
Kiss From Death

Death itself was a God. A dark God believed to be responsible for all misfortunes, seeks vengeance from its counterpart, the famous Goddess herself, Life. A single but forbidden kiss thousands of years ago between both Gods, the price of that kiss was paid by their favorite creation; mankind. Sea monsters, the dark hole, and other abominations crawled out from their sleep to eat and destroy whatever Life and Death created. While Life remained seated on her high throne obsessing over the attention she was getting from her creation, Death walked the earth fighting monsters, answering the prayers never dedicated to him in secret, and growing his powers to destroy Life and restore what was stolen from him. What he didn't expect was to be attached to a human who aroused his interest and had the same face as his nemesis.

Peridot_writes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs


Silence seems to go on forever between them. There was a big, ugly crack beneath her feet and it spawned like giant sparks of electricity across the football field. The lights high above their heads began to flicker and Life took careful steps towards Death. Despite knowing what she'd just done to him the expression on his face was not welcoming.

She was even careful to at least put some space between them before stopping and she remembered the last time they met face to face like this when he was hell-bent on saving a mortal that surprisingly looked like her. As if her reflection was drawn out and made human.

And it looks like he has become attached to that insignificant mortal in the past few days. Playing bodyguard and rescuing her anytime she calls for help...a disapproving frown took over her face. No God should be that involved with the flesh. Or has he forgotten that he is one?

"How bold of you to dare go after my creation," Ha-Mi Ra began. "You weren't even that respectful to seek my approval to end his miserable life."

"If you cared enough, you wouldn't have lost your mind and made him a monster." Death fired back at her as his eyes became redder. Life did not have to read his face to know he was dead mad at her...she could feel it even at a distance.

"Harsh, very harsh of you to say." She looked around as if just noticing where she landed herself. Even the lights illuminating the entire football field grabbed her interest, staring at it for a long time before facing Death's burning glares at her. "What then? I have never once gone after what you single-handedly created with thoughts of destruction before. Why are you now going after mine? How would you feel if I should make your precious moon fall...or the ocean should dry up? Would you still wish me prosperity?"

"What you created is a threat to what we made." Death pointed out with venom.

"So? Does it look like I care? Do they even deserve what you're doing for them?" Life paused to shake her head before continuing. "For precious sake, they don't even value you, they don't value us. They are just useless and they will always be."

Death's grip on his sword tightened in response to her words. Growing impatient and drawing to the point of unleashing everything on her and making her pay heavily. If hate had a home, it moved to live in his heart anytime he saw her after what she did to him.

"I regret ever agreeing to make them with you. Because every time I see them..." Life calmed a little to control her emotions. "...they push me. They push me. Every day and night...always pushing me! Bloody hypocrites did we not create together, didn't we?"

Ever since they existed and remained as Gods, Life and Death, and even before they gave each other space, Death has never once failed to notice the unreasonable hate Life has towards their creation. He never understood why or even bothered to ask. At first, he thought she was just being childish but then...it grew to something else. Something scary.

He could never count the times he has stepped in to stop her from putting an end to mankind during one of her worst moods when they were still living together. She just despises them for no reason at all-- end of story.

Death decided not to go down the road of why would you hate or not hate them so much. It was no use as it always leads to a dead end. "I will destroy whatever is a threat to what I value the most. And you can't stop me."

Life scoffed. "You mean, you will destroy whatever is a threat to that human you have grown so attached to all of a sudden?"

Death eased a bit with a blink. Ha- Mi Ra noticed his reaction and a knowing smile spread on her pink lips.

"Wow, what a shame. With all your bluff and act of never wanting to have anything to do with the evil goddess...you ended up falling for a human that looks just like me. Is it that hard to get over me?" She taunted.

Death fell silent while clenching his free hand. This was the reason. The thing he never wanted to hear even by mistake. The reason why he is so scared of getting close and chooses to stay far away.

She would think it's because of her. And he can't help but care.

He doesn't want her to think she was once that special and hard to get over. She was the one holding him back.

Life smirked when he saw the pained expression in his eyes and thought this was the best way to make him hers and hers alone. She was never going to share something so beautiful and handsome with some lowly human who dared to appear like her.

He was hers---end of story.

"I know and I understand that you are trying to save them from one of my rebellious creations who I turned into a monster by mistake as punishment...but I hate to see the look of defeat on your pretty face so I have decided to make this much easier for you. A way that would please us both."

Death gave her a murderous look and wished it brought her down.

"There is this awful tree I once locked the dream killer in which someone dared free him from. Another awful being. Whenever you are ready, I can take you there to lock him up again for good or you could just choose a tree and lock him up yourself as a punishment for troubling your precious children." She said the last part while rolling her eyeballs.

"Lock it up?" Death asked feeling disgusted at her suggestion.

"Yes. Although I wondered how he was able to survive in there for a very long time," She said with wonder.

"And you think I would listen to what you want?"

"It's the best way for both of us to be at peace. Kill him and I won't hesitate to visit your human. And I promise it won't be a friendly visit," Life threatened.

"Don't. You. Dare." Death took a step forward and said lowly in a warning tone that sounded dangerous.

Ha- Mi Ra was a bit taken aback but tried not to show it and challenged him with a step of her own. "I don't fret when it comes to pushing buttons."

Death only stared at her with silent disbelief.

"It's either you lock him up as I said or don't touch him at all. If you want all of us to be happy." She eyed him once last time before leaving him alone to his thoughts.