"What is that One-way rush?" The male with the Kriss on his right hip asked while he still knelt respectably.
With the fairy rise and stood, she moved towards the front of the emperor. Then, she looked at three of them with herself started to explain how the one-way rush works.
"First of all, One-way rush is as it had been stated, charge without any defences into one go without considering everyone's life and any damages that could be happened."
"What?" That man responded into a horrified look as he knew how that strategy works, but he just realized that it was named as a one-way rush.
"Indeed, as Pharaoh had ever mentioned. One-way rush is a suicide mission consisting of the battle tactics that require you to attack headlessly and wipe the enemies in one go. The logic is simple, actually. And I think you guys had understood after knowing what one-way rush is as I told you the requirement of the armies."
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