
Kisah Makhluk Naga


hartpeler · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
108 Chs


The twins of the spies who still faced the blackshirts had run out of their own stamina eventually as the enemies kept coming.

Still, it was their top mission. Protecting empress Mari whatever it takes even it means to uses all of their power and their life.

But, they had their own limitation as well as they weren't a being that could fight long last like valkyries, or smart like elves, or either like the fairies with their almost undefeatable healing capabilities.

They know their limitation, but the older twin had considered the worst case of his own Dragon Mortal's magic.

He noticed her right ear with a round device that he knew it as...

"This is... Yes, with this, I can talk with the crew! Chris, please hold longer for me!"

He said that and he decided to take the device from Mari's dog ear that she was only able to protect them for a time being, and fainted for once again.

At the outside of the unnamed place where the post located at.

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