"So the rumors… are true." Crystal sighed as she saw it. At once, her heart grew heavy as to what she did.


Crystal was surprised, and as she gazed beyond the smoke, she could see the movements pushing in the dark. Dozens more of the Soblings were present.


Crystal quickly ran back and tried to gather as much strength as possible.

The sobs and cries echoed around her.

The magic began to make its revolution within her Immaterial Body. Still, her body was already in pain from the last spell, and she was reaching her limits. But knowing that four revolutions were already powerful, Crystal only made three and shot another.


She shot the magic again, and it caused another impressive explosion to the side. She saw numerous Soblings caught in the blast, but a great number was still after her.

Bearing the pain, she continued to run and harnessed the magic again. Her body was scorching from the heat as she had never pushed herself to wield and circulate the magic this many times.



Hearing the wild cries, she shot out again after two revolutions and swung her other arm to the side to strike the Soblings.

But then one of the Sobling leaped and clawed on her feet. She shouted in pain and hurriedly shot magic on the ground right before the Sobling could bite her.



Crystal stumbled down and began swinging her sword but realized she was surrounded by the Soblings.



Many began to pounce at her as she tried to kick and desperately tried to shoot another magic after one revolution.

But even then, the soblings kept leaping on top of her.

She desperately tried to fight them off and received scratches.

Crystal slashed and attacked; her mind wanted to just give up, but her enraged heart could not accept her Fate.

"I can't… die here! Not like this!" Crystal cursed.


Several large figures began to pounce and tackle the Soblings above her.

The soblings all fled in fear as packs of large, reptilian creatures arrived and gnawed the heads of those above Crystal.

Crystal was surprised and found the creatures that she had desired to meet.

"Viridian Hunter Raptors!" Crystal crawled away as many were leaping and making dangerous attacks at them.

Packs of greenish raptors appeared and fought against the Soblings that had once surrounded Crystal.

A battle occurred between the two creatures. The Soblings showed tenacity and terror as they would even leap at the raptors and bite them.

But the Soblings couldn't match the might and number of an organized pack.

Viridian Raptor Mountain was a place no adventurer would dare to carefully venture.

Crystal crawled to the side, away from the fight, but still held on to her two swords. Even though the raptors did not attack her, many were watching her and would roar at times.

A strange red raptor watched above a stone. It transfixed its gaze to Crystal and, suddenly, ran back.

The Soblings retreated, but more than half of them had died and were being devoured by the raptors.

The Hunter Raptors surrounded Crystal and trapped her.

Crystal tried her best to stand up. Her legs were full of deep scratches from the Soblings. But there was something within Crystal that forced her to stand up. It was as if she was among peasants and she was the queen. She would rather die than lower herself before them.

Finally, the Red Hunter Raptor appeared.

But as it drew close, Crystal realized this was not a Raptor!

"You…! You're not a Raptor! You're a dragon-kin!" Crystal's eyes trembled as she could feel it within her soul.


The pool of blood from the fallen Soblings began to form a ripple as a loud stomping sound was heard.

It stood over ten meters high. It was red in color and had thin, scrawny arms that could barely reach its mouth.

The words of Adam were recalled as she identified a most ancient Dragon Kind. To think, that she would meet another dragon so soon!

Crystal trembled as her heart was filled with terror. Her plan was to use her bloodline and soul to intimidate them. But a kingdom with a king would be threatened when another ruler arrives.

"Impossible… A Monster of Antiquity?! A Jurassic Dragon!"