
Kiss From Death

Death itself was a God. A dark God believed to be responsible for all misfortunes, seeks vengeance from its counterpart, the famous Goddess herself, Life. A single but forbidden kiss thousands of years ago between both Gods, the price of that kiss was paid by their favorite creation; mankind. Sea monsters, the dark hole, and other abominations crawled out from their sleep to eat and destroy whatever Life and Death created. While Life remained seated on her high throne obsessing over the attention she was getting from her creation, Death walked the earth fighting monsters, answering the prayers never dedicated to him in secret, and growing his powers to destroy Life and restore what was stolen from him. What he didn't expect was to be attached to a human who aroused his interest and had the same face as his nemesis.

Peridot_writes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs


His blood moon eyes waited and waited for something to happen.

But nothing was happening except him bleeding excessively from where he stabbed him and his sidekick sobbing her eyes out beside him apologizing forever being so careless with the dagger of rebirth.

Why the bloody hell isn't he dying yet?! He screamed internally in frustration.

"I am so… sorry…" Lucy continued to mumble beside her dying friend as she tried several times to reach out to Damon for help. He is going to bring the cars to where they are right now and drive them off this cursed bridge.

It was her fault, the dagger of rebirth was on earth in the first place. And he warned her to be cautious with it.

How the fuck did I not see this coming? She trembled as she continued to dial Damon the third time hoping for his immediate response before things gets even more… complicated. She was this close to pulling all the hair from her scalp when no one answered, and she tried again with tears streaming down her face. Her heart rate increasing as the heavens grew darker.

"This can't be fucking happening to me right now!!! Why aren't they answering their calls?!" She yelled out when the other demon numbers she could find on her phone were unreachable too.

"I'll tell you why."

Lucy turned to see the abominable presence of Life herself with a massive smirk on her face. Lucy stared until it finally clicked. This was a setup orchestrated by this bitch!

Ha-Mi Ra presented herself before the three of them and the smile felt strained at the current position of her mate. She turned to the Dark Hole and praised, "Well done. I never thought you could do it."

"What are you doing on earth?" Lucy faced the diabolical goddess.

"Why is it strange if I visited earth and not strange if he decides to hide here from me?" Ha-Mi Ra answered with another psychotic grin.

"Because he doesn't go around planning to kill his mate with the bloody dagger of rebirth!" Lucy screamed. She was this close to losing it. Her best friend is moments away from dying, and she can't do anything about it. Her hands balled into tight fists. "Can you ever be saved? Why are you like this? Torturing him!" She cried and stepped closer to the goddess who hasn't stopped smirking. "Don't you even pity him? You are both Gods and mates for crying out loud!! It's crazy when his enemy is his partner. Do you love him?!"

The smile disappeared and her face darkened. Lucy had to step back at how dangerous she looks. Her eyes burned with something that Lucy did not fail to see. Envy.

She locked eyes with her supposed mate who was currently in unimaginable pain. Her heart softened a bit at the expression on his face. The breeze blew her light blue hair wildly behind her. She broke eye contact with him to stare back at the devil.

"I do. I really do. More than anything in heaven and on earth. He is mine. Mine only. Made for me and no one else. But it is irritating if he doesn't act that way. I love him so much and that's why I will do this for him." The goddess turned towards the Dark Hole and brought out another blade.

It all happened in slow motion before their very eyes. The Dark Hole getting stabbed in the chest with a blade that looks so much like the dagger of rebirth.

Or is that the real deal? Lucy's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I'm sorry. But I tend to be murderous when I see a threat towards my person. I hate to see him being tormented because of the likes of you. So, I had to come down myself from the comfort of my home to get rid of you by getting you to fetch the dagger of rebirth for me to use as I please and giving you a fake one without you even realizing it."


(After the Dark hole stole the dagger from the haunted mansion.)

"Why is that demon staring at us?" Ha-Mi Ra voiced out, causing the Dark Hole to look around to see who was staring, but he found no one. They were the only ones outside.

Life brought out a duplicate dagger about the same size and shape as the dagger of rebirth. She spent her time waiting outside for him, drawing the symbol of Life and Death on the blade. She switched the blade he gave her with the fake one she made when he wasn't looking.

He brought his eyes back to the goddess. "Where?" Not having a clue of what she has just done. Ha-Mi Ra smiled and shook her head.

"Nothing. I must be seeing things." She handed over the fake dagger of rebirth back to him. "Let's go!"


"Yes. I had you in mind all along. When I first laid my eyes on your creepy ones, I decided to put you first on the list of undesirables I plan to get rid of for good."

Lucy had her hands to her mouth in utter shock. I don't think she has any idea who this is to them. Her entire body began to tremble in horror.

At that point, the victim realized something that was made apparent to him at the point of destruction.

It was her. Her all along. But why does this deception hurt so more than the first one? Maybe because he realized the first deception at the point of death.

He lowered his head in silence as tears stream down his cheeks and stained the concrete ground beneath his feet. He remembered everything, clearly this time. His traumatic childhood. The pain, anger, depression while trying to survive in that treacherous hole for years. He slowly placed his hands on his mother's cold ones, still holding on to the dagger drilled to his heart.

He burst into tears.

Ha-Mi Ra felt disgusted by his hands on hers and tried to pull away, but he never let go.

"Let go of me, you creepy freak!" She demanded.

He raised his head and stared right at her soul. "Mom."

That word confused her a bit until it dawned on her. Her world was set ablaze by that word and crushed her spirit. He let go of her hands and she ran back in fear and had this crazy expression of terror on her face.

"It…it…it can't be! Stop lying! Do you think that I am a fool? My son, I had him locked up years ago somewhere safe! And he is doing fine! You are not him! How dare you pretend to be him?! You think that would stop you from dying?" She screamed like a mad woman.

A small smile graced his lips at her mention of him being somewhere safe. If being locked up in that safe was her way of keeping him safe, he chuckled, he wondered just how sick and evil she really is.

"Mom, he was safe," He nodded reassuringly towards her with a smile. It was Ha-Mira's turn to have her hands cover her mouth in shock mixed with horror at what she has just done. "He was very safe, okay. Very safe. It was nice and cozy. There was water and food. I had the opportunity to run around and play because there was room. It was never dark. Not once. I had you check up on him every minute, and it was never once lonely in there." He nodded this time as if to assure himself of his delusional talks. "I was safe and happy."

He moved back towards the railings of the bridge and leaned on it as the pain got worse. He placed his hands deep inside his pockets and brought out a crumpled apart from paper. He straightened it out and faced his dad, who has been silent all this time. His eyes were close and his head lowered.

"Dad, see. I have always wanted to show you this, the moment I achieved writing, the number of days it took you to make a star. I used the method you taught me and practiced it day and night. Even when I was trapped and hungry. I never forgot."

Death didn't move a muscle. That displeased his son.

"Dad?" He called, but he refused to answer.

"Dad, please look at me. I am about to die for real this time." Seo-ha pleaded and cried harder when he got no response. "Dad please! It is your face I want to see last before I die. I also wish to plead your forgiveness."

Lucy shook Death to look at his son, but he remained stiff and unyielding.

"Dad…" His voice reflected the brokenness of his heart when he didn't. "Dad." He pleaded for the last time.

Seo-ha gave up and fell off the bridge.

Behind his closed eyes, he was reliving all the good memories he had with his precious son. They were so good that he never wanted to open his eyes. The first creature that looked up at him with hope and begged for his affection. He never remembered withholding anything from him.

He was there when he cried.

He was there when he laughed.

He witnessed all his innocent smile.

He rejoiced when he finally got to walk and stand, than crawling all day.

When he first came into his life, he looked at the baby in his arms and thought of a name.

Death slowly opened his eyes. They looked tired and teary as he pulled himself to his feet when the pain from being stabbed subsided, and he was healed.

Overcame by fear, Ha-Mi Ra took several steps back thinking he would come at her.

But no.

Death climbed onto the railings of the bridge and stared down at the body of water.

He went for his son.

Ha-Mi Ra quickly summoned the portal that would take her home. It came and she stepped in without wasting time. Lucy ran towards the portal and stepped in before it disappears. She was determined not to let her escape this time without a good beating.

Seo-ha. Auspicious and beautiful.

Death searched diligently for his son and swam towards his drowning form. He was successful in grabbing one of his hands and pulling him to himself. He hugged his son tight and kissed his head multiple times.

Seo-ha responded with a smile of appreciation. At least his end wasn't cold and brutal like he anticipated.

Peacefully, he died in his father's arms and nothing remained of him except his silver necklace that floated right before Death's eyes.

He recalled another sweet memory of them.

"Dad, I like what's around your neck. Can I have it?"

Han-Wool touched the silver necklace around his neck. He has always had it round his neck since he could remember. He treasured it.

"Please?" The boy in his arms smiled sweetly at him.

"Would you take good care of it and never let it out of your sight?"

Seo-ha pondered on it. Being a very careless boy who is found of losing things saw having this precious necklace as a big challenge. But he has always admired the jewelry every time on his Father that he wanted it for himself.

He smiled. "I promise not to disappoint you. It would be around my neck even if I die. I would never lose it, so please let me have it. Please." He begged with his puppy dog eyes.

Death smiled and gave it to him.

Fresh tears formed strongly at the corner of his eyes as the necklace floated before him, and he reached out for it before it began to sink to the bottom.

You were never once a disappointment to me.

He swam towards the surface.