
Kiss From Death

Death itself was a God. A dark God believed to be responsible for all misfortunes, seeks vengeance from its counterpart, the famous Goddess herself, Life. A single but forbidden kiss thousands of years ago between both Gods, the price of that kiss was paid by their favorite creation; mankind. Sea monsters, the dark hole, and other abominations crawled out from their sleep to eat and destroy whatever Life and Death created. While Life remained seated on her high throne obsessing over the attention she was getting from her creation, Death walked the earth fighting monsters, answering the prayers never dedicated to him in secret, and growing his powers to destroy Life and restore what was stolen from him. What he didn't expect was to be attached to a human who aroused his interest and had the same face as his nemesis.

Peridot_writes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs


"Get dressed now, I want to take you somewhere fast."

That came out of nowhere. Where could they be going to in this weather and at this late time of the day? It was dark outside and raining snow heavily.

"Didn't you hear what I just said?" Lucy snapped when she kept standing there looking at her like she's just grown four heads. Presently, every minute count because we might not know what will happen, and it will be too late.

"Yes, I heard." Ha-Yun couldn't help stop her fast racing heart. Something seemed so different about the devil she's got to know this past months that she couldn't place a finger on. "But…I would like to know where?"

Lucy smiled as she was running out of patience. "You still fear me, don't you? I thought we've bonded and gotten past that. Don't worry, I am not kidnapping you. I just want to take you out somewhere to talk. It's crucial and it can't be delayed. I'll be waiting outside in my car for you."

Ha-Yun opened her mouth to protest, but she was already gone.

She stepped back inside and closed the door thinking whether she should obey or remain inside and listen to her gut feelings that something is off.

Minutes later, "Where are you going?" In-hae asked her as she saw her putting on her winter shoes and coats.


In-hae gave her a questioning look.

"Don't worry. Here, call this number if I am not back in the next one hour and tell him I went out with his best friend. He'll understand." In-hae collected the piece of paper from her hand and stared at the numbers as Ha-Yun wrapped a bubble gum neck warmer around her neck and put on her head warmer, grabbing her phone and purse along as she stepped out of the door.

Lucy looked up to see the beloved mortal approached her car and the neighbor's dog began to bark at her. Lucy smiled as she placed the knife inside the compartment below the dashboard of the car and held on to the steering wheel in silence.

The dog might have a clue as to what she's about to do tonight.

The door to the passengers seat opened and Lucy watched as the human entered and sat beside her slowly putting on her seatbelts.

She also reached for her seatbelts and put it on. She started the car without explaining or asking if she's ready to go like she usually does over the time they've gone out together to bond…this is not one of those shopping trips or date nights with her to consume a bowl of ice-cream and talk about how cranky Death is occasionally.

Lucy drove down the busy highway as the snow rained harder making driving a bit hard.

"I'm sorry I dragged you out like this and for raising my tone a bit to you. I've just been in a terrible mood today that I needed someone to talk to you." She broke the silence between them.

Lucy glanced to see her adorable face already on her.

"I hope you don't hate me because it was evident on your face that you would rather stay back than go out with me. I was surprised that you still fear me because of who I am."

Ha-Yun gulped as she stared out the window and noticed how the tall buildings were gradually being replaced by tall thick trees, and they were going up a hill through a lonely highway and passing by different motion sensor streetlights. "Where exactly are we going?" She asked trying her best to stay calm.

Lucy gripped on to the steering wheel, swallowing as she stepped on the gas to increase their acceleration. "You'll see."


Ha-Yun stepped out of the car and was quickly mesmerized by the thrilling view of the city of Seoul from up here. She couldn't help but gasp as she felt so on top of the world, grinning from ear to ear at the feeling.

How come she hasn't been here before?

"Wow." She loved the cool winter breeze that greeted her and pointed when she could see the famous N tower from up her. She smiled again as she buried her hands in her coat pocket.

"Be careful not to stay too close to the edge." Lucy warned as she leaned on the front of her car with her arms crossed on her chest keeping a close eye on the amazed human. After being satisfied with the lovely view she walked up to Lucy and copied her position in front of her car. The snow never ceased to fall on them.

"Do you like what you see?"

Ha-Yun nodded happily, regretting ever suspecting the devil when she only brought her to take in this view.

"I come here secretly every day when I need to clear my head and think straight. No one knows about this place except you and me now. It's only beautiful and relaxing to see when at night. It's my favorite place in the entire world."

Ha-Yun parted her lips slightly at the thought of the devil bringing her to a place that meant so much to her.

"The first place the portal brought me too when I tried escaping hell and the demons in it. That was when I fell in love with this city and decided to make it my second home."

She smiled. "I never expected to find a God roaming these streets after monsters. I became so curious about him that I stalked him for years. I remember those times he would pull out his scary sword at me when he mistook me for one of those monsters he was after, and I became too attached to him that I followed him everywhere he went. I heard his story accidentally and I remember having nothing with me and feeling so confused and lost in the realm of mortals.

I had no one to talk too except him. He cared even though he pretended not too and saved me so many times from being trampled upon. I only feel safe around him. Maybe that is why I am finding it so difficult to leave him when I should have."

Ha-Yun was alarmed by the tears in her eyes.

"He was the only one I had back then and the only one I have now. We might just be friends, but I see him as family. A good God that is just misunderstood and deserves so much more than the way he is being treated now. He has done a lot for you humans behind the scenes, yet it pisses me off when I hear the shit you all say about him. None of those shits being true and amazingly ridiculous. I found you mortals ungrateful and pampered brats to have someone fighting in closed doors day and night for your survival only to receive nothing but thoughtless talks."

She sniffed as she tried to put a smile on her face. "He deserves so much more because he has endured a lot."

Ha-Yun stared at her winter shoes in thought.

"That's why… that's why…" Her lips trembled as she brought her hands to her face to wipe the tears from her eyes. "... that's why It's unfair to find out he doesn't have much time left."

Ha-Yun raised her head, not getting what Lucy was trying to say. Her heart picked up its pace at the meaning behind not having much time left. "What do you mean?" She asked as her breath turned into vapor briefly before her eyes. It was starting to get unbearably cold all of a sudden. "Is he… leaving?"

Lucy shook her head at how ignorant she sounded like. They stood facing each other and waited for one of them to break the silence between them.

"Ha-Yun," she called gently as more tears fell from her eyes. "I was instructed by him not to tell you this, but I will be very disobedient."

Ha-Yun nodded quickly, not liking the suspense. What exactly is going on?

"Ha-Yun. He will die because of you."