
Kissed by the Dragon Emperor

Crystal couldn't believe it. The Dragon Emperor, a man of perfect form, handsome looks, and great power, was lying on top of her! And they would share this very delicate and embarrassing position for three days!   Crystal Diante was a woman cursed with terrifying Fate and Destiny. She was fated in sorrow and destined in suffering. She was captured by powerful men who sought to challenge an Ancient Dragon. But the Dragon awakened was much more than a regular dragon. It was the Ancient Dragon Emperor, Adam, the Serpent of the Perfect Morning! He was like a god of the ancient era and revealed not a dragonic form, but that of a man. He was perfect. He was arrogant. He was handsome beyond the furthest dreams that Crystal could dream of. A battle raged as Adam fought Crystal's kidnappers which ended in Adam and Crystal being buried in a mountain. The young woman found herself protected and sheltered by Adam who bore the weight of the mountain. But he, could not leave for he was exhausted. The two shared a tight space. With only little room to move, Adam was forced to lay on top of her to carry the mountain, and Crystal was forced to lie under him. Their lips were always less than an inch apart from each other. When the proud Dragon Emperor spent hours with the girl, he began to use his powers to feed her by transferring energy through the mouth. Each kiss only drew Crystal deeper to the depths of love. For three days, the god and girl talked, kissed, and shared the most joyous moments that they could possible experience. Soon, the Dragon Emperor succumbed to his emotions and betrayed the purpose of his rebirth. He bestowed a Binding Kiss to Crystal. But such heaven could not continue. The gift bestows Crystal with great power, but Adam mysteriously vanishes. Will the magical binding kiss be enough for Crystal to overcome the shadows of treachery that lurk to slay her family? Will she reunite with the perfect stranger and find answers to the mysterious kiss? Will the Pray of the Dragon become the Partner? Dive into a tale of forbidden love, tragedy, betrayal, inherited destinies, and epic battles. Dive into a world of Wizardry and Will. A world of staves of magic and Swords of Power. Journey with Crystal as her life was forever changed when she was... Kissed by the Dragon Emperor.

Rapture_Tales · Fantasia
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83 Chs

Crystal’s Vow

The moment the name was uttered, Crystal sensed a strange power. It was a feeling of unease as the workings of the world were frowning upon them.

Crystal stood up and even stopped eating.

"What…?! What was that?"

Mattia saw Crystal's expression.

"What feeling did you sense, little Empress? What sensation has alarmed you?"

"A feeling… of hate. Disapproval."

Mattia suddenly laughed.

"Good! Very good! Fate and Destiny… It hates the name I bestowed upon my daughter. No dragon has ever been named as one of the frost. Yet because of you, her life will change. The feast of the beast has restored your soul and even allowed you to recover your wounds."

Crystal was surprised and saw that her legs were healed! The other claw wounds on her body had also disappeared. And apart from that, she felt a strange cold power within.

"My wounds?!"

"The great power of dragons is to recover. You were so hungry and could even devour two bison because of the weakness of your soul and body. But now, your food has restored you and even a small portion of your soul. And now, you may bind your soul like a shackle onto my daughter."

"How can I do that?"

"You were taught by the Emperor to harness the magic of your soul. That is the foundation. Close your eyes, and I will draw out the dragon soul from you. When my Emperor's soul goes out, follow the soul's pathway and move your soul out."

At once, Mattia's eyes turned red.

An astral form of a larger form of Mattia appeared. As she did that, Crystal felt a spurring emotion, as if a part of her was being challenged.

Her pride moved, and she could feel the fire within her move. It was different than the magic that moved out.

Crystal saw a strange vision as if a red-winged woman of her form was pacing out of a dark door.

She saw herself behind the woman. She felt weak and frail but followed the red-winged woman towards the light.

The moment she walked past the dark corridors and into a light, there was a vast bright world, and a small Jurassic Dragon stood before her.

"Wintress…" Crystal called out as she approached the dragon. She could see the pain and suffering the dragon had to endure due to its powerful and burning soul.

The Jurassic Dragon sensed Crystal and growled in anger as she approached.

Crystal was startled, but then the red-winged woman stood in front of her and caused the Jurassic Dragon to quiver in fear.

The red-winged woman turned to Crystal and nodded.

Crystal was surprised at the woman who looked like her.

But seeing as the Jurassic Dragon was crouched down, Crystal approached and touched Wintress.

The red-winged woman moved and placed her hand over the dragon as well, and the soul of the Dragon accepted.


Crystal felt her soul was being torn, and she felt a great pain.

The soul of Wintress was being bound by a portion of Crystal's soul.

The Red-winged woman also gave an even smaller portion of her soul.

Yet despite the small portion, the frost of the soul remained unmoved from the heat of the dragon!

Crystal saw herself in the dark temple again. Weak and tired.

The raptors had brought another serving of cooked bison.

Crystal saw it leaped at the cooked meat in hunger and began to eat again.

As for Wintress, she also became hungry and leaped at the raw piles of Soblings that were already there.

Mattias observed her daughter.

"As expected of one whose soul is the Sorrowful Maiden! The small portion of frost is transforming her soul!" Mattia cheered.

The two ate and ate until they stopped eating.

Crystal still felt weak, but she could feel a strange sensation. It was as if she could sense Wintress and her every movement.

"Interesting… her soul. It will soon become like yours, Little Empress. Half of her soul will soon be that of ice. This will surely spare her from the creeping death of the flame. She will be the first of a new race. A Frost Dragon has never been seen. And one of fire and ice is impossible to find. But nevertheless… Heed the warning that Emperor Adam gave."

"I know…" Crystal spoke as she had recovered slightly and stood up.

The frost and the flame within Wintress was swirling and changing

"We cultivate only one part of the elements. Fate and Destiny will try to attack us if we show it. That red-winged woman… I saw it. What was that? That wasn't Adam's soul!"

"Of course. Little Empress, the Emperor knew what he was doing. When he gave you his soul, it is not similar to what you did to Wintress. This is why you can't sense him. He had severed it and implanted it on you. And in his power, if the Emperor does not wish for you to find him, you cannot. The soul he gave became yours. But as his soul contains emotions that are vastly different from yours, it will create a different one. But in time, those two souls will become one."

"...I see." Crystal felt her heartache as she realized the hope of finding Adam was lost again.

"What will you do now, dear princess? Staying here would be dangerous."


"The Five. It has been three days since you left with Adam, and it is already the night of the third. The powers and weapons that those five wielded are important. Someone will be sent here again." Mattia warned.

"...You could die."

"I have accepted it. I have been weaker since that battle. And because I had saved my daughter, I am even far weaker now. The meals I eat here can never truly restore my power."

Crystal felt the cold sorrow in her as she looked at Mattia. But a raging fire appeared.

"No." Crystal's eyes grew serious.

"I will not allow the friends I meet to be lost. Fate and Destiny has taken too much from me! I won't let it take anymore and I won't give in to the sorrow!" Crystal declared.

"Mattia. Do everything and live. I will try to create a distraction and lead the Five away." Crystal declared.