
Kira's Journey


Wolveir9999 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Arrival of Grim

England 1987.

"Come on! What 'r ya doin?"

An old man appeared from the shadows pulling a young girl. She did not want to leave the house, but if she didn't, they would fail the heist. It was a rainy night. As the two walked through the alley, they could hear the sound of a crash. Excitement could be seen glowing in the man's eyes. The girl just wanted to keep her father safe, while the old man wanted to see what they could steal.

A broken Ford Escort laid there at an angle of 90 degrees. The glass that made the window was shattered to pieces, with the fragments piercing through the skin of those that were in the car. The sound of a crying baby could be heard.

From what he could see, he just won the jackpot. He opened the door and tried his best to pull out the ring that the man inside wore without waking him up. "The mother is dead, but the baby is still alive," the woman started to speak, "I think we should take him to our place, father."

"There is no need for that!"

The old man gave a cold, direct response.

"A-are you here to s-save me?"

They could hear the faint voice of a man. That man was none other than the father. While stealing his jewellery, the old man accidentally woke him up. "He thinks I'm here to save him," the old man thought, "I guess I'll go with the flow."

"How is my wife doing? A-and my son? Is he okay?"

"The mother is dead, but the son is alive."

"I see."

The young man opened his eyes to see the face of his savior. Blue eyes, blonde hair, and a scar over his right eye, he shall forever remember those features.

"May I know your name?"

"I-it is Joseph Zavir."

The old man revealed his identity.

"Sir Zavir, the Anakira family shall forever remember you. The debt I owe you for saving my life shall be fulfilled."

The old man stopped and began to think. The Anakira family, they were one of the richest ones around. He could not let this man and child die here, they would make him rich someday. He took the two to the nearest hospital for treatment, and promised to return someday.

14 years have passed since the day Joseph met a member of the Anakira family. The once active thief now laid in his bed alone, drinking alcohol and coughing blood. He was sick. He would soon die. He called his grandson, who entered his room, giving his grandfather a cold stare. "What is it, grandfather?"

"Get some more alcohol! Why else do you think I would call you?"

The boy left the room, and a few minutes later, returned with a bottle of alcohol . The dark room was quite a mess. There was blood and alcohol all over the place.

"Come here, ya idiot."

The boy approached his grandfather, who handed the young boy a letter.

"After I die, go to the Anakira family's mansion. They owe me quite the debt. Show them the letter, and become rich."

A few days later, the old man died of an unknown disease. The young man who was his grandson spit on his grave, and said— "You want me to become rich? Don't worry. I will be rich."

He turned his back on his grave, and took a ride to the Anakira mansion.

The young man arrived at the mansion on a Sunday morning. He got out of the taxi, and walked through the main gate. Julius greeted him as soon as he entered the mansion, and took him to his father, Kawa Anakira.

"Sir Anakira, I am Grim Zuvir," the young man introduced himself, "son of Xavier Zuvir. According to my grandfather, the Anakira family owes him a debt. Alas, he died recently, and asked me to visit your family. I come here in search of shelter and fulfillment of the debt you owe to my grandfather."

"Indeed we owe your grandfather a debt. You shall be treated the same way as my son by not just me but the staff of the mansion as well."

Hearing his answer, the head butler nodded his head.

Julius was, of course, confused. He knew not what was going on. He was not there when his father met Joseph Zuvir. Okay, that was a lie. He was there, but he was too small to understand anything. All he was back then was a crying baby.

Even if he knew not what was going on, he decided to trust his father's decision, and called Grim his brother for the first time.