
Kiss From Death

Death itself was a God. A dark God believed to be responsible for all misfortunes, seeks vengeance from its counterpart, the famous Goddess herself, Life. A single but forbidden kiss thousands of years ago between both Gods, the price of that kiss was paid by their favorite creation; mankind. Sea monsters, the dark hole, and other abominations crawled out from their sleep to eat and destroy whatever Life and Death created. While Life remained seated on her high throne obsessing over the attention she was getting from her creation, Death walked the earth fighting monsters, answering the prayers never dedicated to him in secret, and growing his powers to destroy Life and restore what was stolen from him. What he didn't expect was to be attached to a human who aroused his interest and had the same face as his nemesis.

Peridot_writes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs


The front door opened, In-hae and Ha-Yun came out from the house and they both marched to the front gate. It was a Friday and Ha-Yun was dressed and ready to go to work.

''Ha-Yun, seriously, let me just sign those papers. I don't want to cause any more trouble,'' In-hae pleaded the moment she closed the gate behind them.

Ha-Yun sighed. ''No, you are not causing any trouble by not signing that fraud he calls a divorce paper. You can't just simply let him accuse you of infidelity and abuse when he should be the one we take to court and let him rot in jail for being a monster.''

In-hae looked down, feeling so unsure about their decision not to sign those papers. She wants a break free from that monster and does not care if he accuses her of murder for heaven's sake! She has suffered enough and her heart can't take it anymore.

''But Ha-Yun...''

''It's going to be alright. I am not letting him get away with this this time.'' Ha-Yun stepped closer and held In-hae's hand in hers. In-hae couldn't look at Ha-Yun because she was scared of crying once again in front of her. ''Some time ago, I failed to pay attention to you and shut you out of my life. In-hae, I knew how terrible Man-hwi was and I watched you tie the knot with that monster without saying anything! I didn't even try to talk you out of it for once. I was a terrible friend and I regret it so much now. But please,'' She held her hand tighter. ''Let me be that good friend I failed to be once by letting you win this time. I promise to make him pay for every single thing he did to you and let him know you can't break that easily because of him. I want to help you this time, okay?''

In-hae was moved by her words. She understood why Ha-Yun shut her out of her life once. She wasn't the only one. Tears flowed down her cheeks and she tried her best not to break down completely.

''It's not your fault.''


''If I want to be honest with you and myself, I knew...I knew deep down what I was getting myself into. He was also violent when we dated but at times I blamed myself for being the reason for his actions...'' She paused, closed her eyes, and took in deep breaths as she realized her mistake. ''I was so stupid and in love with him to blame myself for his anger, yellings, and violence!'' In-hae broke down into a sob. Ha-Yun quickly pulled her into a tight hug and whispered countless times that it was okay, they were going to get through this, and that she was not stupid for choosing to love someone unconditionally. It was the person she directed that love to that was not worth it.

After some time, Ha-Yun was able to calm her friend down, wipe her tears, and say encouraging words to her. When it was time for Ha-Yun to leave for work, In-hae stopped her and pointed to a small portable car across the street.

Ha-Yun was confused.

''It's the car I rented to travel to Lee Man-hwi's house to get my things. I am supposed to return it today but I don't mind using it to drive you to work.''

Ha-Yun couldn't believe it. ''Seriously?''

In-hae sniffed and nodded.


''I can also use this opportunity to see your current workplace and wish you good luck!''

Ha-Yun smiled. ''Alright. Let's go before I am late.''


The small car slowed down to a stop a few feet from Mr. Shin's pizza palace and Ha-Yun could see Sang-tae and Rose bringing out some tables and chairs with a large menu board.

''Wow,'' In-hae drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as her eyes moved around the small pizza restaurant in front of a fish cake stand. ''This is where you work?''

''Yes,'' Ha-Yun replied with a smile.

''God, I am so proud of you, Ha-yun! The place looks nice and decent and I bet it is one hundred and one percent better than that ungrateful insurance company you were working with.''

Ha-Yun's smile grew bigger and they both watched Rose and Sang-tae laugh and tease each other as they were arranging the chairs and tables.

''Are those your work-mate?''

''Yes,'' Ha-Yun answered.

''Cool. They look so happy together. Ha-Yun, I approve of you working here! But just make sure you come home on time and don't get hurt while you do."


In-hae sighed in happiness. She was really happy for her friend to find a nice working environment with co-workers that seemed nice. Her eyes moved to the fish cake stand opposite the pizza restaurant and she smiled again when an idea came to her mind.

''Ha-Yun, why don't you wait till I get you one of those fish cakes? They look appetizing.''

Ha-Yun eyes followed where she was pointing and fell on the fish cake stand nearby and opposite where she works.

''Sure.'' Ha-Yun agreed.

''Okay, I will be right back,'' In-hae said and opened the door. Ha-Yun watched her bounce lightly to the fish cake stand close by.

Ha-Yun thought it was her phone that began to ring the moment In-hae stepped out of the car to get them fish cakes. She quickly reached out for In-hae's phone instead and checked who was calling.

Lee Man-hwi.

Ha-Yun gulped at the caller ID. She glanced over to the front mirror and saw In-hae was still busy purchasing their fish cakes. Ha-Yun's thumb hovered above the screen as she thought of what to do.

She swiped to the green button that read accept when it began to ring loud again, cleared her throat, and placed the phone in her right ear.

''Hey! Does it take you that long to answer a call?!''

Ha-Yun rolled her eyes and shook her head as he yelled into the phone.

''Forgive me. When it comes to calls like this, it can take me a year to decide whether it is worth my time to answer it or not.''

There was a brief pause from Man-hwi's side before he asked again.

''Who is this, please?''

''Now, it's not that hard to be a human sometimes. This is Ha-Yun. The girl that endured your tantrums while in high school. The girl you beg to copy her assignments...The girl of the friend you have decided to ruin.''

Another pause.


''Wow, it's been a long time. How is life without mum and dad?''

Ha-Yun felt like...grabbing his throat and slapping the dirty smirk she was sure would be on his face and stepping on his feet. She hated him so much! He was the biggest jerk to her in school and probably the worst person you could ever have as a seatmate in class!!!

''I am sure it is better than the life you think you are living to the fullest.''

Ha-Yun saw In-hae give the fish cake seller money while collecting a paper bag she was sure would be filled with fish cake and thought of ending the call fast before In-hae returned to the car. The last thing she wants is for In-hae to find out that the psycho called so early in the morning to prove once again that he would forever be a jerk!

''I will be expecting a text that has an address of where we could meet and talk some sense and manners to you. And if you are still sane, you would not try to call her again so early in the morning to advertise how ill-mannered you can be!''

And she declined the call and put it back where she took it from. Just then, In-hae entered the car with two paper bags filled with delicious fish cakes. In-hae handed a paper bag to Ha-Yun and kept the second one for herself.

''Thanks for the fish cake!''

In-hae beamed. ''You are welcome. Make sure you eat it while it is still hot, okay?''

Ha-Yun nodded and began to leave.

''Come home early today, okay? And let me know the moment you board the bus so that I can make something nice for us to eat at home.''

''Alright!'' Ha-Yun waved when the car drove off.

She quickly fished out her phone when it buzzed. She unlocked it to see a message from an unknown number.

It reads;

Meet me at this restaurant before six. I don't forgive people if they come late. Lee Man-hwi.

Ha-Yun recoiled in disgust as she read his name. That name brought back so many unwanted memories when they were all in high school; In-hae, Do-sik, Lee Man-hwi, Ju-ri, and her.

The four of them were all best friends during their early years of high school. But as they grew older, it was only In-hae she grew to like more and didn't change and was still the friend or girl she knew and grew up with. It later became just the two of them when Ju-ri began to bully and threaten her to stay away from Do-sik and Lee Man-hwi began to smuggle cigarettes to class and sell them to the seniors of their school. She later had to give In-hae some space when her father died in that accident and her brother was beaten to the point of death by some bullies.

She didn't even realize when In-hae started liking Lee Man-hwi. And by the time she found out, it was already too late. He was already taking her on ridiculous dates and In-hae couldn't stop dreaming about getting married to him one day. She kept quiet because she also had some issues to take care of in her life. Her mother fell ill and life grew difficult each day. She even took medications for depression during those dark days. Ha-Yun would never forget the time that bastard, Lee Man-hwi lied about her dating some of the teachers in the school to get her good grades. That single lie almost got her expelled!

Ha-Yun took in deep breaths and pocketed her Samsung phone.

''I can do this. For In-hae.'' She whispered as she entered the small pizza restaurant to start taking deliveries.


There was something Death thought was peculiar about their creation. They did not represent them in any way. Even though they tried countless times to at least make one that they could relate to...it turned out, each creation, decided to be themselves and not like the gods.

Death stood at the pinnacle of a building that had a gorgeous view of the setting sun. He remembered how they tried creating a great star that would shine so bright and give no room for darkness. But it was as if the sun thought it was so selfish of it to shine so much and not set to give darkness a chance. It must have also considered itself too. 'What if I eventually burn out? What if my bright light grows dim one day because of overworking and not resting even if it was for a minute? Will the gods even look at me when I call for help or consider replacing me with an even bigger star that would never burn out no matter how long it stays in the sky?'

''I am sure the sun would be irreplaceable...'' Death turned to see Lucy already beside him in her signature red dress, heels, and dark sunglasses that looked so fashionable. ''It was the god's biggest and most valued creation. You both couldn't think past this and would never stop bragging about making the sun with your very own hands. I can bet my horns that you both wouldn't be able to think or make anything bigger, greater, and better than this star. The sun or should I say the entirety of your creations proves to be smarter than you and her. How could you want to create something that would always hang high in the sky, making this world blinding with light with no rest? How do you think the animals and humans on this earth would feel being scorched by the heat of the sun for 24 hours?''

Death stared hard at the face of the devil.

''Was I...saying that out loud?''

Lucy scoffed. ''So loud that I could hear you when I was climbing my way up here.''

Death didn't want to scold her for lying to him. But his glares did a lot. She must have seen him staring at the sun in pity and concern and his face must have given so much about what he was thinking, and being a smart she-devil she must have caught up and used that opportunity to insult them of being insensitive gods during creation.

I shook my head when she smiled at me.

''Whatever. What are you doing here? How did you even find me here?''

''That was easy because I am your bestie!''

Death recoiled internally once more at the word ''bestie''.

''Also, I am here because I sent some of my demons to Russia to look for him. One of them just arrived yesterday to report but they couldn't find him.'' Lucy said while crossing her arms on her chest. Death looked down in disappointment. Lucy stared at her best friend in concern and gave him a light pat on his left shoulder. ''Don't cry.''

Death shot her a death glare.

''Sorry, my mistake. I mean, don't worry we will find him soon.''

Death hoped they would. He has been searching...for a long time now. It pains him to live every day without knowing his whereabouts. And he can't just quit thinking if something bad happened to him when he left. Death balled his hands into a tight fist. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something did.


Ha-Yun knocked on the door that opened to Mr. Shin's small office and entered after hearing a gentle 'come in'. She closed the door behind her and walked through the small space to stand before the wooden table.

''Mr. Shin?''

''Yes, Ha-Yun. Is there a problem?'' The old man asked while putting on his glasses.

''Not really. I just wanted to ask if it would be okay to step out a bit and meet someone. I will be back before closing time.''

''Well...is the meeting that urgent?''

'Anything that involves Lee Man-hwi screams urgency!'

''Yes, sir.''

The owner of the restaurant thought for a long moment before giving Ha-Yun a go-ahead. Ha-Yun quickly boarded the bus to the so-called restaurant he had chosen for their meeting. While on the bus, she thought of what her reaction would be seeing that jerk again after the day they threw an extravagant party on the day of their wedding. She still had chills of the smirk he gave her the moment they glanced at each other. He looked terrible in the suit he wore that day. She wanted to tell him.

Ha-Yun entered the French-themed restaurant and was wowed by the solid interiors of the restaurant and the lighting was blinding. She waited at a table close to a top-to-bottom window that gave an impressive view of the outside world. Ha-Yun grew irritated when it was fifteen minutes past six and the jerk was nowhere in sight. She thought of leaving the restaurant when her phone began to ring with an unknown number as the caller ID.

''Hello?'' She answered.

''Were you able to locate the place?'' Came Lee Man-hwi's voice. ''I am just leaving the office after attending a very important meeting with my business partners and will be there soon. Where are you?''

Ha-Yun angrily declined the call and tossed her phone on the table.

She just couldn't believe this guy.

How on earth did he still have her number after all they've been through?


When he finally arrived, Ha-Yun did not say a word but glared at him. He ordered some foreign french food but she refused to eat anything.

Lee Man-hwi just smiled when she continued to glare at him.

''How do you sleep at night?''


''How do you sleep at night?'' Ha-Yun repeated.

Man-hwi chuckled. ''Like a baby with nothing in the world to worry about.''

''Really? You could sleep like that after falsely accusing your wife...no, In-hae of abuse and infidelity just so you could have enough reasons for a divorce after being a horrible person to her.''

Man-hwi scoffed then laughed.

''How were you able to get away with it? To get the divorce ready and in such a short period? Have you been doing it in secret?''

''No. I told her the day I thought of getting a divorce when I discovered she was busy nursing a lover behind my back.''


''I know, it will be so hard to believe me since you've tagged me as the bad one. But believe me when I say she is not as innocent as she looks. She cheated first.''

''And you responded by cheating too? Then you showed up days after with a divorce saying she abused and manipulated you? You? The devil himself?''

Man-hwi leaned back in his chair a little.

''How then was I supposed to react? Kiss her on the cheek and tell her that I love her for cheating behind my back!''

''If you should lie again about her cheating on you one more time, I wouldn't hesitate to hurl this water on your sorry face.''

Man-hwi looked away and smiled. 'This is ridiculous. Why am I wasting my time talking to her puppet?' Man-hwi shook his head.

''Fine. I'm leaving. What's the point of talking to her sidekick? Please do remind her to sign those papers and let's get over each other, okay?'' He said and began to leave.

''Lee Man-hwi!''

Man-hwi slowed to a stop after hissing in anger. Ha-Yun grabbed her bag and phone on the table and walked up to where he stood, presenting herself before her high school nemesis. Now she understood why Do-sik also changed from being a sweet guy to a complete jerk. He changed the moment he started spending more time with him.

''One week. I'll give you one week to do the right thing. Fine, you want to divorce In-hae. No one is saying you shouldn't. But I don't like the lies you're telling, amend them.''

''What do you mean?'' Man-hwi seethed.

''Tell the truth. And if it is that hard for a devil like you to tell the truth, find anything else to say apart from manipulation, abuse, and infidelity. Also, you agreeing to part with just ten thousand dollars is just too ridiculous. You are not the or should I say that the house, money, cars...down to the ugly suit you are putting on belongs to In-hae. It's her money. So don't claim what is not yours, understand? If you don't, In-hae would be ready to take you to court and sue you for domestic violence and theft. And I am sure the scars on her body would be enough proof to make you rot in jail. So consider that while making the amendment. You have just one week.'' Ha-Yun eyed him one last time before putting on her coat and leaving.

Man-hwi balled his hands into tight fists, holding back the urge to punch her so hard in the face enough to land her in the hospital for weeks!


Ha-Yun waved her hands and a taxi pulled over before her. She opened the door, entered, and told the driver where she was going.

After a while, Ha-Yun sighed and rested her head on the window.

'Why in the world would In-hae cheat? She loved him! Did he take her for a fool by bringing that up?'

Ha-Yun closed her eyes and frowned as she began to have a headache.

''Miss,'' The driver called.

''Yes,'' Ha-Yun answered, sitting straight and not leaning on the window.

''Would you mind if I take a shorter route? I heard there is always heavy traffic where we are heading too.''

Ha-Yun thought about it.

''Don't worry Miss. We would still end up at where you are going to.''

''Okay then.''

The driver made a brief turn left and she sighed once more when she remembered how bold he was lying to her. He has not changed yet from his lies. And she wondered when he would stop being a liar.

Suddenly, the driver slammed on the brakes causing Ha-Yun to jerk forward.

''What the..'' the driver began angrily.

Ha-Yun looked up to see what caused the driver to hit the brakes that hard. Ha-Yun's eyes widened when she saw a man running down a corner and being chased by a familiar figure.

Very familiar.

Ha-Yun didn't wait to breathe before grabbing her bag and jumping out of the taxi.

''Miss!'' The driver called and even honked as Ha-Yun ran after them. Her heart picked up its pace as she did.

He is the one. Oh my god, I can't believe it!

Death lifted himself in the air when he was tired of chasing after this monster, moved, knocked down the monster, and pinned him to the ground. The force was enough to render the monster unconscious at a go.

Seconds later, Lucy appeared jumping and clapping in excitement on her impossible red heels. ''Yeah! Woooh! We did it again! Almighty God Death One. Ugly rebellious monsters on the loose zero. Nice job!'' She clapped again with a big smile on her face. Death only rolled his eyes and shook his head. ''We make a good team, right? I'm sure those monsters fear us now, especially this one. He was running away from us like crazy.''

Death stared down at the unconscious monster beneath him. And he wondered why they loved jumping bodies. Especially the body of humans.

''Uh? Who are you?'' Lucy asked as she stared at the human standing a few feet from them. Ha-Yun chest rose and fell as her eyes moved between Death and the lady dressed in red from head to toe.

Death finally turned around to acknowledge her presence. She held her breath when his beautiful eyes fell on her.

Lucy glanced back and forth at Death and the human staring at each other for what felt like an eternity.

Ha-Yun thought she would die when the stunning God began to approach her in small steps. Her heart seemed to have a mind of its own as it moved when he neared her.

''How...what are you...'' Death's eyes moved left and right.

''I miss you.'' She blurted out without even thinking twice. And Lucy almost fainted in shock.